Thursday, April 30, 2020

My intro to Hive's Fitness Community[1].jpg
Disclaimer. I'm not a professional gym instructor or dietician. I'm just a potato wanting to get fit during the days of the pandemic. This Fitness Series is my diary, the goal is to share my own journey towards better choices and building new habits. But I do not encourage anyone to recreate my routines and food choices. What works for me may not work for you. This series of blogs is to give hope to people like me. And if you like to watch people working their ass off towards their goal, well this series may entertain you! On this Fitness Series, expect my development with my Home Workout, Zumba video, I will show my Meal preparation, and I will also share some smoothie recipes!
**This is the beginning of my fitness series.**
**Changing my mindset is the first thing that I needed to do!** Being active and healthy have always been in my New Year's Resolution since 2018. But that didn't happen. I always make excuses and move plans to the incoming year. I thought... There will always be a next time to be productive. Then COVID-19 virus exploded like a bomb, I set aside my procrastination and decided to get things done NOW! Not later, not tomorrow, not next year... I only have NOW! What if there's no 2021? When the end of times vibe creeps inside me. It started to feel like I'm running out of time. I don't want to feel any regret because I did nothing to change my unhealthy lifestyle. That's scary! So I motivated myself that March 15 is my NOW or NEVER! Aside from being lazy, my mouth was the most active part of my body. I always want to chew delicious foods, even when I wasn't hungry at all. I don't know what causes this. It feels like this mouth gets bored when not grinding anything from left to right. The results of my unhealthy habits are double chin, acne, bloated stomach, no energy. I also noticed that I became more and more absent-minded every day that it's so close to Alzheimer's Disease! I don't want to find myself on news one day in a situation like... "An old woman kept walking in the streets for a year because she forgot her home address." I prefer to be a cool grandma someday still attending dancing class and living her life to the fullest! >Consistency is the key! In reality, I'm really scared to challenge myself because I knew how half baked person I am. I'm productive now, then halfway I'll suddenly drift away in the ocean of procrastination and become out of focus. But thanks, God! For more than a month, I am consistent with my fitness routine. I workout every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. I've tried to exercise daily in my first week but my muscles felt sore and too tired. I decided to switch, do my fitness training for at least 3x a week. I love my body, I'll take care of it. Make it better and not punish it!
[This video is from my Youtube channel](
My routine contains 40mins to 1 hour of workout that focuses on my Arms, Upper back, Waist, and Butt! Followed with 2 hours of cardio. I've chosen to incorporate Fitness Dance or Zumba as my cardio with my workout because I love to dance! I enjoy the feeling of sweat squeezing out my body! The happiness from all that endorphins kicking in my system awakens the sleeping warrior inside me every time I dance. I never felt so strong than before! Now I know that I can walk 12,000 steps and take what my body only needs. **How did I change my diet?** I listed down the healthy foods that I swear love to eat. It was easy for me because my Mom is Ilokana, she taught me to eat vegies since I was a kid. For my diet, I only eat oatmeal, sky flakes, vegetables, fruits, tofu, egg, chicken breast, yogurt, tea, and milk. I learned to say NO to high carbs, oily, anything with sugar and pork. I'm not a vegan, not yet.
**Discipline** I prepare a weekly food plan. I cook all the meals one day a week and re-heat them once it's time for a meal. By doing this, I became in control of what could enter my body. Not tempted from food delivery, because I know I have foods in the fridge, it will be a waste if I will not eat them. For drinks, I like to create fruit smoothies and I learned to add sliced lemons in every water that I'll drink. Lemons are good detoxification and as well as weight loss! **Changing the size of my plate.** It was so cool how effective it is seeing your plate is empty that will send a signal to your brain that you finished your plate, you're done and feel full. **Tools help me: Yoga Mat, Huawei Smart Watch GT 2, & Xiao Mi Smart Body Weight Scale** Yoga Mat and Mi Weighing Scale were around me for a long time. Like I said I've been wishing to this life shift even before. While my Huawei Smart Watch G2 is a gift from the love of my life when I visited him in Thailand. Hi Mahal! You're the best Man on Earth! Thanks for spoiling me with this watch. <3 It's a very helpful present to me. Every workout I did is recorded here. It's really cool how I was able to see my BPM, and the number of calories I'm burning during the routine. This is my favorite watch ever! I'm so happy that I got this.
Reflections everyone should consider when changing to a healthy lifestyle... 1.)Find inspiration. 2.)Know your thyself. 3.)Do it because you love your body. Hating won't help! I hope you find my first blog this Fitness Series helpful. Maybe one of your friends needs inspiration with their own Fitness Journey? Sharing is caring! Send the link of this blog to your friends! Do not forget to follow me here to Hive and in my other social media links below. Have a nice Wednesday night and see you again on my next blog. Bye!

Originally posted here:

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