Thursday, April 30, 2020

Salute your Health | Clean Hands, Healthy Hands! DIY Care for Friends and Family!

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The Coronavirus is making quite an impact on our world my friends!

*** >With much of the world still living under varying degrees of lockdown we find ourselves wondering what the new normal will look like. As for me, I love the opportunity to DIY foods and household products which are scarce! I grew up with a grandmother who taught me so much; I was like a sponge, soaking up everything she shared. Sewing, cooking, gardening, harvesting and preserving were just a few of the many wonders of her world. ***

*Little did I realize all of this knowledge would become so crucial one day!*

*** >We’ve all heard about how critical it is to wash our hands! Health care providers tell us touching your face with your hands is the easiest way to transmit most flus and viruses. Well, if you’ve tried purchasing hand wash and hand sanitizers good luck! The shelves are bare! Finding some soaps are difficult too! ***

*No worries, you can easily make hand sanitizers and hand wash yourself!*

*** >I’ve been making hand sanitizers for our home as well as friends! I Friends drop off empty bottles and I fill them up! We're still making masks as well! Both will help keep you and your family healthier! Since my youngest daughter and grandson are here, they have plenty of access to both masks, hand soaps and sanitizers but today I’m preparing a care package to send to my oldest daughter @mountainjewel!

Come along, it’s so simple! You can make it yourself!


*** ##### *Bird Song Healthy Hand Spritz!* * 70 % Rubbing Alcohol (2/3 cup) * Organic Aloe Vera (2 tbsp.) * Germ Destroyer (20 drops) * Colloidal Silver or Filtered Water (1 tbsp.) * Organic Essential Oil (10 drops) (Lavender, Lemon, Rose) * Tea Tree Oil (10 drops) ***

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Why use these products?

* 70% Rubbing Alcohol: Medical professionals indicate at least 60% strength will kill most viruses. * Organic Aloe Vera: Oenetrates the skin layers delivering nourishing essential oils and antibacterial treatment deep within the skin layers. Aloe Vera moisturizes the skin to help prevent the drying effects from increased hand washing.


*photo thanks to pixabay*
* Tea Tree Oil, Lemon Oil, Germ Destroyer Essential Oils all contain qualities which help boost the immune system. Something we all need!

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Combined and poured….

into recycled spray bottles!

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##### *Bird Song Germ Destroyer* Gel! * Aloe Vera (1/4 cup) * 70% Rubbing Alcohol (1 tbsp.) * Germ Destroyer Essential Oil (20 drops) * Tea Tree Oil (10 drops) * Lemon/Lavender/Rose Essential Oil (10 drops)

All of these ingredients together...

will create a thicker, slightly gel consistency hand sanitizer which I use in smaller pourable bottles, something I could carry with me! Time to pull out those recycled bottles and bottle up!

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All bottled and ready to go!

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Perhaps a sweet Bird Song Label?

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Packed with care…

and of course with a few sweet treats! A few fun cloth masks which I know my daughter will love!

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*** >Making these hand sanitizers took very little time. I had everything on hand including several recycled bottles ready to fill. Feel free to experiment with your favorite essential oils, have fun with it! I must say; making your own hand sanitizer is much less expensive than buying. You don’t have to be a chemist to make it! Plus just knowing the ingredients are soothing to the skin as well as antibacterial and immunity boosting, it’s a win-win! I hope you’ll try it!
Keep those hands clean! Stay safe and healthy my friends!
*** *And as always, blessings to you all!* ***





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Originally posted here:

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