Saturday, April 4, 2020

Adventures In Evil Zombieland - The Covid Chronicles Special Edition


I’m a conscious creator, not like the damaged human TV-heads. I’m walking under a freshly chemtrailed sky. A collage of debris swirls by me as I walk down the eerie, near-empty streets. Locked doors and vacant lots. This is how it is now in the new toilet paper economy, courtesy of the Covid chaos caused by the dark magician ruling class and the billions of unconscious creators who obey them. I get to a storefront and a middle aged man wearing a clear plastic bag over his head is putting up a “closed for Covid” sign. So I ask him, “Hey, why are you closing? It’s the middle of the day.” With a bewildered look he says, “Because the government said so, don’t ya know?” I contain a scoff and retort, “Ah, yes, government, the violent gang that bosses us around and takes our stuff. ” “That’s a little extreme, I’d say.” “If you close for a few weeks, you might lose your business, so why are you obeying them?” He growls and says, “Because they said so.” “What would happen if you didn’t close your shop?” “They’d probably shut me down anyway.” “You mean that people in costumes with badges would come and use violence and coercion against you?” “Well, uh….” Discomfort oozes from his puzzled face. He’d never looked at it that way before. I tell him to have a nice day and carry on my way. The seed was planted, so now he might think. I cough from the chemtrail soup that slowly descends from the technocratically controlled heavens. I pass by another unconscious creator who’s wearing a mask and gloves. A jumbo bottle of chemical hand sanitizer is in one hand and a super sized Skittles in another. We cross paths a couple feet apart, he jumps back, scowls, and screams, “Hey, watch it!” I look at him quizzically, “I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?” “You didn’t walk six feet away from me! Don’t you know about social distancing?!” “Can you tell me what a wrongdoing is?” “What does that have to do with anything?” “Well, knowledge of what a wrongdoing is is just part of the moral foundation that creates the experience sentient beings have throughout the universe, put in place by the Creator.” “What in tarnation are you talkin about?” I smile and say, “Anyway, a wrongdoing is any action that initiates harm against another sentient being. May I ask why you’re trying to stay six feet away from anyone and everyone?” “Because they said to do it on the news. There’s a global pandemic right now! The government is demanding social distancing, so we can be safe and healthy. Do you live on another planet or something?” “No, but sometimes I feel like it with everything that’s going on these days. Health and safety are an individual’s responsibility, and nobody else’s. And have you ever heard of democide? Government was the number one leading cause of unnatural death in the 20th century, so how could ‘they’ possibly keep you safe? With this in mind, it seems that the cult of government authority and obedience to it is a much worse pandemic than any biological disease.” He rolls his eyes, grumbles, and waddles away. I shrug and walk a narrow, empty, and pothole filled street until I spot a line of bug-eyed and worried people. The line wraps around a tiny building like a spiral. On the tiny building, there is a giant banner that says, “Covid-19 shots now available.” I grimace and approach one of the panicked patrons. “Is this the toilet paper line?” She gives a forced smile and answers, “Nope, it’s the Coronavirus vaccine line.” I double face-palm and say, “That’s the saddest thing I’ve heard today. Could you tell me what the ingredients in the vaccine are?” “Who cares, as long as it works?” “One ingredient?” She huffs, crosses arms, and rolls eyes away. I continue, “Why would you put something that you don’t know the ingredients of into your bloodstream? Have you thought of trying natural medicines?” “Oh, if those worked, then we’d all be using them.” “By using them and observing the effects on oneself, an individual can find what works and what doesn’t. I’ve been using natural medicines for years and have observed many positive effects, with zero negative effects. Have you ever had a flu shot?” “Yeah.” “And did you get the flu?” “Well, yeah, but….” She pauses, turns red, and cries out, “Shutup conspiracy theorist!” Just as I’m about to reply, I spy a smug character proudly coming out the door. He’s grinning from ear to ear and showing off a shiny electro-gadget on his freshly injected arm. I wade through unconscious creators and try to get his attention. “Pardon me, could I ask what that is on your arm that you’re so proudly displaying? Satisfied and smug he tells me, “This is proof that I’ve been vaccinated! Now it broadcasts anywhere I go, and people will know that I’m Covid-free! And best of all, it didn’t cost me a thing!” “Other than your privacy, health, and freedom, nope, not a thing!” I manage to say, keeping my righteous anger somewhat at bay. “Why would you do that? Did you know that hundreds of thousands of people die from the flu each year? So why would someone be so panicked about the Covid hype?” He gives me a dirty look, “Well, I want to be healthy, so I’m taking every precaution. Not only that, but nobody will let you go back to work without proof that you’ve had the vaccine!” Sadness engulfs me at the state of humanity. “So now you need proof of poisoning before conducting voluntary exchange?” He wrinkles his nose and scurries away. The next guy in line at the door coughs, which draws ire from the crowd. A bully in blue tackles him to the ground and starts to put physical shackles on the one-cough man. I approach the mind-controlled bully with a badge and ask, “Why are you assaulting this man? Assault is a wrongdoing.” A vein pops in his forehead and he yells with authoritarian relish, “No coughing in public! This guy’s gotta be quarantined!” “By quarantined, you mean held against his will? That’s another wrongdoing. Coughing isn’t wrong, but what you’re doing is.” He scowls and says, “Ya wanna be next, wise guy?” At this point, I feel morally obligated to analyze my options, in accordance with Natural Law. The bully in blue is obviously funded by extortion. He is assaulting someone who didn’t do anything wrong and violating their Natural Rights. Ironically, however, if the costumed order-follower throws the poor guy in a quarantine cage, it might actually save the guy from getting poison injected into his bloodstream here at this medical mafia establishment. On the other hand, if he gets held against his will in a quarantine cage, they just might inject him anyway, which would be a double dose of evil for the lad. So, all things considered, feeling righteous indignation due to someone having their rights violated violently right before my very eyes, I feel morally obligated to intervene with righteous defense. Just as I’m about to take action, though, a cry comes from the crowd, “FREE TOILET PAPER!!!” The mob of unconscious creators goes one way, and I go the other. The badged bandit is forced to flee and his victim on the ground runs away scot-free. So now I decide to end this darkly humorous, dystopic adventure. Reporting the harsh reality from Evil Zombieland, but not without hope. See you next time, yours truly, a sovereign individual anarchist conscious creator, sending love and truth into the universe, which will reverberate forever. Thanks for your time and attention! Just say "NO" to slavery! Top image is from pixabay
Originally posted here:

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