Thursday, May 6, 2021

Covid1884 ‘Vaccine’ Injuries: Emerging Patterns of Harm, Fake Safety Concern & Suppression of Known Risks

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Unethical vaccination of pregnant women leading to increased reports of injuries and death to unborn babies and breastfed infants, as mounting evidence indicates injections are disrupting female reproductive cycles

On January 28 2021, the medical doctor pictured above, Sara Beltran Ponce, took part in the initial propaganda campaign to convince the public to blindly accept the new and unapproved experimental mRNA injections, one of the many initial 'vaccine' recipients to pose for the cameras in a long string of photo ops aimed at encouraging 'vaccine' uptake. Accompanying the uploaded photo on her social media feed (Twitter) was the statement that she "got the #CovidVaccine to protect [herself], [her] baby, [her] family, [her] patients, and [her] community!" Urging the public to join her as fellow guinea pigs in the global human experiment, she added: "When it's available to you, I encourage you to do the same!" The propagandized nature of the incident, whether she was consciously aware of it or not, is evident by the fact that she said she was acting and encouraging her colleagues to act as, "examples of social distancing, masking and vaccination," examples of blind obedience to the emerging global technocracy and its 'new normal'. Just three days later she suffered a miscarriage and lost her baby.

Of course the timing is purely coincidental, we are assured, because, despite no available safety data due to total lack of testing on pregnant or lactating mothers who were rightly excluded from all initial trials, these shots are absolutely not causing miscarriages or other reproductive harm to pregnant women, or any other injuries whatsoever, because they are totally safe and effective. And if such 'coincidences' weren't so widespread and being increasingly reported around the world as more and more people get the shots, such assurances might almost be believable. But as it is, there is growing evidence suggesting these injections are causing injury to both pregnant mothers and their babies, and also disrupting the female reproduction cycle.

To date in the US alone, there have been 593 pregnant women report adverse events to the CDC's VAERS database through April 23, 170 miscarriages and premature births following injection, and 88 reported birth defects. At the same time the VAERS data almost certainly does not capture all such miscarriages and injuries to the already vaccinated pregnant women and their babies, as miscarriages are not all that uncommon and many people such as the doctor mentioned above, despite being "devastated" by their loss, are either fully convinced that the 'vaccine' is totally and absolutely safe and thus do not see the clear possible link between the two events and so never think to report them, or they fear that reporting any possible adverse event at all will contribute to 'vaccine hesitancy', which they view as being a far greater threat to 'public health and safety' then any potential 'vaccine' injuries. Furthermore, a Harvard/DHHS study previously determined that less than 1% of adverse vaccine reactions are reported to the VAERS database, so we can be fairly certain that the number of reported injuries of all types including miscarriages and birth defects only represent a fraction of actual likely adverse effects occurring in the recently vaccinated, although the exact rate of under-reporting is obviously impossible to know.

The type of mindsets described above and prevalent among, a major cause of under-reporting of adverse effects, is due to an incessant and highly deceptive, fear-inducing year-long establishment media propaganda and censorship campaign that is actively suppressing the facts and reality of all aspects of the so-called pandemic and vaccination campaign, including the fact that the mRNA shots are not even actually vaccines according to the medical or legal definitions, but are rather gene therapy treatments, and that the injections are not yet FDA approved but rather only authorized for emergency used base on several false and misleading premises.

Usually vaccines are not given to pregnant women or children until they have first been approved for use in the general population. In the case of these experimental injections, although there is no recommendation that pregnant women receive the shots, there is also no recommendation against it in the US, despite testing in the general population still ongoing and no available data on safety in pregnant women or lactating mothers who were entirely excluded from initial trials. Due to adverse effects in pregnant women and their babies, many previously approved vaccines are never recommended for use in pregnant women, and yet this one has not even been approved for the general public or even tested on pregnant women, and is still being given to them without hesitation. The refusal to follow such standard protocols and the general encouragement of pregnant women to get their shots despite even the premature testing on pregnant women being incomplete is both extremely concerning and alarming. In Israel, officially deemed to be the "world's guinea pig" and "testing laboratory" for Pfizer's experimental injection, the 'vaccine' was prematurely pushed on the entire population of pregnant women without even the introduction of informed consent forms, despite the warnings of then- chairman of the Israel Medical Association’s ethical board and prominent member of the Israeli Ministry of Health’s Vaccine Prioritization Committee in charge of the vaccination campaign there. Professor Eran Dolev resigned from his position when the committee first refused to heed his advice against vaccinating pregnant Israeli women and then rejected to even offer informed consent forms to the pregnant women who would be receiving the Pfizer shot.

“Such a vaccine has not been tested by any company and has not been approved by the FDA,” Dolev stated in reference to the COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, Dolev is correct that the vaccines have only been authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration under “Emergency Use Authorization”, not the full approval process drugs must typically pass through before approval for public use.

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In Israel, vaccination has been made de-facto mandatory, as return to 'normal' life and use of basic societal services is being denied to all who refuse vaccination via its technocratic "green pass" vaccine passport system, making the decision of the Zionist leadership to vaccinate pregnant women all that much more disturbing, especially considering the rest of the world is already set to follow in Israel's footsteps in this regard. The long, slow march to mandatory vaccination continues, and all normal health protocols are thrown out the window along the way. The Irish government has also just prioritized vaccination of pregnant women despite the current lack of available safety data and a growing number of reports of adverse effects in the babies of the vaccinated pregnant mothers.

So while the media and government officials directly responsible for virulently pushing this experimental injection on the entire population continue to insist that there are no inherent safety concerns whatsoever while ignoring all of the standard safety protocols typically used to establish safety, more and more people who believed the Big Pharma propaganda and jumped in line for their shots are now sadly reporting adverse events that have changed their lives or the lives of a loved one forever.

There is now also at least 1 report of breastfeeding mother losing her baby immediately following injection, indicating that such vaccine harm can be caused to the babies not only while they are still in their mother's womb, but also through the breastmilk of vaccinated mothers. Example from the most recent VAERS data published on April 30 is a report that describes the onset of illness leading to death of a healthy breastfed baby the very next day following mother's vaccination with second dose of the Pfizer mRNA injection. The report write up reads:

Patient received second dose of Pfizer vaccine on March 17, 2020 while at work. March 18, 2020 her 5 month old breastfed infant developed a rash and within 24 hours was inconsolable, refusing to eat, and developed a fever. Patient brought baby to local ER where assessments were performed, blood analysis revealed elevated liver enzymes. Infant was hospitalized but continued to decline and passed away. Diagnosis of TTP. No known allergies. No new exposures aside from the mother''s vaccination the previous day.

Three days after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer injection, this mother's young and perfectly healthy baby was dead. The death of this unfortunate infant follows a similar pattern seen among death in the directly vaccinated, with 41% of these reported deaths occurring in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

There have also been a growing number of reports around the world of disruptions to female reproductive cycle following vaccination, with women having reported "hemorrhagic bleeding with clots, delayed or absent periods, sudden pre-menopausal symptoms, month-long periods and heavy irregular bleeding after being vaccinated with one or both doses of a COVID vaccine," the Defender notes.

These reports have become widespread enough that researchers are now calling for clinical trials to track and document menstrual changes in vaccinated women. Countless reports of various reproductive cycle irregularities following vaccination can be seen across social media platforms.

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For more discussion and coverage of this seemingly rather odd vaccine reaction that seems to be effecting a large swath of the female population, see recent video on the subject by Ed @theouterlight:

There does not seem to be any clear pattern to these disruptions to the female reproductive system apparently caused by the mRNA 'vaccine', the only clear pattern being disruption of some kind widely reported among female 'vaccine' recipients. Most concerning about such a pattern of effects in the female reproductive system alongside reports of miscarriages and other adverse reactions in pregnant women is that many of the key players driving this global vaccination campaign have close ties to eugenics and the depopulation agenda, which is an obvious conflict of interest and leaves open the possibility that the 'vaccine' developers could be using these mRNA injections towards that end.

The most prominent figure driving the global vaccination agenda is Bill Gates, the major figurehead of the rising technocracy of which the vaccination agenda is key, long-time eugenicist and proponent of population reduction by, among other things, the use of vaccines. Considering his vaccination campaigns in Africa and India have verifiable killed and injured hundreds of thousands of impoverished children, with other vaccination campaigns also previously used to sterilize countless women in the developing world, it is less than comforting to know that the same elitist insisting that every man, woman and child on the face of the earth should receive an unapproved experimental injection has openly stated that a top priority in his life is to help reduce the number of living humans. Gates has funded a number of eugenics projects, the Gates family has a history in the eugenics movement with his father at one time even head of the racist Planned Parenthood, and more details in the links below.

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The following documentary I put together last fall sheds much light on Bill Gates, his checkered past, his ties to the eugenics movement and goal to depopulate the planet, documented harm of previous Gates-sponsored vaccination campaigns in Africa and India, his numerous conflicts of interest and monopoly on the global health industry driving the technocratic agenda featuring his stated goal of global vaccination being ushered in under the guise of battling a pandemic and more:

Meanwhile, the developers of the AstraZeneca vaccine "have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust," so the eugenics movement has its hands all up in the 'Covid19' vaccination campaign in more ways than one.

Since the mRNA injections work by programming the human body to alter its genetic code, it is quite possible for programmers of this technology with a sinister agenda to use them as a tool of the eugenics and depopulation agenda, in any number of different ways.

For example:

  • mRNA vaccines could be maliciously exploited to weaponize vaccines to target critical physiological functions in humans. This is similar in effect to “RNA interference” technology which is a gene suppressing innovation that has been studied for use as an insect-killing pesticide technology in crops. Although the mechanisms of mRNA vaccines and RNA interference technology are very different, they can achieve many of the same outcomes such as induced infertility or death in targeted organisms, which could include humans. Technically, this could also be exploited to target specific genetic subgroups of humans such as those of African descent.

One big concern is that these mRNA injections could potentially cause infertility in women, a possibility that has been warned about by Dr. Michael Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg in a paper sent to the European Medicines Agency calling for the immediate stop of the vaccination campaign until further research has been completed that rules out this possibility and other potential harms that the limited clinical safety trials did not look for. Dr. Yeadon is the former vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory at Pfizer and was in the pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years while Dr. Wodarg is a German physician and epidemiologist and former chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee, so both are experts in their field. This concern of potential infertility arising in vaccinated women is due to the way the mRNA technology works by programming the body to produce antibodies against spike proteins that also contain specific proteins essential for the formation of placenta in mammals, with more research needed to rule out the possibility that the 'vaccine' will cause the body to attack these vital proteins in the process of developing 'immunity' against the so-called novel coronavirus, if indeed it even does that.

As Health and Money News summarizes:

The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.

Since medical studies have also found that synctin-1 is present in male sperm, the possibility also exists that these experimental injections could potentially cause infertility in men as well, and the duration of initial clinical trials were too short to discover such an effect as infertility. And now that majority of participants of the initial trials in the control group have opted to receive the injections, it will be near impossible to determine the existence or absence of any such long-term effects with any amount of certainty, as having a sizeable control group to compare with the test subjects is the only way to positively identify such effects as being truly causal rather than simply correlative, at least by the FDA standards used to determine safety and risk profile.

One of the five major risks inherent with mRNA technology is immune response interference that could lead to both hormonal disorders and infertility, quite relevant considering the large number of female reproductive system disruptions being reported and the past history of vaccines being secretly used to sterilize women in the developing world. From News Wars:

Immune response interference due to the presence of unintended RNA fragments being translated into unintended proteins, leading to a vast array of negative possible outcomes including molecular deficiencies that can result in various diseases and syndromes including hormonal / endocrine disorders, infertility, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders and many more.

As recently as 2014, South African lab testing performed on behalf of the Kenyan Catholic Church revealed that the Gates-sponsored World Health Organization had been using its tetanus vaccine campaign in the country to secretly sterilize millions of female recipients, finding that samples of the injections from all over the country were laced with the infertility-inducing HGC.

From the African Globe:

“We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen,” Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told reporters. “They were all laced with HCG.”

Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, stated in a bulletin released November 4, “This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization but was ignored.”

The UN had previously announced its intention to reduce the Kenyan population, and the same compound had previously been used in vaccines to sterilize populations in South America in the 1990s, and an attempted sterilization by vaccination campaign in Kenya at that time had been stopped by the government. NGC doesn't take effect for about three years, and at this stage sterilizes women by inducing miscarriages and can continue to cause unwanted abortions in women who get pregnant for years thereafter. As mRNA 'vaccine' technology has not until now been used on humans, it is unknown how quickly it could begin to cause infertility or induce miscarriages, but based upon the VAERS reports, it appears that such miscarriages, whether an unfortunate adverse effect or intended consequence by design, are much more immediate than those caused by NGC.

Sterilization and infertility is only one of many possible risks and concerns being raised by Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Wodarg and many other medical doctors and specialists in their fields who are being ignored, censored and smeared by the establishment media despite their expansive knowledge and qualification as experts. “I think this vaccination is really the pinnacle of the crime,” Dr. Wodarg has said, the crime being the perpetuation of a manufactured pandemic long after the initial 'pandemic', whatever it was, had dissipated by May 2020. Dr. Yeadon was recently interviewed by Life Site News, in early April, where you can also read the testimony of this dissenting expert and his warning about this experimental 'vaccine'. Regarding the fact that high-profile eugenicists are behind the ongoing push to vaccinate the entire world with an experimental injection in the name of fighting a 'virus' that has a relatively high 99.74-99.85% survival rate - 0.26% (US, according to CDC data) - 0.15% (global average) infection fatality rate - Dr. Yeadon said:

The eugenicists have got hold of the levers of power and this is a really artful way of getting you to line-up and receive some unspecified thing that will damage you. I have no idea what it will actually be, but it won’t be a vaccine because you don’t need one. And it won’t kill you on the end of the needle because you would spot that.
“Now I don’t know [for certain] that they’re going to use that [system] to kill you, but I can’t think of a benign reason, and with that power they certainly could harm you, or control you, so you should object [and strenuously oppose it].”
"Look out the window, and think, 'why is my government lying to me about something so fundamental?' Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family."

Testing Experimental 'Vaccine' on Children

Young children are literally at no risk of death from 'Covid19' according to the CDC data, and yet pregnant and lactating mothers are being encouraged to get the 'vaccines' to protect their children while the experimental injections are now also being tested directly on children as young as six months old! The Big Pharma manufacturers have begun testing the unapproved experimental injections on young children despite incomplete safety data from adult population and the fact that vaccines are well known to often cause unique adverse reactions not seen in adults, so much so that many approved vaccines currently on the market are not approved for use in children.

Parents are eagerly enrolling their young children in both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA 'vaccine' trials in large part because they are being falsely assured that the experimental injection has been shown to be totally safe and without risk, despite far more adverse events being reported following these two injections in just four months of deployment than any other other vaccine in US history, even as two of the other 'Covid19' vaccines (J&J, AstraZeneca) having already been paused (with AstraZeneca shot now banned in some countries) due to safety concerns over the risk of developing deadly blot clots (which will be discussed further below).

As reported by ABC News on April 27:

Today, kids as young as 6 months old are taking part in trials for both companies’ vaccines with their parent’s consent. Dr. Zinaida Good, a research fellow at the Stanford cancer center, enrolled both her sons in Stanford Hospital’s Pfizer trial.

“We thought participating is a really good way to protect our kids,” she said. “So far, because this vaccine has been tested in a lot of teenagers and so many adults and it was shown [to be] very safe, we felt pretty comfortable to participate.”

Good is an immunologist who has studied the virus at length. She says she and her husband are confident in the safety of the vaccine.

“It would be wonderful if we knew how to communicate better the benefits of the vaccine and its safety. The data is very clear,” she said. “Those who get vaccines like this, MRNA vaccines, at least they are protected and they don't really have any real side effects, not any real long term consequences.”

The data is in fact clear, however it strongly indicates a higher risk of death, severe allergic reaction, permanent injury and other serious adverse effects including severe flu-like symptoms than other vaccines on the market, while the notion that 'protection' is guaranteed is also a misnomer considering the phenomenon of 'breakthrough' cases which have led to the death of at least 70 'fully vaccinated' people reportedly infected with 'Covid19' more than two weeks after their second dose of the 'vaccine'.

The establishment propaganda has apparently managed to be successful enough to convince some parents that their kids actually need to be protected from something that doesn't even pose any risk to them according the official CDC data itself, while at the same time those recruiting the trial participants lie to the parents about known risk of harm and safety concerns to gain their consent.

Dr. Angelica Lacour’s 3-year-old daughter Eloise is also participating in the trial for young children. She says she feels strongly that this vaccine is not just about keeping her child safe, but other children as well.

“We were just so lucky that we have a healthy child and so grateful that she's able to be part of this,” Lacour said. “But I think knowing that there are so many other parents out there whose children are vulnerable and may be struggling… her being able to be part of this and [helps] make that is a reality for other families. And as a mom, I can't imagine what that fear must be like for them. We're just so proud of her.”

[Dr. Angelica] Lacour [whose 3 year old daughter was participating in the trials] said she was told about potential side effects.

“They said that it's incredibly rare, but anyone can have an anaphylactic reaction to it. But it's so rare they couldn't even give us an example.” Lacour said. “So [side effects were] not something I was very concerned about. But it also brought us a lot of comfort that we were doing this across the street from the hospital.”

Considering there were over 24,000 reports of allergic reactions as of April 23, and multiple vaccination clinics across the nation have been temporarily shut down in response to higher than expected rates of allergic reactions causing anaphylactic shock, a pattern that emerged at the very onset of the vaccination campaign and continuing to this day, it's impossible to believe they couldn't even give one example, especially when a number of these allergic reactions have in fact killed recipients. They are lying about known risks, and presumably failing to mention all other risk besides allergic reaction, including the well documented risk of immune enhancement that can lead to more severe disease in the vaccinated and often death upon exposure, not to mention the clear pattern of other injuries that have been widely reported. These additional risks include the onset of severe flu/covid-like symptoms sometimes followed by worsening conditions leading to death, paralysis, sudden death, Bell's Palsy and more. The most recent data now even shows reports of death in a nursing 5 month old (mentioned above) as well as death in two recently vaccinated 15 year olds and one 16 y/o teenager, so the pattern of harm seen in older adults also seems to be showing itself in teens and children as well.

Despite the high numbers of serious adverse events in adults and extremely low risk of disease in children, the vaccine pushers are selling these experimental injections as "extremely safe" in adults in order to recruit innocent healthy babies and toddlers for their trials, despite knowing full well the purpose of the trial is to determine whether or not they actually are as safe in children as in adults, and despite all the available evidence clearly indicating they are in fact far less safe in adults than they depict them to be.

“These vaccines… have been shown to be extremely safe and appear to be highly effective,” Maldonado said. “My hope is that we will see the same thing with children.”

Fake 'safety concern' of J&J pause, as thousands mRNA adverse reactions ignored

On April 13, the CDC announced that it was recommending a temporary pause to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine due to safety concerns arising from deadly blood clots developing in 6 recipients under investigation (which soon grew to 8 cases being investigated), although there were in fact over 50 reports of sucyh blood clots developing following J&J vaccination, and hundreds more reported in Pfizer's and Moderna's that are entirely ignored. The 'rare' blood clots in the initial 6 cases all developed in women under the age of 49, and were caused by central venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), which can also cause bleeding and in these cases caused blood clots in the brain that left one 45 year old Virginia woman dead and another in critical condition. The two additional blood clot cases under investigation included a 59 year old woman who developed "extensive" deep vein thrombosis 7 days following her injection after the shot was authorized for use in the public, and a healthy 24 year old man in the clinical trials who fell ill eight days following injection before being hospitalized for cerebral hemorrhage all the way back in late September of 2020.

All of the eight cases presented by the pharmaceutical company for review were reported via the VAERS database, and it is entirely unclear why the blood clotting case that took place in September during the trial before the shot was authorized for use didn't warrant further FDA/CDC investigation at the time or an extension of the trial before authorization, let alone even a warning to the public of this clearly known risk that was instead ignored and suppressed by the corrupt company for over 6 months. J&J is known to engage in such criminal behavior, previously indicted on multiple criminal charges for making false claims about safety during marketing which led to a $2.2 billion settlement. Now they have been shown to have ignored and suppressed a clear sign of a safety risk observed during trials that occurred a whole 6.5 months before the FDA/CDC finally launched an investigation into the condition, in order to market its rushed vaccine as 'safe'. To top it off, all 3 of the experimental injections currently in use in the US were authorized despite the warning from a Harvard-trained pro-vaccine expert about the risk of blood clots caused by COVID vaccines, making it abundantly clear that this risk was well known and still ignored in favor of premature emergency authorization of an unapproved 'vaccine' in which safety research was (and is) still ongoing.

On Dec. 8, 2020, before any COVID vaccines received Emergency Use Authorization in the U.S., J. Patrick Whelan, M.D., Ph.D., wrote the FDA about the potential for vaccines designed to create immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein “to cause microvascular injury and blood clots throughout the body including the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways that were not assessed in the safety trials.” (source)

Whelan cautioned that “it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on other organs.”

The warnings of this expert were ignored despite the evidence of blood clots developing in at least one vaccine recipient in the J&J clinical trial, and now the public has also been falsely assured by the same regulators responsible for ignoring these safety concerns that this risk is entirely nonexistent in the mRNA injections when all the evidence suggests quite the opposite.

If people were under the impression that clinical trials were designed to prevent vaccines shown to present safety risks from being authorized for use until further investigation, this should put such ignorant notions to rest, as the investigation into J&J-linked blood clots came more than six months too late in this case, after millions of the shots had already been injected into arms and at least one such recipient died from the condition. That the safety regulators would summarily ignore the hundreds more blood clots reported in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections at the very same time as feigning concern over public safety is disturbing to say the least, and we can also add to this that the pause and investigation was only conducted after the risk of blood clots following vaccination had been widely publicized with similar pauses in AstraZeneca vaccine rollout all across Europe and the public concern of adverse vaccine reactions was rapidly growing.

Addressing the public that Tuesday regarding this vaccine pause, Dr. Fauci absurdly claimed that: "There have been no signals that there's any safety concerns about adverse events among those tens of millions of people [who have received Pfizer and Moderna shots]."

This blatant lie was repeated the next day by members of the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) at its emergency meeting convened to determine whether to lift the ban on the J&J vaccine, who, just like Dr. Fauci had done in his 'public service announcement' propaganda message seen above, hailed the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines as great alternatives to the J&J vaccine because there were "no safety signals," which couldn't be further than the truth.

Also on Tuesday, Stat News reports, "Peter Marks, head of the FDA center that regulates vaccines, said on a call with reporters that there have been no cases of CVST with thrombocytopenia with the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, indicating that the side effect is not occurring with those vaccines," yet another Big Pharma shill / vaccine-pushing deceiver cloaked as an independent safety regulator to repeat this blatant lie. The establishment media blindly regurgitated this blatant misinformation, selling the public the lie that, "there's no reason to suspect that rare clots would be associated with the US's other authorized vaccines."

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As reported by the Business Insider:

-- The CDC is investigating a possible association between the shot and six cases of rare blood clots.
-- Medical experts said the same concerns did not apply to Pfizer-BioNTech's and Moderna's shots.

Despite the very same publicly available VAERS reporting system used that raised concern over blood clots developing in J&J vaccine recipients actually containing hundreds more reports of blood clots developing in recipients of the Pfizer and Moderna injections, the Mockingbird Media in one accord repeated the establishment 'expert consensus' without even a mention of this evidence or the blatant hypocrisy of the the CDC/FDA actions illuminated by it. The reality of the situation is that at the time of the J&J vaccine pause, although there had only been 56 of these blood clots in J&J vaccine recipients reported to VAERS, there had been 400 reports of blood clots attributed to Pfizer and 337 to Moderna. In just two weeks, between the VAERS data released on April 8 and that released on April 23, those numbers had already risen to 655 reports of blood clots in Pfizer recipients and 577 in Moderna recipients, and these are both being hailed as totally safe as they are tested on children, without so much as the batting of an eyelash over the far larger number of these concerning reports.

Researchers at the University of Oxford (co-manufacturer of the AstraZeneca shot) also found an almost identical rate of blood clots developing in these mRNA injections compared to the AstraZeneca shots that, like J&J vaccines, were paused all over Europe out of supposed 'concern for safety'. "Although researchers found a significantly higher incidence of blood clots in people who were infected with COVID, the incidence of blood clots following vaccines was still much higher than the background incidence of 0.41, a strong signal that the vaccines pose this specific risk, the Defender explains.

Meanwhile a study published in February investigating thrombocytopenia in Pfizer and Moderna 'vaccine' recipients following the death of a healthy Florida physician by brain hemorrhage after Pfizer injection was unable to rule out the possibility that the mRNA injections are able to trigger immune thrombocytopenia, which is associated with a 20% increased risk of blood clots.

The AstraZeneca vaccine rollout was previously paused in over 20 countries due safety concerns over possible links to these 'rare' blood clots, and has subsequently been permanently suspended in some countries following investigations by experts in both Germany and Norway determining with certainty that the vaccine was the definitive cause of the development of these deadly blot clots. A more recent study sponsored by Denmark and Norway also found an increased risk in development of blood clots following injection, and Denmark has also discontinued its use in response to the study results.

Unlike the the mRNA injections, the AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines both feature the same type of adenovirus-based vaccine technology, so it comes as no surprise that the same adverse effects caused by the AstraZeneca shot would also be caused by the J&J vaccine. What may be more surprising to many is that the initial safety signals observed during trials were ignored for over 6 months, and then after just 11 days it was reauthorized for use once again, with the FDA and CDC determining the benefits outweigh the risks and not even requiring an additional safety warning. And although the US claims that the benefits outweigh the risks, Denmark came to opposite conclusion. The Danish Health Authority said in a statement it had concluded “the benefits of using the COVID-19 vaccine from J&J do not outweigh the risk of causing the possible adverse effect in those who receive the vaccine,” Reuters reported on May 3.

Despite its re-authorization in the US, there can be no doubt that the bad publicity of this event (combined with other countries discontinueing its use) will cause those looking to be vaccinated to flock to the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections perceived to be safer due to the establishment coverage of this event.

So while the establishment was clearly far more concerned with how the J&J pause would effect vaccine uptake than any harm it had caused, its far greater crime was deceiving the public when stating there were absolutely "no signals that there's any safety concerns about adverse events" in the mRNA injections, almost as if the J&J pause (and AstraZeneca debacle for that matter) was a staged propaganda stunt designed to drive recipients over to the mRNA injections. Considering the far greater number of serious adverse events reported in the mRNA injections, the scope of which goes far beyond a few hundred blood clots and includes thousands of deaths and permanent disabilities, this seems to be the only logical conclusion as to why blood clots in J&J vaccine recipients were singled out and all adverse reactions in Pfizer and Moderna recipients, including hundreds more of these same type of 'rare' blood clots, were summarily ignored. No matter how high or low the risk of harm of these experimental injections really is, all those who claimed there were "no safety signals" sold a blatant lie to the public on behalf of the profit-driven Big Pharma organized crime syndicate, and the damage (driving more people to an arguably far more dangerous experimental injection) has already been done.

Patterns of Vaccine Injuries & Increasing Number of Reports of Severe Reactions

The most recent week of VAERS data showed a signifigant jump in adverse reaction reports, with a total of 118,902 total adverse events reported to VAERS, as clear patterns of harm continue to emerge. Besides the 33,673 reports of anaphylaxis, these adverse reactions reported to VAERS include 3,544 deaths, 1,595 permanent disabilities, 8,139 hospitilizations and 12,619 total serious injuries. There are now 1,099 cases of Bell’s Palsy and 121 reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome reported.

It should be noted that a Harvard/DHHS study previously found that less than 1% of adverse vaccine reactions are typically reported to the VAERS database, so these reports certainly reflect only a fraction of the total adverse events caused by these experimental injections.

"Of the 3,544 deaths reported as of April 23, 25% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 17% occurred within 24 hours and 40% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated," the Defender notes.

This week’s data included three reports of deaths among teens under age 18, including two 15-year-olds and one 16-year-old who died unexpectedly from a blood clot 11 days after receiving her first Pfizer dose.

A 15-year-old female died of cardiac arrest after receiving the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, and a 15-year-old male died of cardiac failure two days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

21% of deaths have been related to cardiac disorders, and this number has steadily hovered around 20% for the duration of the vaccination campaign, while the number of blood clots being reported slowly increases each week, with the deadly blood clotting consistently developing 6-14 days following vaccination. Some of the deaths have occured in the hours immediately following injection, and a number of the deaths have been caused by sudden shutdown of the body's organs, and strokes. A large number of people report falling ill the day of injection with severe flu / COVID symptoms and/or high fever / body aches, particularly after the 2nd dose of mRNA shots, and this is sometimes followed either immediately or a day or two later by a week or two of COVID-like illness. Many such cases are not being reported to VAERS but experiences are shared via social media, and if the shots are causing COVID-like illness, there is no doubt such illness is simply being labeled as COVID if symptoms are accompanied by positive PCR test (capable of giving out 90%+ rate of false positives).

And as of April 24, the European database on adverse drug reactions has recorded a total of 330,218 injuries and 7,766 deathslisted under Covid19 'vaccine' reactions. Detailed breakdown of the injuries for each of the 4 authorized injections in use across Europe can be seen at the page linked above, and screenshot of the breakdown of Pfizer reactions which constituted the largest number of deaths and injuries can be seen below. By comparing all four data breakdowns, there appear to be some patterns (as well as a few major differences between shots) that also align with the patterns seen in US VAERS data, such as a high number of post-injection deaths caused by cardiad disorders, and a large number of nervous system disorders which also contributed to sizeable chunk of the deaths.

Pfizer adverse reactions reported in Europe:
Screenshot_2021-05-06 7,766 DEAD 330,218 Injuries European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”.png

It is also important to understand that in the US a large number of adverse reactions are not being reported to VAERS (and same is probably true to some extent in Europe as well), particularly with cases of mild to severe illness, whether it only lasts one night following injection or is followed by days of sickness, and many people hear such reports directly from acquaintances who don't submit their stories to VAERS (as I have). A number of these stories, some or even many of which have almost certainly not been reported to the VAERS database, have been gathered from social media posts and news headlines and compiled ino an eye-opening 124-page document that really should be viewed in its entirety by absolutely anyone opting to get the jab before doing so in order to be able to give truly informed consent. Various forms of the document have been scrubbed from the internet, but is currently still available at the link above, and due to its size, I will only share a sampling of screenshots here to document some examples of adverse effects and likely 'vaccine' harm being ignorted and suppressed by the Big Pharma manufacturers, regulatory agencies, media, government officials, and the entire establishment at large. The people need to see the truth that is being suppressed, whether or not all such examples of severe harm are caused by these experimental injections or not, there is more than enough evidence to suggest that a large majority are.

Many of the people reporting harm and subsequently being silenced or their stories suppressed and discounted were both pro-vaccine and eager to do what the authorities they trusted had insisted was the right thing to do to protect themselves and their friends and family, but have since warned others to due their due diligence because those driving the vaccination campaign are clearly hiding evidence of harm and not being forthright with the general public about known risks, which, no matter how small the risk is, is still corrupt and criminal behavior.

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Like the nurse featured at the top of this post who lost her baby just 3 days after her injection, many of those unfortunate souls to lose their life following vaccination were also actively pushing the pro-vaccine propaganda. Oh, the sad irony...

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Too many people who were just overflowing with excitement over finally getting their 'savior' vaccination, their joy cut short by sudden death (or permanent disability) just days (or the very next day) after, some finding out the hard way that the same skeptics they had been ridiculing days earlier had every reason to be skeptical...

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When the 'experts' question why so many of those who've gotten the first dose aren't getting a second dose, for many it has nothing to do with 'scheduling difficulties' or misnomers about first dose offering adequate protection, and everything to do with the horrific effects...

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As more and more instances of the rich and famous dying soon after vaccination are reported, more and more people will become increasingly sceptical, hesitant, and many downright turned to staunch opposition of this massive human experiment.

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There's a very good and real reason why so many Americans are 'vaccine hesitant' when it comes to these unapproved experimental injections, in fact there are hundreds of reasons (filling the pages of this document and the VAERS database), and it most often has little or nothing to do with being 'anti-vaccine', but real life experience. You don't need 'anti-vaxxers' to convince people that a 'vaccine' is dangerous when you've seen it with your own eyes or experienced the horrific effects in your own body, or lost a loved one immediately after the shot.

How many times can the media claim healthy people suddenly dropping dead minutes to hours after injection is totally unrelated, not linked to vaccination, and a 'normal' non-effect of vaccination, before ppl question the narrative?

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If people were aware of the prevalence of such adverse effects, even if statistically 'insignificant', many would have opted to take their chances with COVID...

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There's a reason they are lying about risks, and censoring / suppressing / discounting so many valid reports of vaccine harm...

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Originally posted here:

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