Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Greeting the sun @soyunasantacruz yoga technique (video)
Hello, a very special greeting to the friends of this healthy community and to all those who like to feel good and look good.
Today I debut with something new and that I never would have imagined doing, which is a video where I show one of the most practiced Yoga techniques in the world "The Sun Salutation".
I must confess that I am not a teacher or practitioner of yoga just an amateur who set a goal this year to take their first steps in this discipline, so the information I want to share today is the result of previous research and the video that I will show is an example of the poses of an amateur, that is ME, therefore, it is very likely to have errors in the execution of the same, but I did not want to miss the excitement of sharing my first steps.

What is the sun salutation?

It is a dance or ritual to open to the source of well-being and life and consists of 12 movements or yoga postures that make up a perfect formula to awaken the body and fill it with vitality. These movements must be synchronized with the breath, the 12 postures all must be connected by inhalations and exhalations, can be performed at any time of the day, but it is advisable at dawn and on an empty stomach.

Cycles of movements


1. Pranamasana or Prayer or prayer posture

To begin, we will stand upright, with the spine straight and straight and legs stretched. Breathe deeply and bring the palms of your hands together at chest level and press lightly. Fill your lungs well by stretching your arms and arching your back moderately backward. Release all the air stretching the body down trying not to bend the legs. We will concentrate on our breathing and perform a cycle 5-10-10-10 breathing in, holding and expelling the air (5 seconds breathing in, 10 seconds holding, and 10 seconds voting), if you do not want to count is fine, sometimes it is that tends to confuse. Once we perform the last breath or inhalation, when we expel all the air from our lungs we will move on to the next posture.

2. Hasta Uttanasana or Backward Bend Pose with arms raised

We will breathe deeply and relaxed while we will raise our arms completely keeping our hands together, stretching as much as we can and we will arch our back backward, bringing our arms also, and we will push our hips forward.

3. Padahastasana or Hands and Feet Pose

In the third posture, we will not lean forward gently expelling the air with the hips backward and with the back straight we will bend trying to touch the floor with the palms of our hands and our head with our knees.

4. "Ashwa Sanchalanasana" or Extended Step Pose

This is the posture that I find most difficult, the type of movement and inhales at the same time seems easy but it is not, however, do not be discouraged nothing is impossible to master with practice and dedication. Here we will stretch the right leg backward, as far as we can in turn bend the right knee. With the right leg stretched we will rest the toes on the floor and we will throwback the heel, once we have completely stretched the leg, we will raise the back and the head and we will look ahead.

5. Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose

In the fifth posture of the sun salutation, we keep the palms of the hands touching the floor, we will move the left leg backward keeping both legs straight we will lift the hips as much as possible keeping the palms of the hands and feet supported at all times.

6. Ashtanga Namaskara or Sun Salutation with Eight Limbs

Before performing the sixth posture of the sun salutation, we will exhale all the air that is left in our lungs. This asana we are going to perform completely without breathing in or out the air, it owes its name to the fact that the body must be supported on or members such as feet, knees, hands, chest, head, (between the head, this chin, forehead) this has a variant among the various schools of yoga, as far as I could read.

7. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

In this position we will stretch the legs so that they are straight and the instep of the foot in contact with the floor, we will raise the chest with the help of our arms and hands giving the image of a cobra with the legs and the palms of the hands touching the floor at all times, we will throwback the head.

8. We repeat the pose Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose

From the cobra posture, we will resume the downward facing dog posture. We will do this while gently expelling the air from our lungs and concentrating on the movements of our bodies.

9. We repeat the asana "Ashwa Sanchalanasana" or Extended Step Pose

For this, if the first time we did it we extended our right leg backward, this time we will advance with the left leg. As we move forward we will breathe in slowly, concentrating on the movement of our body and breathing.

10. We repeat the posture "Padahastasana" or Hands and Feet Posture

We will perform again what has been our third posture of the Sun Salutation.

11. We repeat the asana "Hasta Uttanasana" or Posture of the Raised Arms

We return to the second posture of the Sun Salutation, the posture of the raised arms, bending backward. Before adopting this posture we will expel all the air from our body slowly and concentrating on our body and breath then we breathe slowly, with our hands together, we raise our arms as much as we can with our head between them and stretch them completely, once we reach the top we will arch our back slightly backward and gently push our waist forward.

12. We repeat the Pranamasana pose or Prayer Pose

As the last step of the sun salutation yoga exercise, we will return to the prayer posture.
In the video @soyunasantacruz

Final words

This exercise can be repeated in cycles of up to 108 times, I only complete between 3 and 5 times because I get dizzy in the process, and that is due to the breathing technique or something I am not doing well hehehehe. The number of times is up to you, the video was made with a bit of haste because I was waiting for the rain to pass in a place that is not my home if you listen carefully you will hear the rain, I remain in the first attempt if you want to give me your opinion I wait for you with pleasure in the comments and I thank you for your time and visit to my blog.

Originally posted here:

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