Friday, April 3, 2020

COVID-19 and the Trolley Problem: You’re on the Tracks and the Government Is Controlling the Switch
Many amateur philosophers have heard of the "trolley problem." But how many of you ever imagined you'd find yourself on the tracks?
For those that don't know, the "trolley problem" is a ethical though experiment. A trolley is barreling out of countrol down the tracks and will kill 3 people if it continues on its current course. You have the ability to flip a switch to change its course and if you do only one person will be killed. You've saved 3 but are directly responsible for the death of one in this case. In the case of COVID-19, the government has decided to flip the switch. However, how many lives will be saved and lost because of that action is by no means certain. It's quite possible that social distancing and shutting down the economy will help in the short term but only delay the inevitable. On the other hand, the economic catastrophe that this has created will cost many lives as well. For every 1% increase in unemployment, thousands more people die every year for various reasons. Right now we are talking about a 25% increase or more. Nevermind the lives ruined in other ways. A severe recession or depression will cost lives in other ways as well from moor starvation in poor countries to potential wars. So the question is, should we be able to make our own choices or should the government make them for us? Should healthy people likely to experience no more than mild flu-like symptoms from COVID-19 be forced out of work and have their freedoms taken away or should the less healthy simply have the option to self-isolate and take the appropriate precautions to protect themselves? Source: COVID-19 and the Trolley Problem: You’re on the Tracks and the Government Is Controlling the Switch - Foundation for Economic Education
Originally posted here:

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