Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Simple Meal Tweaks to Help You Stay in Shape During Quarantine



Being at home for most of every single day lately, sometimes the most exercise we end up getting is walking to the fridge. I'm as guilty of this as anyone else, but have found over the years that if I'm going to be snacking a lot, I may as well make it somewhat-healthy. Our environments end up unconsciously making our choices for us in life, so it's important that we try and set up home food supplies that will generally help us stay healthy even if we're eating more than normal (which is totally normal right now). These are a few of the options I try and have around at all times.
__1. Hearts of palm pasta__ This stuff has skyrocketed to my new favorite meal addition. Maybe a bit chewier than normal pasta, but not much different at all, and with a whopping 60 calories and 12 grams of carbs per can (and they're not small cans), this a great way to eat pasta til your heart desires.
__2. Zucchini noodles__ Another pasta substitute, a little more tender than hearts of palm and with a slight veggie taste, but same principle. The packages I buy at Whole Foods have 50 calories total, and I get two meals out of them. Great stuff.
__3. Bell peppers__ Undeniably my favorite snack food. Bell peppers are crunchy, sweet (reds are the sweetest, but orange is great too), and big enough to really keep you satiated. One huge pepper maxes out at 50 calories, but most are less than that. Just make sure you wash em first!
__4. Collard green leaves__ My favorite tortilla substitute. The leaves are huge, and you can put anything you want in there and make it like a taco/burrito. Very little calories, but when using these, I recommend some sort of hot sauce to mask the veggie taste just a bit (Green Dragon from Trader Joe's is my go-to).
__5. Sugar snap peas__ My other favorite go-to snack. Crunchy, sweet, and incredibly refreshing, I probably eaten my bodyweight in these every year. So good. Absolutely nothing wrong with eating sweets/carbs right now (or anytime), but these have all been great additions for my kitchen that help me get sweets and carb-like foods without a ton of extra calories. If you've got any additions, I'd love to hear them! _"A Single Seed" is my attempt to get out one idea every day that I've learned or accumulated over the years, with the hope that it may stick in someone else's memory bank as well. The idea may be related to fitness, business, life, or philosophy, but I think you'll find that many can change domains if you wish them to. With each seed planted, a new life awaits._ Image credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/cook-healthy-food-eat-vegetables-2364221/
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120586/@comingalive/simple-meal-tweaks-to-help-you-stay-in-shape-during-quarantine

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