Thursday, April 2, 2020

When that I’ll feeling creeps in - Actifit Report Card: April 2 2020
Well let’s see if I can stay awake long enough to write this blog post. It is tough in the best of times because I go-go-go all day, have an evening glass of wine while cooking, go for a long walk and do some dishes, spend time reading and supporting Hive authors, and hopefully doing some writing. By the time all that is done, I am *wiped out*! But tonight it is worse because I have that creeping feeling like I’m coming down with something. No I don’t think it’s COVID-19. It feels like relapse of the virus I caught several weeks ago right before traveling to the tropics for a week of vacation. I was sick my whole vacation and I have never gotten back to normal. I keep feeling tired, and my sore throat just never goes away. And suddenly, tonight, it’s far worse. But I did get out walking in the evening! Humorously enough, I walked while talking with my book club gals on Zoom! Well now, that felt like I’ve definitely started making use of the tools of the 21st century! It was great fun. Let’s see what pictures I managed to grab. Aw, a little toy car some wee human can fit into!

And a cute stone pony:

Someone’s Easter decorations:

A gray and lonely road - but behold the lit up window:

Oh and I couldn’t pass this up! It’s a little statue of a pooping dog in someone’s yard commanding that there be no pooping dogs in their yard.

Well there you have it! My day in a nutshell! The rain moved in tonight and it is pouring now - thrumming pleasantly in the roof. I feel thankful tonight that I have a home and a job, and all the basic things I need. I know people who have been laid off, or their hours cut. I fear for the unemployed and the homeless worldwide, and that the trend will get much worse before it gets better. Stay healthy. Take care of yourself. May you have everything you need to get by.

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