Thursday, April 2, 2020

Coronavirus Overblown Fear-Hype Busted: Deceit to Induce Fear vs Facts
Originally, a 13-year old model designed for flu said 500,000 deaths in the UK, and 2.2 million in the US. This model's was never pear reviewed, which is standard practice when modeling global numbers and making claims. The Imperial College model was WRONG, and has since been reduced from 500,000 deaths in the UK, down to 20,000, and then down to 5,700.


This is what the hype and fear was based on. A bullshit model that was done wrongly, where the author of the model has still refused to open source his code for review. Yet, his newest numbers at 5,700, which is less than the flu deaths in a year in the UK. The US is still (over)estimating deaths at 100,000 - 200,000 officially given the measures being taken to curb the spread of the virus and deal with infections. This is down from the original 2.2 million. This translates to about 90,000 in the next few weeks. Watch to see if this pans out at all. CBS was recently caught lying to the public about footage taken from Italy about overcrowding in hospital beds, claiming it was New York. People took it upon themselves to go to hospital to video record the "overflow" conditions in NY hospitals. And their videos show "ghost town" conditions in hospitals, with no overcrowding. In addition, 94% people who have died in Italy from alleged COVID-19 infections, were already going to die this year, according to Italian officials. Everywhere, death certificates are known to be marking the cause of death as COVID-19, when it's not the actual cause of death. This violates principles of medical practice to declare causes of deaths. The actual cause of death isn't known, yet fraudulent death certificates are being issued. As of April 1, 2020, deaths from reportedly positive COVID-19 infections in NYC at are near 4,000, but there are only 18 people who don't have pre-existing medical conditions. That means, only 18 deaths so far have been from apparently healthy people with no documented pre-existing medical condition. In 2018, a total of 59,120 people died in the USA from influenza and pneumonia, and 159,486 people died of lower respiratory disease. This "pandemic" has been artificially hyped up relative to the actual threat it poses the world population. We have been lied to, and put into grave fear of something that isn't worse than other infections that result in deaths every year. Famous German doctor, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, has written an [open letter]( to German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel about the problems in how governments are dealing with this situation. > The reason for my concern lies above all in the truly unforeseeable socio-economic consequences of the drastic containment measures which are currently being applied in large parts of Europe and which are also already being practiced on a large scale in Germany. > ... > The internationally recognized International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents will soon publish a paper that addresses exactly this question. Preliminary results of the study can already be seen today and lead to the conclusion that the new virus is NOT different from traditional corona viruses in terms of dangerousness. The authors express this in the title of their paper “SARS-CoV-2: Fear versus Data“. [3] *Read the English translation [here]( The new paper [SARS-CoV-2: Fear versus Data]( states: > The problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably overestimated, as 2.6 million people die of respiratory infections each year compared with less than 4000 deaths for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of writing. Watch this for these and more facts about this COVID-19 farce:
Originally posted here:

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