Friday, April 17, 2020

Get to know Local Superfoods from Indonesia (maybe there's also in your country)


**Superfood and new dietary trends**. I think so many of us have heard or even become part of this healthy dietary trend. *Then what exactly is superfood, and what special conditions must be had so that the food can be called part of superfood.* **Superfood** is *a term for a group of foods that are nutrient dense, protein and vitamins so it is good for the health of the body*. Derived from plants sources (nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruit), dairy products, and fish. *The benefits of consuming superfood include* *reducing the risk of dangerous diseases such as heart disease, cancer and stroke. Slowing the process of premature aging, maintaining body immunity also increases brain intelligence.* Reporting from the **American Heart Association**, that actually *"superfoods do not have their own food group, it's all more on marketing methods for mentioning a food product that has extraordinary benefits for health."* **Eating super food will certainly not hurt us and even it will benefit our body health.** So that most people focus on one / two specific types of food to get the benefits, but **is it true that if we eat one / two certain types of food we will really get these benefits?** **Facts and answers, of course not**, *focusing on just one or two foods and eating too much will certainly make the body lose the other nutrients that it actually needs. Because the concept of nutrition work on food for long-term health is togetherness and continuously.* So... *the solution to staying healthy with healthy food is to include some super food in our daily diet.* Superfood is not only limited to expensive and common foods we know like almonds, dates, chia seeds, quinoa, blueberries, kiwi, etc. It turns out that many local Indonesian foods are included in the superfood category, including: ¶ **SUKUN - Breadfruit**


This fruit grows a lot in regions of Indonesia. Soft texture like potatoes and also the fragrant aroma of old fruit is widely used for light snacks such as steamed / or for making cake ingredients. And the immature breadfruit texture is very crunchy similar to artichokes, usually for cooking with coconut milk soup. *Breadfruit contains super protein that is better than other vegetable proteins, rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, and minerals.* ¶ **Moringa**


Commonly called Moringa, these tiny leaves grow wild in the yard of Indonesian society. If you ask about the benefits, the world nutritionists also have a lot to admit, in the previous article I have written some of the benefits of this little Moringa, check the article [here]( **The fact about Moringa** • Moringa leaves in Indonesia become an export commodity to Japan. • In India, Moringa leaves are widely used to make prescription drugs in more than 300 kinds of diseases. • Other countries use Moringa leaves for beauty therapy as well as super food supplements. • WHO - World Organization recommends Moringa leaves to be widely planted and consumed as nutritional solutions for toddlers and children in economically weak countries. • In Indonesia Moringa leaves are better known for increasing the quality and volume of breast milk in nursing mothers. *Moringa contain lots of Vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B complex, and various minerals can help improve skin health. Moringa is also rich in phytonutrients, and antioxidants to help the process of detoxification and prevent inflammation.* **In Charlotte's Book**, Moringa oil / Moringa tree oil extract contains four times more collagen than carrots. That's better, it's not ... ¶ **(Purple) Sweet potato**


From all the colors of sweet potatoes, *purple* is the one I like the most, in addition to the tempting color, the sweetness is also very legit. Hmmm yummy 😋 *The content of vitamin A in (purple) sweet potatoes is very high, vitamin C, its not easily damaged by heat because protected by starch. This starch is able to stimulate the body to produce collagen, you know the function of collagen, many women like it because it can maintain skin elasticity and slow down premature aging.* The content of **anthocyanin** in (purple) sweet potato peel is very good as a food therapy for diabetics, because it can reduce blood sugar levels. *(Purple) sweet potato is also rich in manganese, copper, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, potassium, food fiber, niacin, vitamin B1, vitamin B and phosphorus**. Start from now on let's get in the habit of having (purple) sweet potato in our daily menu because it can be a substitute for a source of carbohydrates besides rice, it's already healthy and tasty again. ¶ **Ciplukan - Physalis**


If you remember this fruit, it must be the childhood who lived in the village in Indonesia, remember this small fruit. *Ciplukan or known as physalis or pichuberry.* This fruit grows wild in Indonesia and amazingly this fruit in Peru is included as an export commodity. *Physalis is rich with vitamin D which is important for maintaining healthy bones and skin. In addition, it also contains vitamins C and B12. This small yellow fruit has good anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory compound.* ¶ Black Glutinous Rice


``In this world there are 2 types of Black Glutinous Rice, one from Indonesia and the second is Jasmine Black Glutinous Rice from Thailand.`` In China Black Glutinous Rice is considered a good food for the kidneys, liver and gastric. The **Whole Grains Council** said that *black glutinous rice has an antioxidant content 6x higher than brown rice or white rice*. The **anthocyanin** is very good for reducing blood sugar levels of diabetics, also very good for heart health. *Anthocyanin in Black glutinous rice is almost close to the content of Anthocyanin in blueberries.* Black glutinous rice is also very good for natural facial skin care by applying it as a face care mask. ¶ **TAUGE - Bean sprouts**


**Bean sprouts or mung bean sprouts.** *Rich in vitamin B, minerals (potassium, iron, and calcium), and contains protein.* Sprouts can increase the body's ability to absorb nutrients in nuts because it is bound by **phytic acid**. According to research that *"nuts which grow into sprouts, have multiplied nutrients than originally"*. Bean sprouts are also a source of *riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, thiamine, and niacin. Rich in vitamin C and copper*. In Indonesia it is believed that consuming bean sprouts can increase fertility in women and men. ¶ **Mangosteen**


Mangosteen is a native fruit of Indonesia, and has become main export commodity in Indonesia. Nowadays many of herbal medicinal products that use mangosteen peel as raw material. *Mangosteen contains a natural compound of polyphenols known as xanthones*. **Alpha and Gamma Xanthones** found in fruit flesh and fruit peel. *Xanthones function as effective drugs for cardiovascular disease, repair cells damaged by free radicals, slow down aging, ward off degenerative diseases, and physical and mental damage.* *Mangosteen also contains antioxidants like catechin found in green tea, and is also rich in vitamin C.* ¶ **Watercress**


Watercress with tiny leaves has many health benefits. *It has a high content of vitamin A and K, rich in glucosinolate compounds* that function to inhibit the growth of breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer. Usually in Indonesia we consume by boiling it and then eaten with sauce from peanuts and chillies. ¶ **Salak (Snakeskin fruit)**


Snakeskin fruit is rich in *calcium, flavonoids, vitamin C, saponins, and tannins.* Besides being very good for the health of the body, the nutrients found in snakeskin fruit are also very good for skin care from the inside. --- This Local food ingredients are very abundant in Indonesia and the price is very cheap, sometimes growing by itself in the yard. So you know that superfood food is not only found on high-priced foods. But there are so many other alternatives to staying healthy. If in your country there are these ingredients, then start to include them as a your daily food menu. I made a short 8 minute video that I uploaded on my YouTube channel and Dtube, explaining about superfood, benefits and a list of local Indonesian food ingredients like in this article, with Indonesian audio also translated in English at the bottom of the video. Hope it is useful, thank you so much for reading and supporting my article.)😉 dwiita
Originally posted here:

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