Friday, April 24, 2020

Why laughter is necessary in our lifestyle
In today's time stress has become an unavoidable part of life. According to scientists, every inspiration buried in the stress, brain creates pressure in the muscles and skin. Until it is removed by any action, the muscle remains strained. **Fatigue and depression arise from this strain, which gradually assumes the form of some serious disease. Then why not avoid this stress and live a happy life.**


## Laugh out loud Don't forget that laughter is a unique gift of nature. Laughing out of the heart enhances the form, while it is also a sure medicine for many diseases. Welcome to the morning and see yourself smiling in the mirror. The player will spend the whole day. Then there is no tax on laughter, so feel free to exchange smiles. According to the famous doctor **Dr. Lee Burke**, laughter is a natural and valid way of treating the body. ## Count the benefits of laughter Laughter activates the human system. This leads to an increase in natural killer cells, which destroy diseases and tumor cells caused by viruses. Laughter is the best exercise of the heart. This increases the number of tea sales. This increases the amount of antibiotic **immunoglobulin-A**. It protects against respiratory tract infection. Laughter reduces the level of hormones that cause stress. Laughing openly is a fantastic exercise for the face and neck muscles. ## Say caffeine bye People usually take tea, coffee, chocolate or soft drink etc. to reduce stress. These have fast effecting elements like drugs. These elements produce stress by reducing the body's resistance. As the saying goes, poison kills poison. Caffeine reduces stress by working on this principle. It produces some toxic elements in the body that produce free radicals. **They reduce the sensitivity of fibers in the brain. Due to this, the false feeling of stress decreases and the person is forced to increase the quantity of it every day.**


You can get rid of this stress by spending few days without caffeine. You will feel the change. Excitement, energy, good sleep, less heartburn and muscles will be flexible. If you suddenly give up caffeine, you may suffer from severe pain like migraine. Therefore, the easiest way to get rid of caffeine is to reduce one cup of coffee daily from your daily routine. ## Walk Walking is the best exercise. Walking fast before eating speeds up the intestines, which increases digestive power. Walking after meals can help relieve constipation. Deep breaths taken on foot increase lung capacity and also control blood flow. Walking barefoot provides acupressure-like benefits. **Stress is produced by the sharp attack of adrenal hormones. It increases the heart rate and blood pressure. Stress relaxes by controlling the speed of adrenal hormones. Meditation means being aware of the body and ourselves. If it is increased, then the solutions to those problems begin to be found on their own, due to which stress is created. Tanks can be made agile by incorporating accessibility and meditation into the routine**. In today's run-of-the-mill life, a person is using his potential more and more. Lactic acid is produced in the knees due to physical activity. When this amount increases in the body, we feel tired. Actually, molecules called **interleukin-6** send a slow signal to the brain. This means that no more work can be done than muscles. After prolonged physical activity, the level of interleukin-6 increases from 60 to 100 times of normal. Then we feel the need for rest.


## Sleep is important Gold is the easiest way to remove stress. 8 hours of sleep gives energy to work again. Therefore, during the busy moments of work, take a little break and take a sweet nap so that the body is refreshed and ready to work again. A nap taken for at least 5 and at most 20 minutes has a magic effect. It fills your mind with freshness like dew scattered on flowers amid boring moments of work. **Remember, waves of energy will come and fill our body. Give them the right way to flow. You can stay away from stress by giving some time to your favorite hobbies like gardening, reading books, swimming, listening to music, painting, driving.** ***
### Thanks and Please Stay Healthy!



Originally posted here:

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