Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lock Down Water Fasting
Drinking about two liters of water a day is mandatory for a good health, according to specialists, but what happens when you only drink water for just one day? Well, you're definitely not gonna die. I assure you because I'be been having tons of water fasts and I am still alive. Moreover, I believe that during that one year when I was fasting a day a week, I got my best health status. I don't remember though when I had my last water fasting but living inside for too much and getting to introspect myself more I got the intuition today to fast. It was nothing planned, I simply didn't felt like dying to eat some boiled eggs or any other *healthy breakfast* of mine so I took the decision to fast. What means for me water fasting? It is a full day, 24 hours to be exact, of ingesting nothing but water. It doesn't matter the hour at which you started it, it matters... I guess, that you fast for 24 hours. I have the habit to do intermittent fasting for a long time, so I'm used to have a 16 hours pause of food. Today I will have a whole day of it. I last ate on Saturday at 20:00 and I'm gonna eat again today at the same hour.


[image source]( Before I jump in telling you my experience with fasting for 24 hours, I will share with you what [thelife]( claims to be the health benefits of such a practice and you can decide for yourself if it suits you as well, or not. So, are you ready?... Here they are: >Water fasting: Improves Body Composition and Fitness Promotes Greater Satiety Boosts Your Metabolism Supports Fat Loss and Ketosis Improves Cardiovascular Health Lowers Blood Pressure Decreases Blood Sugar Improves Blood Triglycerides Promotes Heart Health May Slow Aging and Enhance Longevity Decreases Inflammation Increases Resistance to Oxidative Stress Improves Cell Recycling Increases Growth Regulation Protects Your Brain Reduces Harmful Protein Production Promotes a Healthy Stress Response Those are the so called health benefits, according to specialists, but since I dedicated a post to this thing, I will point out how I feel during and after such a fast. I don't know for sure what happens inside my body and deep down my cells, but I can feel how my mind and body react to my refuse of eating for one day. I will mention that is highly important to have at least 2 liters of drinking water, and wouldn't encourage dry fasting. Drinking enough water will help flushing the toxins and thus cleanse your least for one day. The hunger feeling installs itself right after your usual time of eating breakfast and from what I noticed it peaks three-four hours later. After about five, six hours you realize that you could stop eating for longer than just one day and there are people that experienced multiple days of fasting as well, but I haven't. I eat right when that 24 hour has been consumed and I usually start with fruits. After such a long pause for the digestive system it would be horrible to give it scrambled eggs and pancakes. I doubt the fast would have any point to break it this way. I have once experienced something similar and the whole night I had stomach pain and I couldn't sleep at all. It was simply a shock. Fasting for one day puts the digestive system on pause and I guess at the same time triggers the self cleansing system of the body to do a proper general cleaning. It's not just the body that benefits from it though, but the mind as well. Although you get a bit nervous in the first hours, after a while that mood passes and you will realize that you're calmer, more lucid and alert and you seem to understand things and people better. Feels like being a Buddha for one day. Meditation *works better* and I don't know why, but it does, and music seems to have a different vibe as well. You also learn during this time to control your cravings and urges, and not just your stomach ones, but the ones of the whole body. It really feels like you have more control over your body and mind. Not full control, but way more than usual, and I guess that's the proof that we are what we eat. I wouldn't recommend though extreme physical activity for such a day, but a walk wouldn't make any harm. You will feel a bit sleepy in the afternoon though because the body is trying to protect you from *falling apart without food*, but during sleep the repairing team kicks in. If you're a smoker I would leave cigarettes aside and I am only fasting with water and nothing else. Natural juices have their important role but when it comes to fasting let the water do its job. Nothing else does it better. Getting out of it I will first eat a banana, and after a half hour or so I will eat food, but nothing heavy and challenging for a paused digestive system. What I noticed and many others as well, is that the food tastes incredible after one day of having nothing at all. It really does, and my guess is that the nutrients from that first meal are better absorbed. I wouldn't recommend water fasting to anyone though because some have daily pills to take and who knows what happens if you don't eat and take them, thus asking your doc would be the best. I have tried it many times, I felt good and believe that it's benefiting my body and I am doing it today as well. What else do I have to do after all... For a comprehensive study on water fasting you can have a look at this [article]( from which I extracted the above quoted health benefits. **Thanks for attention,** **Adrian**
Originally posted here:

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