Sunday, April 19, 2020

Anticipate the spread of Coronavirus through social distancing and healthy living


At present the world and even Indonesia are faced with the corona virus pandemic, which was first discovered and revealed in Wuhan, China in December 2019. This virus can be transmitted very quickly only through person-to-person contact and can also be from objects that are touched by a positive person infected with the corona virus, then transmission can also be through coughing and sneezing that does not close the mouth, so that saliva will be exposed to people who are negative corona. This saliva can stick to surfaces in various places such as hands, door handles, to electronic equipment. And if you touch something and then hold your face, rub your eyes, or even hold someone else's face, it might be possible for all of them to get infected, and when you meet someone who looks coughing, sneezing or hurting, it is advisable to keep your distance.


[source]( Although the data says that this Corona Virus is less likely to die than other viruses, but don't underestimate it. This is dangerous because the Corona Virus has not found a drug that can indeed cure people who are positively infected by Corona. Although health experts in China have found vaccines that claim to cure patients who are positively infected can recover, there is no concrete evidence about this. Corona Virus Patients in Indonesia are increasing day by day. Therefore, the government has acted decisively by implementing PSBB (Large Scale Social Restrictions) in several regions in Indonesia. Some countries have also implemented lockdowns to prevent the spread of Corona Virus which is increasingly widespread by implementing Social Distanding or PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions). Corona virus itself has been declared by WHO as an infectious and dangerous disease. For this reason, early prevention is needed. So one way to anticipate the spread of this virus is to break the chain of transmission by means of living healthy and clean, as well as social distanding that is needed.


Corona virus is indeed so easily transmitted and spread, each of us can help prevent and reduce its spread through social distanding. Social Distanding itself is an action to reduce contact with others and avoid doing activities in the crowd. Some of the main recommendations include: avoiding crowds, reducing using public transportation, and studying or working at home for a while. Anyone who has just come from a country exposed to the Corona Virus, or if we show symptoms of illness it is advisable not to leave the house for 14 days (Self-Quarantine), or seek medical help immediately. In addition to the two conditions above, what we need to do is to reduce as much as possible activities outside the home and in the crowd. If you have to stay out of the house and use public transportation, you need to avoid peak hours. If you have to travel by plane, train or bus, then find out about the security status of the place we are going to. Avoid jostling with others, wear masks, and don't forget to take a shower and clean yourself when you arrive at your destination. If you need to buy food or other needs, as much as possible using a delivery service then clean or wash the items purchased before storing, and prioritize ordering perfectly cooked food. In addition, clean and healthy life behavior is the most effective way to prevent transmission of the corona virus, namely by increasing endurance with adequate rest and exercising diligently, consuming perfectly balanced balanced cooked food and drinking 8 glasses of water a day, and basking in the sun for 15 minutes will add vitamin D in our body which is known to increase endurance, so many believe it is good to do to prevent corona virus infection. Therefore, the government insists that everyone who wants to leave the house must wear a cloth mask. Because medical masks are only for medical personnel who are currently struggling to help cure Corona Virus sufferers. Besides the use of masks is considered quite effective to prevent the spread of this virus. I Love❤HIVE Share your post on Twitter and promote #HIVE follow and like; **Thanks for visiting and interesting comments** Lhokseumawe, April/19/2020 @wira8788 By;
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