Saturday, April 18, 2020

Keeping Strong as Life Goes On...
To have your health, wealth and wisdom - three things I strive for! With this post I'll be focusing on health. Keeping healthy has long been a concern of mine with the degradation of food supplies,chemicals and pollutants abounding, drugs being pushed to treat symptoms but not really addressing the underlying cause of diseases or health conditions and the added stress that modern day can put upon us with lifestyles not really set up to handle those stresses. Being that I came from a fairly health conscious family and because I had an incident where I lost my health for a while I realized how important health is for adding to the quality of life. That incident motivated me to do what is in my power to live a healthy life. The place I chose to make my home and raise my child was in the forest (a place where I can retreat from the craziness of the world and brings me peace of mind just being there) with a community of like minded people working together. A great place to raise kids! I was always big on gardening and one of the first things I did was develop my gardens. Now it seems more and more important to have the ability to grow your own food so you know what goes into it and have it available to you. For the food I couldn't produce myself I sourced as much of it as I could from local producers whom I got to know. We had done major cleanses to take out some of the built up toxins and to leave our body better able to take up all these good nutrients we were providing it and would look for nutrient dense foods and have a diet that optimizes the functioning of our bodies.

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Now since the pandemic it has created more of an urgency and I take more seriously some of the practices I developed to take care of my health. As I said in one of my previous posts on Immunity (Read it [here]( > Give the body all it needs to function at full capacity and it is quite capable of protecting itself from intruders like viruses, harmful bacteria, fungi, and toxic chemicals produced by microbes! #### Maximizing Growing Space in Indoor Garden

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I keep on top of the food I am growing and try to keep my gardens productive as possible plus harvesting more of the wild plants that are readily available. I have done a lot of studying on wild plants growing in this area and their uses to increase my knowledge of what foods and medicines are available in the Boreal forest region of Saskatchewan where I live. We have a healthy diet, I make sure I get out for some sunshine, fresh air and exercise and make sure I get enough rest.

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Part of keeping myself healthy and less susceptible to the pandemic is to have on hand the different herbs that will support the immune system. These are things that I can grow in my garden or harvest from the wild - garlic, calendula, borage, dandelion, yarrow, mullein, hawthorn, goldenrod, stinging nettle, red clover, Balm of Gilead, burdock, bear-berry, caraway, cayenne, coneflower, peppermint, rosemary, sage, thyme, wormwood and Usnea. To see ways these herbs are used to support the immune system, again, I refer you back to that previous post I did on immunity [here]( For my emotional health I like to keep close connections with my family and friends in what ever way that is possible.

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I have developed a meditation practice that I want to vamp up. I do a regular meditation session when I begin my day and I want to get back to having a regular session to end my day (somehow I got myself real busy and just wanted to go to bed at the end of the day!) This keeps my stress levels down and also adds more purpose in my life as I strive to keep on the path of awakening with the ultimate goal of Nibbana, Nibbannic peace, tranquility and joy! This also helps me operate from a base of love, starting with myself and branching out to all beings with a wish that we all can be happy and peaceful and that peace and harmony can prevail in this world! This is my response to the ***Natural Medicine Covid 19 After The Virus Challenge*** Details [here]( You have until April the 25th to enter and there is 100 HIVE up for grabs! The garden and wild herb photos were taken with my Canon Powershot the memes from Graphicstock.
**Thanks for stopping by!**

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