Monday, May 31, 2021

(ESP/ENG) Reflexión: Duerme bien, aliméntate bien, ejercítate, dale otro rumbo a tu vida | Reflection: Sleep well, eat well, exercise, give your life a new direction.


Hola mi hermosa comunidad hoy les hablaré de un tema que no mucha gente toma en cuenta y es de suma importancia para todos, les hablaré como especialista en Actividad Física para la Salud.

Hello my beautiful community today I will talk to you about a topic that not many people take into account and is of utmost importance for everyone, I will talk to you as a specialist in Physical Activity for Health.

Empezare por el que creo es el mas importante "Dormir bien" es indispensable para todas las personas una persona que duerme bien tiene la capacidad de hacer las cosas bien durante el día, su concentración es mayor y no se deteriora, cuando el cuerpo tiene un buen descanso trabajas bien, estás de buen humor y esto aplica para solteros desde mi experiencia personal les puedo contar que yo podía dormir hasta 14 horas seguidas, pero desde que soy mama, dedico el tiempo nocturno para las cosas que debo hacer, cuando ya es de madrugada y pienso que voy a descansar la bebé se despierta por hambre y luego vuelve a dormir.

I will start with what I think is the most important "Sleep well" is essential for all people a person who sleeps well has the ability to do things well during the day, your concentration is higher and does not deteriorate, when the body has a good rest you work well, You are in a good mood and this applies to singles, from my personal experience I can tell you that I could sleep up to 14 hours straight, but since I am a mother, I dedicate the night time for the things I have to do, when it is already early in the morning and I think I am going to rest the baby wakes up because she is hungry and then she goes back to sleep.

Puedo decir que duermo de 3:00 am a 8:am, pero es solo un aproximado porque a veces la bebe cambia el horario, no me puedo quejar porque ese angelito duerme toda la noche y se porta muy bien, claro siempre existen las excepciones, cuando no dormimos tendemos a enfermarnos mucho mas, el cuerpo entra en un estado de estrés y muchas veces el dormir poco hace que el cuerpo se acostumbre para caer en una especie de insomnio y tu sueño nunca será igual.

I can say that I sleep from 3:00 am to 8:00 am, but it is only an approximate because sometimes the baby changes the schedule, I can not complain because that little angel sleeps all night and behaves very well, of course there are always exceptions, when we do not sleep we tend to get sick much more, the body enters a state of stress and often the little sleep makes the body get used to fall into a kind of insomnia and your sleep will never be the same.

Esto me lleva a nombrar un triangulo que va de la mano (Dormir - comer bien - hacer actividad física) esto complementado con por lo menos 8 vasos de agua, en este caso podrás decir las tres las hago mal y si es así con frecuencia la personas cada día se interesan menos por la salud mental y más por lo superficial, de que vale ir al gimnasio si no te alimentas bien o no duermes bien.

This leads me to name a triangle that goes hand in hand (Sleep - eat well - do physical activity) this complemented with at least 8 glasses of water, in this case you can say the three I do wrong and if so often people every day are less interested in mental health and more for the superficial, what good is going to the gym if you do not eat well or do not sleep well.

Todos los días tenemos metas por cumplir y entre esas están el lunes comienzo la dieta, hoy me voy a dormir temprano. El cuerpo siempre está sometido a constantes trabajos fuertes, pero el triángulo que acabo de nombrar debe estar alineado, mente sana cuerpo sano (claro si duermes bien estarás cuerdo todo el día y eso hará que también te alimentas mejor y podrás tener la fuerza necesaria para realizar todas las tareas diarias.

Every day we have goals to achieve and among those are Monday I start the diet, today I'm going to sleep early. The body is always subjected to constant hard work, but the triangle that I just named must be aligned, healthy mind healthy body (of course if you sleep well you will be sane all day and that will also make you eat better and you can have the strength to perform all daily tasks.

Todo debe ser equilibrado, que ocurre cuando sometemos al cuerpo a cantidades innecesarias de comida, el cuerpo humano se amolda, tu estomago tiende a admitir mas alimentos, pero tú cuerpo ya tenía un metabolismo al que venía acostumbrado, así que pronto empezarás a subir de peso, te sentirás un poco cansado, tomarás más agua, tendrás más ansiedad, tu sistema digestivo cambiará, la mejor manera de detener esta etapa es comiendo sano así que te invito a reflexionar sobre el tema.

Everything must be balanced, what happens when we subject the body to unnecessary amounts of food, the human body adapts, your stomach tends to admit more food, but your body already had a metabolism to which it was accustomed, so soon you will start to gain weight, you will feel a little tired, you will drink more water, you will have more anxiety, your digestive system will change, the best way to stop this stage is eating healthy so I invite you to reflect on the subject.

Tu que pasas más de 10 horas en la computadora, que sufres de ansiedad y quieres comer cualquier chatarra en la noche, dile No, puedes empezar por mejorar tus rutinas, no este mas de tres horas sentado, esto no ayuda a nuestro cuerpo, levántate camina un rato, ve al baño, si te acompaña la ansiedad por cigarrillos o dulce, trata de enseñar a tu cuerpo que con otras cosas puedes suplir la satisfacción que puedas obtener con esos hábitos, cambia el café por té, si es teletrabajo y debes cumplir horario ok.

You who spend more than 10 hours at the computer, who suffer from anxiety and want to eat any junk at night, say No, you can start by improving your routines, do not sit for more than three hours, this does not help our body, get up walk for a while, go to the bathroom, if you are accompanied by anxiety for cigarettes or candy, try to teach your body that with other things you can replace the satisfaction you can get with those habits, change the coffee for tea, if it is telework and you must meet schedule ok.

Pero si pasas tanto tiempo en la pc haciendo cosas innecesarias como perder tiempo en la redes sociales o juegos online, recuerda la realidad que tienes, puedes hablar con tu familia, tomarte el tiempo para ocuparlo sanamente, la vida es muy corta y hay que disfrutar cada momento por eso hay que dormir bien y despertar temprano.

But if you spend so much time on the pc doing unnecessary things like wasting time on social networks or online games, remember the reality that you have, you can talk to your family, take the time to occupy it healthily, life is very short and you have to enjoy every moment so you have to sleep well and wake up early.


Dale valor a tu organismo, no seremos jóvenes siempre y poco a poco el se degrada, es algo inevitable pero podemos posponer ese efecto por unos cuantos años, el momento es ahora y depende de nosotros.

Give value to your organism, we will not be young forever and little by little it degrades, it is inevitable but we can postpone this effect for a few years, the moment is now and it depends on us.

Recursos Utilizados | Resources Used
  • La imagen del banner y el divisor fueron realizadas y editadas con Photoshop Cs 6 | The image of the banner and the divider were made and edited with Photoshop Cs 6.

  • Todas las imágenes fueron tomadas por mi con mi celular Realme C3 | All images were taken by me with my Realme C3 cell phone.

  • Traducido con | Translated with

Originally posted here:

4 cosas que hago cuando estoy triste | 4 things I do when I am sad

Hola mi linda comunidad de HIVE!
Hello my beautiful HIVE community!


Todos en algún momento de nuestras vidas hemos tenido un día triste, un día en el que por cualquier motivo, el sol deja de verse brillante y la vida no parece tan prometedora, simplemente no tienes ganas de hacer nada, no estás en tu mejor momento y las cosas no están saliendo como quieres.

No siempre seremos la estrella más brillante del firmamento, y eso está perfectamente bien, aún así, muchas veces buscamos como levantarnos el ánimo y sentirnos un poco mejor en el proceso, entonces decidí contarles hoy qué es lo que yo hago para sentirme bien y hacer mi día "lluvioso" un poquito menos tormentoso

All of us at some point in our lives have had a sad day, a day when for whatever reason, the sun stops looking bright and life doesn't seem so promising, you just don't feel like doing anything, you're not at your best and things aren't going your way.

We won't always be the brightest star in the sky, and that's perfectly fine, even so, many times we look for ways to lift our spirits and feel a little better in the process, so I decided to tell you today what I do to feel good and make my "rainy" day a little less stormy.

1) Músico Terapia | 1) Musician Therapy

Desde mis 12 o 13 años, cuando no sabía gestionar mis emociones, hago esta pequeña terapia, (realmente no lo consideraba terapia hasta hace unos meses cuando una amiga le puso el nombre). Consiste básicamente (para mí) en colocar música tan alto como puedas, cantarla a todo pulmón, con los ojitos cerrados, empapandote de la canción y de los sentimientos que te provoca. Luego de un buen rato haciendo esto, preferiblemente acostad@, aunque también lo he hecho bailando, verás como poco a poco respiras un poquito mejor y como la presión en tu pecho va bajando.
Since I was 12 or 13 years old, when I didn't know how to manage my emotions, I do this little therapy, (I didn't really consider it therapy until a few months ago when a friend named it). It basically consists (for me) of playing music as loud as you can, singing it at the top of your lungs, with your eyes closed, soaking in the song and the feelings it provokes in you. After a long time doing this, preferably lying down, although I have also done it dancing, you will see how little by little you breathe a little better and how the pressure in your chest goes down.

2) Llama a un amigo (o a varios)
Call a friend (or several friends)

Los amigos, los BUENOS amigos, son necesarios, son los que te dan un abrazo sin que lo pidas o un regaño, dependiendo de lo que sea necesario. Tengo la gran fortuna de que mis amigos nunca han hecho oídos sordos a mis sentimientos, por lo cual, cuando estoy triste y ellos lo saben, siempre están para mí. Hacer reuniones, a pesar de que no quieres hacer nada cuando estás triste, puede ayudarte un poco, y no, no hablo de fiestas; hablo de ellos visitandote (o tu a ellos) sentarse un rato a hablar, recordar buenos tiempos, expresar como te sientes, comer algo, ver una película... Eso ayuda, el sentirte apoyado, querido y escuchado, hace taaaaanto por nuestro corazoncito. Si no tienes posibilidad de visitas, recuerda que las videollamadas también son útiles.
Friends, GOOD friends, are necessary, they are the ones who give you a hug without you asking for it or a scolding, depending on what is needed. I am very fortunate that my friends have never turned a deaf ear to my feelings, so when I am sad and they know it, they are always there for me. Having get-togethers, even though you don't want to do anything when you are sad, can help you a little, and no, I'm not talking about parties; I'm talking about them visiting you (or you visiting them) sitting down for a while to talk, remember good times, express how you feel, eat something, watch a movie.... That helps, feeling supported, loved and listened to, does soooooo much for our little hearts. If you don't have the possibility of visits, remember that video calls are also useful.


Este día nos reunimos mi grupo de amigas y yo porque nos encontrábamos saturadas de los parciales y no estábamos bien emocionalmente
On this day, my group of friends and I got together because we were saturated with midterms and we were not emotionally well.

3) Comer algo que te guste || Eat something you like

La mamá de una amiga cuando sabe que ella está triste, hace "salida de emergencia" a comprar chocolates, doritos y otras cosas que sabe que a mi amiga le gustan. Mi mamá cuando sabe que es un día triste o estresante para mí, me trae galletas o me hace algún dulcito que sabe que me gusta. Se que no es completamente sano, condicionar nuestro estado de ánimo según lo que comemos, pero creo que haciéndolo bajo control, no debería ser mucho problema. Comer algo que te gusta y más si es en compañía de personas que te aman, siento que es algo que todos necesitamos cuando estamos tristes. .
A friend's mom, when she knows she is sad, goes on an "emergency trip" to buy chocolates, Doritos and other things she knows my friend likes. My mom, when she knows it's a sad or stressful day for me, brings me cookies or makes me a treat she knows I like. I know it's not completely healthy, conditioning our moods according to what we eat, but I think that by doing it under control, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Eating something you like and even more if it is in the company of people who love you, I feel that it is something we all need when we are sad. .


Tortita imposible (quesitorta) hecha por mi mami un día que me sentía muy mal
Impossible pancake (quesitorta) made by my mommy one day when I was feeling very bad.

4) Leer un libro | Read a book

Cómo ya saben la lectura es una de mis pasiones, así que cuando mi día no es el mejor, busco un poco de refugio en los libros, soy muy partidaria de desconectar un rato, tomarme mi día con calma y obviamente leer un buen libro en el proceso, es mas como un método distractorio, me ayuda mucho a no darle tantas vueltas a las cosas, pues soy una persona que suele encerrarse mentalmente en los problemas, el típico ahorgarse en el vaso de agua, y aunque es bueno vivir las emociones, muchas veces me meto tanto en ellas que me asfixia, aquí es donde vienen los libros, ayudándome a liberar presión, respirar un poco y darme un momento solo para mí.
As you know reading is one of my passions, so when my day is not the best, I seek a little refuge in books, I am very fond of disconnecting for a while, take my day calmly and obviously read a good book in the process, it is more like a distraction method, it helps me a lot to not give so many turns to things, I am a person who tends to mentally enclose myself in problems, the typical hang myself in a glass of water, and although it is good to live my emotions, many times I get so caught up in them that it suffocates me, this is where books come in, helping me to release pressure, breathe a little and give me a moment just for me.


Uno de mis pocos libros físicos. que me ha acompañado en muchas de mis tormentas internas
One of my few physical books that has accompanied me in many of my internal storms.

Se que muchas personas leerán esto y pensaran " tu felicidad solo depende de ti", pero yo considero que A veces necesitamos algo o a alguien que nos lo recuerde. Estas cositas son las que hago para sentirme un poco mejor en mis días malos, quisiera saber que hacen ustedes, si llegaste hasta aquí, porfa déjamelo en los comentarios.
Nota: recuerda que sentirse mal está bien, todas las emociones son válidas, y merecen ser vividas, aunque si sientes que esto es demasiado y no puedes solo, siempre puedes pedir ayuda.

I know that many people will read this and think "your happiness only depends on you", but I think that sometimes we need something or someone to remind us. These little things are what I do to feel a little better on my bad days, I would like to know what you do, if you made it this far, please let me know in the comments. Note: remember that feeling bad is ok, all emotions are valid, and deserve to be lived, although if you feel that this is too much and you can't do it alone, you can always ask for help.




Originally posted here:

[ESP-ENG] Pepino deshidratados- sirve como vitaminas del grupo B, C, E y A.|| Dehydrated cucumber - serves as vitamins B, C, E and A.
Hola buenas tardes amigos de la comunidad de hive ,hoy les traigo un super y delicioso pasapalo muy natural y sano. El pepino casi no contiene hidratos de carbono y nos aporta en cambio fibra, vitaminas del grupo B, C, E y A. El pepino también contiene importantes minerales como el hierro, el calcio, el fósforo, el magnesio y el potasio, comencemos a mostrarle el paso a paso.
Hello good afternoon friends of the hive community, today I bring you a super and delicious snack very natural and healthy. Cucumber contains almost no carbohydrates and gives us instead fiber, vitamins B, C, E and A. Cucumber also contains important minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, let's start showing you the step by step.


  • Pepino.
  • Sal.
  • Azúcar.
  • Vinagre.
  • Agua.


  • Cucumber.
  • Salt.
  • Sugar.
  • Vinegar.
  • Water.



  1. Primero cortamos los pepinos en rebanadas, luego hidratamos con un poco de sal por media hora.
  1. First cut the cucumbers into slices, then hydrate with a little salt for half an hour.

  1. Después tenemos agua hirviendo se le agregan cinco cucharadas de azúcar y vinagre al gusto agregamos los pepinos ya cortados por cinco minutos hasta que se aprecien en estado cristalino.
  1. After we have boiling water, add five spoonfuls of sugar and vinegar to the taste, add the cucumbers already cut for five minutes until they are appreciated in crystalline state.

  1. Luego separamos los mismos del agua y refrigeramos,una ves ya reposada el agua vertimos en un frasco los pepinos y el agua con que se cocinaron y listos para el consumo. Este es un pasapalo que se sirve frio, espero que les quede igual que a mi delicioso.
  1. Then we separate them from the water and refrigerate, once the water has rested we pour the cucumbers and the water with which they were cooked into a jar and they are ready for consumption. This is a pasapalo that is served cold, I hope it is as delicious as it is for me.
Este fue el resultado final, tantas propiedades que tiene el pepino y no solo eso también sirve en la parte de skincare como mascarilla y relajante, nos vemos en un próximo blog.
This was the final result, so many properties that has the cucumber and not only that also serves in the part of skincare as a mask and relaxing, see you in a next blog.

Todas las fotos son de mi autoría, tomadas por mi telefono samsung A10.

All photos are my own, taken by my samsung A10 phone.


Originally posted here:

Crema de Calabacin y Zanahoria. //Zucchini and Carrot Cream Soup.

Hola saludos un poco alejada pero de regreso, con algo rico, que a veces no sabemos que cocinar o para complementar una comida, que sea sano a la vez, hay que cuidarse.

También enseñar a los niños, jóvenes de casa a comer hortalizas, vegetales, qu7izas no les gusta de una forma, se puede preparar de otra.

Por eso les tengo esta receta de una rica crema de calabacín con zanahoria.

Hello greetings a little far away but back, with something tasty, that sometimes we do not know what to cook or to complement a meal, which is healthy at the same time, you have to take care of yourself.

Also teach children, young people at home to eat vegetables, vegetables, qu7izas they do not like one way, you can prepare another.

That's why I have this recipe for a delicious zucchini cream with carrots.


Los ingredientes la cantidad a su gusto, si quieren mas o si quieren poca crema.

The quantity of ingredients is to your taste, if you want more or if you want less cream.

2 Zanahorias medianas. // 2 medium carrots.
2 Calabacines medianos. // 2 medium zucchini.
1 Tallo grande de Celery. // 1 large Celery stalk.
3 Dientes de Ajo. // 3 cloves of garlic.
Sal, Aceite. // - Salt, Oil.


Empezamos: // Let's get started.

Lavemos bien todo, quitemos lo que veamos feo, pero la piel no es muy fina.

Picar en ruedas ni muy gruesas ni muy delgadas el calabacín la zanahoria, pisamos los ajos y picamos bien fino el celery tallo y hojas, dejamos unas para decorar al final.

Wash everything well, remove what we see ugly, but the skin is not very thin.
Chop the zucchini and the carrot into wheels, neither too thick nor too thin, we crush the garlic and finely chop the celery stalk and leaves, leaving some to decorate at the end.


En una olla echamos dos cucharadas de aceite, sofreímos primero el ajo, hasta que se dore y agregamos lo demás, luego añadimos agua que lo cubra, tapamos hasta que estén blandos al dente.

In a pot pour two tablespoons of oil, fry the garlic first, until golden brown and add the rest, then add water to cover, cover until soft al dente.


Una vez listos, apagamos, dejamos reposar unos minutos, para luego licuar todo, con su caldo, rectificamos la sazón.

Once ready, we turn off, let stand a few minutes, then blend everything with its broth, rectify the seasoning.


Listo y servimos..... fue aprobado por mis hijos @nayita238 y @vicent21 son mis jurados favoritos.

Ready and serve..... was approved by my children @nayita238 and @vicent21 are my favorite jurors.


Comer vegetales y hortalizas es una buena opción en algunos momentos, hay que variar los alimentos.

Todos tienen propiedades, vitaminas, beneficios.

Eating vegetables is a good option at certain times, it is necessary to vary foods.
They all have properties, vitamins, benefits.

El Calabacín: *Protege contra la anemia. * Evita el deterioro cognitivo de la vejez . *Antioxidante. *Beneficia el sistema inmunológico.

Zucchini: * Protects against anemia. * Prevents the cognitive deterioration of old age. *Antioxidant. *Benefits the immune system.

La Zanahoria: *Mejora el cabello. *Desintoxica el hígado. *Mejora la visión. *Potente anticancerígeno.

Carrot: *Improves hair. *Detoxifies the liver. *Improves vision. *Potent anticarcinogenic.

Gracias por su atención y me voy a comer mi crema.

Thank you for your attention and I'm off to eat my cream.

Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas con una cámara Panasonic.

All photos are my own, taken with a Panasonic camera.


Originally posted here:

Oregano Oregano its benefits and properties
Written by:Maria del Carmen Jaimes Molero.
Bachelor's Degree. Agricultural Business Management.
Greetings to all the friends of Hive and especially to the members of the Natural Medicine community, my name is Maria Jaimes, I appear in the Hive community as @cristanza42, today I want to share this important information about the Orejon Orejon, as an introduction to this community, where I hope to continue learning and enjoying the wonderful world of natural medicine. I hope you enjoy this post.
Author: @cristanza42, taken with your honor 7s phone
Oregano is much more than a condiment. It contains potent photochemicals that offer health benefits. It also contains many vitamins such as: A, C, E and K, it is high in fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium and potassium, thanks to all its medicinal contents it has been used for thousands of years.
Oregano has anti-infectious properties. It also has a high content of essential oil, which, when we know how to use it, we obtain healthy benefits thanks to all the medicinal properties it has, it is of great help to improve many aspects of the organism, it is an antioxidant and antimicrobial.
Image taken from:Pixabay

Benefits of oregano

• It is good for the digestive system
• For colds and sore throats
• It is an anti-inflammatory.
• It is an antioxidant.
• Fights bacteria.
• Relieves ear pain
• Relieves muscle aches and pains.
• It serves to control allergies.
• Reduces fatigue, and headache.
• It is a treatment for urinary tract disorders.
• It can also be applied topically to help treat a number of skin conditions, such as acne and dandruff.

Preparation of oregano tea

•Bring a cup of water to a boil. Then.
•add the oregano into the cup and pour the hot water.
•Cover the cup and let it steep for about 10 minutes.
•Strain the infusion and sweeten with a teaspoon of sugar.
I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.

Originally posted here:

June 1, Today Star lockdown in malaysia

How are you friends? I hope everyone is fine. I'm fine too, but I'm not feeling well because the lockdown has started in Malaysia from today and all work has stopped. The Malaysian government doesn't know how long the lockdown will last and how long I have to stay at home. What will I do, how will I give them the expenses of the world.

Let's see why I can't sleep at night thinking about all this. Let's see when the lockdown opens and when we can work normally again. I will say that this epidemic has spread to many countries around the world and everyone is suffering from this epidemic and the Malaysian government is there to keep its people healthy. Let's see how long this step lasts.

Everyone will pray for the expatriate brothers to stay healthy

কেমন আছেন বন্ধুরা সবাই আশা করি সবাই অনেক ভাল আছে আসলে ভালো তো আমিও আছি কিন্তু মনটা ভাল নেই কারণ আজ থেকে লকডাউন স্টার্ট হয়েছে মালয়েশিয়াতে এবং সর্বপ্রকার কাজকর্ম বন্ধ করে দিয়েছে মালয়েশিয়ান সরকার জানিনা কত দিন নাগাদ লকডাউন থাকবে এবং কতদিন ঘরে বসে থাকতে হবে চিন্তা হচ্ছে পরিবার নিয়ে কি করবো কিভাবে তাদেরকে সংসারের খরচ দিব।

এসব ভাবতে ভাবতেই রাতে কেন ঘুম আসছেনা দেখা যাক কবে লকডাউন খোলা এবং কবে আবার স্বাভাবিক ভাবে কাজ-কর্ম করতে পারি কি বলবো সারা পৃথিবীতে অনেকগুলো দেশে এখন এই মহামারীর ছড়িয়ে পড়েছে এবং সবাই এই মহামারিতে ঘটছে এবং মালয়েশিয়া সরকার থাকছে তার দেশের জনগণ যেন সুস্থ থাকে তার জন্যই এই পদক্ষেপ গ্রহণ করেছে এখন দেখা যাক কতদিন থাকে।

সবাই দোয়া করবেন প্রবাসী ভাইদের জন্য তারা যেন সুস্থ থাকে

▶️ DTube

Originally posted here:

Workout After Long Break
Having a weight that is not ideal is very tiring. I've been obese for the last 15 years or so. I used to really like sports. especially sports that use the ball. I have experienced football, volleyball, ping pong, and badminton as an amateur. I've also done jogging and jumping rope every day. I did all the sports activities when I was young. Those all before I got injury on my ankle. After the injury, I never again did sports regularly. I tried to get into the routine for a while, but it always failed after a week or two. Back then the work routine didn't allow me to have time to exercise. now I have a lot of free time. I am very grateful for this, because this aging body needs a lot of exercise to stay healthy. I hope this post can be a trigger for me to keep doing this kind of positive thing.




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Malasana is the simplest and most beneficial yoga.


Hello friends, I am talking to you about a new exercise. When you sit all day or work long hours. In this, your feet and stomach become stable. Always busy with work So it becomes difficult to find your lifestyle in it. Therefore, you should keep good health. I started this practice some time ago. This exercise is considered the best for us. Malasan is also known as Galland Pose. You work in the office all day. This posture is very appropriate. Because it increases the capacity of both our body and mind. This asana increases the strength of the legs, heel, knees and thighs. It also relieves your constipation.

They do a lot to keep the body healthy. But this yoga asana keeps you healthy. Your mind is also right in this. This simple gives strength to your body. Your body remains fit. It also prepares fitness. Any exercise should be done wisely.


Exercise method

It is very easy. Only a few things need attention. Keeping a distance of about one to two feet between both the feet, first you have to stand. The right foot should be planted in the left side claw. The paw of the left leg should be placed on the left side. Lean a little in this position, you have to sit like a chair. Both hands should be well joined. Both elbows should be equal to the shoulders. Exhale slowly. And keep your waist straight. Your waist is not getting straight. So there is no problem. Then you have to sit. Try to make it sit properly. Do not rush to sit on the ground. Those who face difficulty in doing so. This is most important for them. They should try it slowly. One should never exercise in a hurry. This can have side effects on your body. Therefore, exercise should understand it well. Then your lifestyle will become beautiful.


It has many advantages.

  1. Increases the digestive power of your stomach.
  2. Relieves joint pain.
  3. Reduce fat of thigh and abdomen.
  4. Eliminates the problem of stiffness of neck.
  5. The back muscles become flexible.
  6. The movement of the waist and the spi are correct.
  7. Help you to increase concentration.

Is my experience.

You can always do morning and evening anytime. But only to do it on an empty stomach. You can do easy after 6 hours of food. Should always be done in the morning. It makes your health better. who are suffering from knee pain. That person should not do this asana. Their pain may increase.


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Enjoy your Monday. A healthy lifestyle is one that helps maintain and improve your health and well-being.
Have a Nice Day.

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