Saturday, April 4, 2020

Everything you need to know about coronavirus and quarantine


# Coronavirus To get infected, you need to have internal body contact with the coronavirus. This means you will not become ill if you place your hand on a surface with coronavirus, but you will become ill if you bring your hand to your eyes after touching an infected surface. That's why everyone says "wash your hands". You don't have to wash every 5 minutes, but you always have to wash your hands after touching something that maybe has the virus on it. You can't be sure, so you always assume it has the virus. You always wash your hands after touching objects outside of your house. How can objects become infected? If somebody coughs, sneezes or pees on an object, and that somebody is infected, then the object is now infected. Some objects can be infected for much longer than others. Read my other other about this to understand how long a virus can last on an object (from hours to weeks): Coronavirus does not travel alone. The wind cannot carry it from city to city. The virus needs a human to go anywhere. An infected human can sneeze or cough on a bus, making others infected because the virus will reach other people's eyes, mouths and noses. Their sneezes can infect an area of more than 3 meters around it. Let's say your home has 3 people and none of you is infected... If none of you ever leave home, then you're never going to get infected! If one of you leaves home to buy groceries, but you wear a certified antivirus mask, then others aren't going to infect you unless they sneeze in your eye. But you can turn away and run before that happens. If you touch anything, you have to wash your hands. If you bring anything home, like cans of food or products inside plastic bags, you should wash everything with soap before opening the packages because you never know if anything is infected. This way you are eliminating all of the virus that you brought home. Soap kills the virus. If all of the virus you brought dies, then you are safe. Your home is safe. Let's say you are in the market, and there may be infected humans around. If they didn't sneeze, cough or touch anything, then they didn't infect anything or anyone. If they only do those things in their own home, quarantine, then they're not infecting anyone else. But if they cough on a product without you knowing about it and you buy it and bring it home, but you wash your hands and the product then your hands again, you are still safe. The virus can't go into your home if noone brings it in! ## Quarantine is the solution Infected people will all either heal and get healthy or die. If they get healthy but never transmited the virus while they were infected, then noone new got infected. If they die but proper care is taken and the body (sorry for all losses) doesn't infect anyone, then noone new got infected! This means if noone gets infected, eventually all of the virus will die. ## Remember! - When somebody sneezes, the virus floats in the air for a while then drops to the ground / table / railway etc. - Sunlight kills the virus within minutes. - If there is no sunlight, the virus survives for days. - Humidity also helps kill the virus. - The virus survives for longer in cold and dry surfaces. - The virus can survive for more than a week on cold, dry metal surfaces. ## Wait, heat and sunlight helps? Yes, it helps against indirect infection. Virus on the ground, benches, chairs and any other surface will die a lot faster if it is lit by the Sun. No, staying under the sunlight doesn't help. It is not the heat in the sunlight that kills the virus quickly, it is the ultraviolet radiation. It will stop at your skin without entering your body, so it doesn't help. No, forcing yourself to endure heat doesn't help. Your body is always regulating your temperature by itself. Heat will only kill the virus at around 60 degrees celsius. You would die before you could hit 45. Good luck and take care!
Originally posted here:

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