Monday, April 6, 2020


[See recipe for a healthy carrot\apple muffin here]( __MY JOURNEY TO SWEET ALTERNATIVES__ Before I begin sharing a few tips, I found on substituting ingredients for healthy natural sweetener alternatives in baking. I would like to explain to you what brought me to experimenting with these life hacks. In 2012, the years of making unhealthy food choices were finally catching up to me. I was wasn't obese, but I still wasn't at a healthy weight. It started to show in my physical health during a routine physical, and my blood sugar was borderline elevated. I was pre-diabetic. My doctor and dieticians were surprised by my blood results; like I already mentioned, I was not obese, just slightly overweight. It's also important to consider the fact that blood sugar imbalances are present in my family history. On a side note, this shows how it's vital to fuel your body with good things because even if physically you look healthy, that does not mean you are healthy on the inside. In my situation, I refused to consider the thought of taking daily prescriptions at the age of 24. Given that I was on a waitlist to see a dietician through my family physician's office, I took my health in my own hands. This health scare shifted my health habits through a complete 360. For me, it's crazy to think that I never drank water, my only source of hydration was juice, I cut that out right away. I also did some research and decided to try the paleo diet. This diet brings you back to the basics of what nature has to offer us. If you stick to animal protein, healthy fats, and vegetables, you are following a paleo diet. However, I don't like to label myself as one thing. I decided to take some things and leave some aspects of the diet aside. For example, in the paleo diet, you aren't supposed to have grains, but I decided to stick with steel-cut oats and quinoa. These grains are low in glycemic levels and complex carbs, which helps stabilize your blood sugar levels. I would also focus on eating good quality meat, organic vegetables, and nature's sugars when it came to sweets. Thankfully, just by sticking to vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, nature's sugar, meat/fish, and water, I was able to change my blood sugar levels drastically. My family physician was beyond surprised that I was able to reverse prediabetes. Not only that but by the time I went to meet with the dietician, I was back to a healthy weight and a healthy blood sugar level. Now, I will be honest, that between 2016 when I first got pregnant until 2019, after my second pregnancy, I got sidetracked. I was at my heaviest in January 2019. Since then, my passion for holistic nutrition has grown so much that in March 2019, I decided to make a drastic career change from Social Work to Holistic Nutrition. I also dramatically changed my diet to a wholesome organic food that includes grass-fed meat from a local farm, free-range eggs, organic produce, and natural sugars. __Nature's Sugars__ Now let's talk about nature's sugars, which my two favorites are maple syrup and honey. Having two young kids, I must find ways to meet their sweet tooth. At home, I rarely have any processed sugar treats available; on occasion, I will buy them a treat. For example, right now, I have a small pack of chocolate cookies, but ideally, I find alternatives that they enjoy without the processed sugars. I do let them have some processed sugar treats when we go over to their grandparents or at birthday parties to avoid creating binge eating in the future. I just want to create a good foundation for them to rely on, but they will also need to make their own choices as they get older. In the end, I know that sugar is sugar, but the way it affects your blood sugar levels and nutrient content makes a big difference for me. __MAPLE SYRUP = Canadian Gold__


[Source]( Maple syrup is my go-to sweetener, and I use it to sweeten most of my baking goods. [It is high in many essential minerals, including [manganese (168%) and zinc (28%). It also contains some calcium (7%), potassium (6%), and iron (7%). Not only does it have these minerals, but it is also high in antioxidants.]( Now that we know the nutrient content of maple syrup, but it is also essential to keep in mind to consume in moderation since it is still a sugar. I use it as a substitute for white sugar in recipes in the following way. I usually reduce the amount required by a quarter. For example, if a recipe is calling for 1 cup of sugar, you would only add 3/4 cup of maple syrup to balance out the liquids. __Honey = Liquid Gold__


[Source]( Although honey only contains trace amounts of minerals and vitamins, not enough to meet any daily requirement, it is high in antioxidants. Like maple syrup, it's good to consume in moderation as it is still a sugar and can impact your blood sugar levels. [It is high in flavonoids, an antioxidant that is known to reduce the risks of heart disease, strokes, and some cancers. The antioxidants present in honey are known to improve eye function, increase good cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure levels.]( The following method is how I substitute white sugar with honey in recipes. I cut the amount required by a quarter. For example, if a recipe is calling to 1 cup of sugar, you would only add 3/4 of honey to balance out the liquids. __Other natural sweeteners__ 1 cup of sugar = 1 cup of banana (add water until smooth) 1 cup of sugar = 1 cup of apple sauce minus ¼ liquids it asks On a different note, you can also find various recipes that only require either honey or maple syrup. This link directs you to one of my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipes. Instead of adding dark chocolate chips, I add unsweetened chocolate chips. [Recipe]( These cookies never last more than two days in my household. Finally, here is a chart that shows you different sweeteners, to convert from white sugar. Please keep in mind that many of them are considered processed sugars. I still consider it a useful link because it shows some natural sweeteners. [Chart]( ___Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Please feel free to follow me if you are interested in learning more about holistic approaches to becoming a better you.___ Intuitive Health Nut
Originally posted here:

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