Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Help your child to concentrate


To focus on a task can be difficult and some kids find it more difficult than others.  There are so many things that can distract them from the task at hand, so concentration is a very important life skill that can be helped along with some easy steps.

Set tasks according to your child's maturity level

Sometimes kids will lose focus on a task because it is either too hard or too easy and they tend to lose interest.  Make sure that you know on which level your child is, but you must also let your child understand that sometimes in life we have to do tedious or straining activities.  We cannot only do the things we like and we cannot give up after the first try.  You can also point out that the sooner they complete the "not so good" tasks, the longer time they can spend on the ones they enjoy.

Divide the big projects into small tasks

Teach your child that they can always break up something into smaller parts.  Even something as simple as a reading piece.  Read a paragraph and make sure they understand it and then go on to the next paragraph.  Splitting tasks and even allowing a little break in between will take away the overwhelming feeling of I do not even know where to start.

Minimize distractions

Give your child a quiet place where they can sit and do their work.  Soft music playing in the work area can maybe block out other sounds which a child has not learned to block out yet.

Set a timer

This can be a fun game where the child must try and complete a task before the timer goes off.  An indication for how long a child can focus at once is one minute per year.  (this is just an indication and will differ from child to child).  Do not make it impossible for the child to beat the clock, otherwise they will get discouraged, but also do not make it too easy.  They have to concentrate and finish the task at hand.

Set goals

A child must learn to set his/her own goals which he/she would like to reach and some guidance and rewards (even if it is just praising them for good work done) can be a great motivator.

Offer praise

You as a parent or teacher must acknowledge good work done - this will make the child feel positive and he/she would want to do better.

Staying healthy

It is important for any child to eat healthy, get some exercise and enough sleep.  This will better their concentration. Also allow them to stand up, stretch, go fetch a snack or take a break inbetween tasks.  That will motivate them to carry on with the next task.

Play memory games

The brain is a muscle that needs to be exercised.  Playing memory games is a fun way to do this.  Have a look at these fun games for the little ones on https://www.mindgames.com/Memory+Games 

you can also watch the video to test your memory skills.



To master concentration takes time and practice.  Try these steps and make the activities as fun as possible.  No matter what the task at hand is, the child must learn to concentrate for a certain period of time, before he/she can carry on with another task or do something fun.  The more they practice, the better it will get.

Do not let them give up easily and remember to always praise your child if they have concentrated well and finished a task.

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-122108/@anneke/help-your-child-to-concentrate

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