Saturday, April 25, 2020

I Wonder What Pharma Is Going To Make The Cure For CoViD-19?


[Pixabay]( There is a race for developing the vaccine/cure or whatever to finally beat down the corona virus that already claimed thousands of people's lives whether they are the high-risk ones or healthy individuals it doesn't matter if you get one then you will surely either incapacitated financially or physically and most mostly both. I heard in the news that a patient that had been treated in a private hospital just spent around $175K in dollars equivalent of our local currency and yet the patient died. Then the last time the patient was seen by his family was when he had been turned into ashes because it is a protocol not to let uninfected people get close to the patient for safety not only of the family members but also the greater majority of people. That is how brutal CoViD is which is why it is just worth it to stay at home and keep on observing cleanliness just to avoid contracting the dreaded disease.


[Pixabay]( I am glad to see in the news that some Pharmaceutical company is testing a vaccine which is quite fast than normal. Usually the vaccine development takes more than a year because it has to be tested before being approved for use to people. But since there is a race to develop the ultimate cure I just hope that the first one who could make a cure for the CoViD is not greedy enough to make the price of the said cure very forbidding to people. It is just interesting to witness these drug companies to make the cure and how the people around the world would react to it. Definitely it will jack-up the markets and finally our BTC and other altcoins along with it. But until a cure is to be found we would remain in constant worry and fear that one day we or our lovedones would fall victim to the CoViD-19 and that is a painful thing to happen which is why we should listen to heath authorities because they know the real statistics and facts about this global pandemic. We now must turn to God and pray because Corona virus is not like other pandemics before, it is highly transmissible but we could beat this virus if we stand together and fight it as one then we will heal as one.
Originally posted here:

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