Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Hope in Uncertain Times - Sharing Personal Stories and Inviting You to Join a Meditation Challenge

image.png Although it surely differs from country to country, city to city, town to town, household to household and person to person, I myself have been feeling some relieve in the last week or so. Almost as if the world has become a little more positive. As if there's more space for breathing, once again. Many people seem to have accepted the current situation and are trying to make the best of it, instead of resisting change, feeling overwhelmed or being stressed out by the F word (Fear) that the media 'love' to spread around. Although I hope that you feel somewhat better, as I do, there's a chance that you still aren't feeling all that great and that's okay. You are allowed to feel whatever and however you feel. Nevertheless, as @riverflows ended her intro last week: > If you're struggling, pop in and see us in The Sanctuary, a channel in our Discord for expressing how you might be feeling right now, so you might more easily let it go - and get a bit of reassurance from others who are more than likely feeling exactly as you are. *You are not alone*. I suggest you continue reading though, as I have no doubt it's gonna make you feel better. Lots of personal and heartfelt stories here.


@mamrita - who I recently got to know a little better thanks to Discord - came up with another beautiful and thoughtful piece. Here's an excerpt: > And the extra time I now have is very much welcomed, that's why I resigned in the first place. I feel this is a very powerful time for me. And I'm ready to take full responsibility for my life. And the life situation I'm currently in is just a perfect 'test' for my ability to do so. So I also feel grateful in all of this 🙏 I rise to the challenge but some days I just feel overwhelmed. I'm sure many of you can relate to this. I definitely can. Her quote from a work of philosophy teaches us that pain should be distinguished from suffering. The former is 'natural' and 'beautiful', where the latter stems from "not seeing things as they truly are", the victim mentality. I invite you to read the full post [here](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@mamrita/an-encouragement-to-embrace-pain-but-to-let-go-of-suffering)


https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/artemislives/GSJemWUL-light-1330842_1920.jpg I also really related to @artemislives post of two days ago: > We forget that Light is our natural state - that we are Beings of Light. And in times of turbulence, transition and seeming death & darkness, we are so busy shading our eyes against the glare and protecting ourselves we forget about the cleansing illumination it brings. There's so much goodness in here, although the honest truth might seem painful to some... I suggest you dive into her post [here](https://peakd.com/mindfulness/@artemislives/the-insightful-corona-lens-creating-clarity)


https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/minismallholding/EAHTtJVm-20180427_074005.jpg @minismallholding shares her thoughts and a brief history of her life with us, leading up to where she finds herself now: > Growing up, life is about learning, so it makes sense that a lot of importance is put onto education. The goal of education these days, of course, is working towards employment. I guess this is where the idea of dreams comes in. We're asked what we want to be when we grow up. If we don't really have an idea, then the pressure is on that we should have and if we do have ideas then we can often be discouraged from them as being unachievable. Go read her full story [here](https://www.naturalmedicine.io/hive-120078/@minismallholding/finding-purpose-and-the-roles-we-adopt) I love these kind of personal stories and hope she finds what she's looking for ( or just keeps adapting and going with the flow )


**More noteworthy content:** We should all start our day like @porters Reading this made me smile --> [Keeping that Spring in Your Step and Smile on Your Face](https://www.naturalmedicine.io/hive-123046/@porters/keeping-that-spring-in-your-step-and-smile-on-your-face-response-to-ecotrain-question-of-the-week) Try this at home! @sidwrites reminds us to practice gratitude and keep smiling in [When Corona Ends and Gratitude Begins](https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@sidwrites/when-corona-ends-and-gratitude-begins) You might also wanna welcome back @namastethis who didn't blog for 5 months but is back with a big bang ( no, not that big bang ). [More on that here](https://www.naturalmedicine.io/steempress/@namastethis/reviewinglifefromthelockdownlovein-f3i2kxb02g)


#### This week, and every week, we make one person who is curated above a 5 percent beneficiary on this post. It DOES have to be a delegator, this week, I'm choosing @mamrita :>) #### Oh, and before I forget, last but definitely not least, I was reminded of a 21 Day Meditation Challenge that is going on these days globally.
Here's a screenshot that I made:

Hope challenge.png

##### It's called "Hope in Uncertain Times", I think we can all have some more of it. I made a channel for it in our mindful life discord and you're welcome to join in ( scroll to the bottom of our post to find a link to our hangout ) but - if you prefer to partake in this alone - feel free to go [here](https://chopracentermeditation.com/) directly to get started.
##### That's all for today's curation, stay ZEN and sane,
SuperZEnsitivosaurus aka @vincentnijman


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#### Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. For any questions, come ask in our friendly Discord [here](https://discord.gg/nddjsPp) !


Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/naturalmedicine/@naturalmedicine/hope-in-uncertain-times-sharing-personal-stories-and-inviting-you-to-join-a-meditation-challenge

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