Friday, April 3, 2020

How to Quit Craving Sugar!!!
Hey guys today's post is going to be a health post on how to help cut your sugar craving. Sugar is found all around us almost anywhere you go. It's in our foods, drinks, and condiments. Too much sugar consumption can lead to weight gain and an array of health problems such as Diabetes. Sugar can become addictive and you will start to crave it. Once that happens, you are going to need Willpower to not want to consume it. Eventually, your will power will be broken, and you will give in and consume that sugar. I'm going to show you ways so you will not want sugar in the first place and you will NOT have to rely on willpower. Lets get to it...


Nutrient Deficiency: this is a major cause of overeating and poor food choices. Your hunger gets activated when the body is in need of nutrients. The body wants vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that are derived from eating whole foods. If you fill your body with "junk food" or food low in nutritional value, your body is going to send those hunger signals again in search of those vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. Instead of eating foods that are "fortified" with vitamins and minerals (think sugar cereals found on supermarket shelves), choose foods that are naturally nutrient dense (fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and animal proteins). Eat more fats: Fats are very satiating (they keep you full longer). A meal that is high in good, quality fats (coconut oil, avocado, salmon) will keep you "full" longer than a meal high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates break down into sugars and will affect insulin sensitivity in the body. High insulin levels will lead to a crash and the body will be looking for more food much quicker than if digesting fat. Lose Weight: Leptin is a hormone found in the hypothalamus part of the brain. This part of the brain regulates food intake and how many calories you consume. Leptin is found in the White Fatty Tissue (the bad fatty tissue). This means the more overweight you are, the more leptin that is produced by the body. In theory, this should mean that your body will tell you that you are fuller sooner, but the result is the body's sensitivity to leptin decreases. In other words, the body receptors begin to ignore the leptin signals to stop eating...your shut-off system is in need of repair. This is why people who are overweight, become more overweight. Losing weight will help the body decrease White Fatty Tissue (bad fat), and increase Brown Fatty Tissue (the good fat), which in return will help keep leptin levels in check and your body more in tune. Sleep: Another good way to keep you leptin levels in check is to get good sleep. When you are sleep deprived, your leptin levels will be off, and you have an urge to eat less healthy foods, carbs in particular. Getting a good night sleep is the best way to rebalance your hormone levels and help ditch "sweets" cravings. Exercise: helps regulate insulin sensitivity and leptin sensitivity, as well as decreasing White fatty tissue (bad fat)...Lifting weights in particular. Eat fermented foods such as kefir, pickles, kimchee and sauerkraut that are high in probiotics. These foods are high in beneficiary bacteria that help your internal environment. Taking a probiotic supplement can also be taken. Conversely, eat less starchy and sweet foods that negate the beneficial bacteria in your GI Tract. Well that's all for now. Hope you picked up some tips to help lower that sugar craving. If you have anything you would like to add, please leave a comment. Thanks for reading. Take care and stay safe out there
Originally posted here:

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