Friday, April 24, 2020

Weekly Minnow Support Curation by SuperZENsitivosaurus #4

It's that day of the week again... Your favorite lizard is back with his fourth weekly curation in a row. Today he's kind of tired but not in a bad way, kind of chillaxed, after having been too hyper yesterday. Now he's doing his utmost best to shut down his reptile mind and return to ZEN mode, as well as to teleport some of that ZEN to you, the reader.
Let's see if the following can make that happen... [Art by Satorid from his post 'Who Put This in the Frig?']( I have been following this mindful creative, who goes by the alias of @satorid , for a long time but I tend to lose track every now and then. Nevertheless, every time I rediscover his page, I marvel over the content on there. It's mind boggling and - in my honest opinion - extremely undervalued. It's a challenge to pick one particular post, as it's all weird, poetic and extremely intriguing stuff: Check out @satorid 's profile for his poem, art and an insight in his mind or give this audio clip / conversation between him and two friends a listen ( make sure to sit it through till the end): [A Sense Of Weirdness]( On to @sidwrites I recently discovered this user, whose content felt fresh and original, in one way or another. It also taught me stuff, and I love to learn ( something I thought I'd lost after 21 years of schooling in a row but luckily rediscovered ). Life is all about learning and leveling up along the way. I selected this post of his for today's curation [Devotion #2: Feed Your Mind The Right Food](, it's part of a series of posts. Here's an excerpt to give you an idea of what to expect: > And that is why — in this era of information battle — it is now even more important to carefully consider every piece of content that goes inside your head. ... > Picking content is now like picking the right food. Suffice to say that it's very applicable to today's life. Go give it a read [HERE]( and leave him a comment if you like. *Free flow original art made by edouard with a woodless pencil / charcoal* @edouard has been around since the early days of Steemit but still seems to be flying pretty much under the radar. Luckily, this dino knows how to track UFO's and other unidentified objects and creatures with his overdeveloped senses and picked up on the following write up plus video: [Earth Day - Art Therapy]( There's something about edouard that just oozes mindfulness. I suggest you watch [the tutorial video]( added to his post and listen to his soothing voice while he works on his mindful, natural art. It's very relaxing. Like meditation and art class all at once. @karmadorje This user, full name Julio Cesar Arvelo, joined Natural Medicine yesterday and appears to have loads of mindful knowledge to share. He is a 'practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yoga and Meditation'. In [To Be Aware]( he writes the following: > The end of suffering is the understanding of 'what is', and understanding 'what is' is only possible when we observe, when we realize, when the mind no longer wants to change 'what is', which doesn't mean that it is satisfied with 'what is'. So, we have liberated the mind or the mind has liberated itself from that endless quest. He also adds the recipe for a 5 minute ( breathing ) meditation to his post. Although this is nothing new for this dino, I could sure use some minutes of mindfulness. So I just made use of this 5 minute awareness exercise to get back into the now and rest for a bit. You might want to try it out :<) @goldenoakfarm Although this might not seem like mindful content at first sight, 'digging' a little deeper, tells you another story. This friendly green fingered woman shows you around on her plot of land, updating and sharing about her homesteader / farming life in the countryside of Western Massachusetts, USA. This is a breath of fresh, healthy air for all of us who are feeling claustrophobic, stressed, fearful or a mix of similar emotions, due to quarantine and lockdown situations. Especially those of us stuck in cities. [Here's her full post titled 'Trees and Gardens']( If you need to breathe more often, visit her profile regularly. It's, in a way, like natural medicine ;<) **Alright, that's it for today. This dino needs to catch up on sleep. It might be mid to late Spring but sleep is highly underrated and nowadays more important than ever for both mental and physical health** **If you're feeling very tired yourself, don't feel bad about getting back to this post and the aforementioned users tomorrow, when you actually have the energy to leave them a comment** **Until next week and stay safe, sane and ZEN!** ✫✫✫
Originally posted here:

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