Sunday, April 12, 2020

The stress is what needs to be controled !


*I see the situation in the world getting just worse. People start to kill each other and themselves. It's all because of the stress they are facing !* I watched this video today, named ''Control of a virus or control of a population'' : I think the guy is right about everything he's talking about. Imagine that people have been told to keep off the grass to not get infected :


I think that may make people stress even more. Healthy people may feel worse. There are things people are diying from much more in the world than only the virus. We should be careful and protect ourselves, but we shouldn't panic for sure. For example in Sweden they are not locking anyone down. They want their population to have a public immune system. They have been criticized, but they seems keep doing that. I don't know if that's helping them.


It's interesting what the guy said in the video. ''The quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask.'' It seems like a nice quote. *Think about those questions.* Now even some people from world health organization are saying that homes maybe dangerous because maybe sick people are locked there. The guy is asking a really good question. If they could lock us down, stop us from working, can they force us to get out to test us for example. That could happen and that will be even crazier.


So, as you see the quarantine is now isolating healthy people instead of sick ones. In Los Anfeles they are even rewarding people who will tattle on their neighbors who are not in self isolation. ''It's lie turning neighbours against each other.'' Like Dr. John Bergman D.C. said in the video.


Even the data about infected people and deaths is not that reliable. Because not all people may go to hospitals or maybe there are places where we will not find any hospital at all. But, all those numbers are always shared by the media like real ones.


Releasing hundreds of prisoners could just increase the level of stress among population. It's the craziest thing that can be done. I've never seen something like that in the history. That may just put people in danger that's worse than the virus.


15 years old girl died from a stress-related issue. How many people now are in depression ? How many lost their jobs and it will be hard for them to find an other ? How many businesses are just shoted down ? When this is gonna ends ? Even without the virus some countries has high level of suicide was already high. Now, it may just increase because the wrong precautions.


Even people who are not putting anyone in risk now are arrested. Look at the guy who just wanted to breath some air alone and enjoy the sun to get the vitamine D. Some people can't live without the sport and they have been attacked. While those who visited countries with high level of infection before where just put in a quarantine. Crazy things going on. ''Do you see any science where healthy, strong people are going to get quarantine ?'' Asked the doctor.


In Sweden a politician said some wise words. We shoudn't spread panic for sure as adult people. We can just inform those who need some important information.


So, al this maybe to force vaccinations maybe. Just like in Argentina, it maybe an obligation in all the world.


Here is a statement from the health world organization where they said that they developed a dependent world on vaccination. So, we may became dependent of that even more.


That's maybe how we prefer to live. Nothing should be forced on us. We shouldn't live in fear. ''Connect with the divinity inside of you.'' That's what have been said by this researcher who has dedicated his life to teach and help people with various, serious health conditions.


Really nice words have been said in the video. I hope you will feel better and enjoy your life. Everything will be ok. *Thanks for reading and watching.* > You can check the channel of [Dr. John Bergman D.C.]( Check his website here : []( Watch an other inspirational video by him here : ### Stay healthy. Both physically and psychologically ! ----- ---- (3).png

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