Thursday, April 23, 2020

How to help your body absorb water more efficiently
The largest part of our body is water. Water is stored inside and outside the cells to dissolve nutrients, carry waste, regulate body temperature, send brain messages and lubricate all of our moving body parts. **You need a lot of water to function and feel good. However, much water is lost daily through breathing, sweat (even if you do not exercise), urine and bowel movements. The only choice for perfect health is to rebuild your body with enough water**. [Source](
While increased water intake also includes more frequent going to the bathroom (when healthy, people can pee every 3 hours), you should not pee right after (20 min) drinking water because this is a sign that your body has not absorbed water Here are some ways to help your body absorb water more efficiently: ## 1: Drink lukewarm or warm water instead of cold water Ice cold water traps enzymes and fluids in your stomach so your body can't digest food properly, creating toxic buildup. In addition, blood vessels constrict so that the accumulated toxins "get stuck" in you instead of draining through your lymphatic system. Narrowing your blood vessels also prevents the blood from circulating, giving your organs the nutrients they need. Lukewarm or warm water slightly stimulates the natural flow of the lymphatic system and over time, less toxins accumulate. This rule is especially important for women during menstruation or when they want to become pregnant as cold water reduces the circulation and energy required to prepare reproductive organs.   ## 2: Add these ingredients to water to maximize absorption: These ingredients bind to water molecules to deliver faster to the body: >* **Add a teaspoon of unrefined mineral salt (not ordinary table salt but sea salt, Pink Himalayan salt) to every liter of water** >* **Add some squeezed lemon to your water** >* **Soak chia seeds for several hours in water and add to water** >* **Add ginger slices to water** [Source](
## 3: Drink one tall glass (450 ml) of warm water as soon as you wake up Your body has been working all night to "pack" yesterday's waste. This is why you often have to go to the toilet as soon as you get up. To ensure the body is clean, rinse it with warm water immediately after waking up. Do not wait for 15, 20 or 30 minutes after waking up, because then you just hold the waste instead of eliminating it. Some of this morning's water may not be absorbed, but the goal of taking so much water at once is to stimulate proper bowel emptying. You can slightly increase your morning water intake if you do not have your bowel emptied in the morning. You can also reduce your intake if you have any abdominal pain. ## 4: Ayurveda emphasizes individuality in everything, because we are all born different and we all differentiate by body structure, diet and lifestyle, drinking 8 glasses of water a day, as is usually recommended, is not for everyone. **Drinking too much water (especially those filtered, demineralized water, which means it has no nutritional value for our body) will result in an excess cleansing effect. Thirst is the best indicator our body can have with respect to water needs; in other words, drink when you are thirsty, unless your doctor prescribes otherwise**. [Source](
## 5: It is most important that you do not take abruptly large amounts of water during meals as this will extinguish the digestive fire (agni) that is trying to process the food. You can only take a small amount of water with a meal. If you take in too much water while eating, your stomach will not have enough space to digest. Remember this rule: Fill your stomach with 50% food, 25% water and leave it 25% empty for digestive juices and processes. By the same principle, you also don't want to do it right after a meal. There is a real measure. Do not drink a full glass immediately before or after eating a meal as water interferes with digestion through the ratio of stomach juices and the specific ph that our body provides to ensure that food is digested properly. **After 1 month you will notice results in hydration of the body. Check your hands and lips and you will find that they are less dry. You may notice that you feel less tired in the morning and have more energy that keeps you up all day. Welcome to the world of hydration!** ***
### Thanks



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