Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A surgical teeth procedure takes the life of a child in Venezuela

Three years ago I visited a childhood friend in his old home, his daughter was playing in the front of the house and I asked for his father but she said he was sleeping at the moment. I told her to please wake him up and she went looking for him and after some time he was awake. He was surprised with my visit and I was really happy of seeing him after many years. I lived there for many years when I was a child and Emmanuel, was one of my closed circle of best friends. We used to mostly ride bicycle, play videogames and play outside a lot. His daughter had the same age as my son Kevin.


My visit was brief and I went there with my camera to take a picture of both of them for memories. She was a little scare of me when I took the camera so we only did two pictures with her and she was crying in one so I left her alone. He told me that day that he was passing some days with her because he was going to leave the country, migrating to Peru looking for a job and better possibilities for him and his family that was staying and resisting in Venezuela. He left two days later. My family and I went through the same thing one year later and the pain of leaving them in there and moving out of the country is something that I don't desire anybody to live. We were soon together thanks to the help of friends and family and I was alone only for two months. After we were together with other friend couple and their son we started looking for our path, rent a house, look for jobs and more. We were scammed with the rent of a place, with jobs that didn't paid and people with bad intentions due to our condition.


On my friend Emmanuel's side wasn't that much different, with jobs that paid very little for huge amounts of work and a list of problems. So due to this he had to move back to Venezuela a year later, by the time I was leaving the country, he was moving back into it. 2020 started bad for all. Emmanuel's daughter started to show signs of some kind of issue with various molar teeths, so he and the mother of the child went to the doctor in a public hospital that was closer to them. The doctors said that a surgical procedure was needed in order to remove those molar teeths before it was a biggest problem, so an appointment for the procedure was set and all the medical tests were done.


The day of the procedure (april 10th), the girl was on the operating room and the personel came out to the parents with terrible news: "a respiratory failure happened for 20 minutes". Later they receive one report with the diagnose of brain death. The situation was the worse thing that a parent can deal with...


She was intubated and placed in a room with other two hospitalized children with pneumonia, quickly getting an infection from the catheter and then she got pneumonia in two occasions. The personel then said it wasn't brain death and everything indicated that she surpassed the respiratory assistance, disconnecting her and putting on an oxygen mask. After all of that happened the desperation and frustration of my friend was skyrocketing and he went to an independent media to report what was going on with her daughter, thing that alarmed the hospital's director, who made the decision of saying to the mother of the child that she needed to move her out of the hospital. At this moment for the first media report Emmanuel said "She was a healthy girl. Entered the hospital walking and speaking. Now she is a bed without waking up"...
Now I want to make you understand a few things about Venezuela right now.


There's no good health level, there aren't basic supplies for medical, nursing and other hospitalary personel and for patients. There's not enough medicines. The experienced doctors and personel migrated to other countries and were replaced by less or not prepared people or students. There's a dictatorship regime that hides the truth wherever it appears, and they are hard with the ones that points to something that's wrong, because nothing is wrong in Venezuela according to them. The dictatorship allows and encourage criminals to commit their crimes and create terror and also they have groups of criminals that do whatever they need to do to people who they need to shut up for any reason. These groups can do anything from kidnapping, stealing, scare, beat or kill anyone with impunity and on command of different parts of the dictatorship.


There are many terrorists cells in the country, working side by side with them and keeping the dictatorship shielded. The police and the military are corrupted to the bone so they are used to take your money or whatever you got, obviously stealing you and with nothing to do from your part, because if you try to do something about it they take you to jail where you get tortured. People doesn't have a salary that can cover the basics and there's not enough food production or presence and everything is linked to regular power blackouts, lack of water supply and hard to get cooking gas. So imagine that with all those problems we add the Covid-19 pandemic. There's a "law" that says you can't incite hate, but this is used to take to jail whoever speaks badly about anybody in the dictatorship, whoever calls for street riots, whoever insults them or asks for their rights to a better life. Venezuela is a corrupted state, where the truth is always covered by money or the death of who tells it.
After you know these things you also have to know that my friend is now in a hard spot against the dictatorship at the moment he made public the report on medical malpractice.


The hospital's director decided not to give the family the paperwork with diagnose, procedures and everything needed for them to look another health center to take the girl, denying any medical report. Any medical center needs a reference paper in order to decide if they can take a patient coming from another center or not. My friend was able to denounce what happened to his daughter in the public ministry and to the scientific police, but as you can tell now, all the public powers are in the hands of the dictatorship. "Based on the presumption of the medical malpractice due to anesthesia overdose, the media that received the report and made an article communicated with the anesthesiologist in charge and what he said was "I don't have the authorization to talk about the case and the medical secret must prevail"".
[First media article - Spanish](https://elestimulo.com/negligencia-deja-en-situacion-critica-a-una-nina-en-el-domingo-luciani/?fbclid=IwAR0d0mjMVqIpuO1eLwDk6S_XwMMULNtX9tnEy8cEBP9sga-Sl9abhfs1kcI) [Second media article - Spanish](https://www.lapatilla.com/2020/04/11/de-una-extraccion-molar-a-la-muerte-la-historia-de-una-nina-y-una-mala-praxis-en-el-domingo-luciani/?fbclid=IwAR2x_2OnB-oYCXWmSpsZAAkKALq7QKqRK-D3IL66roOk52dRLg_XbTIgxKY)
My friend is trying to expose the case internationally if possible, looking for help and justice on his only child. If you know somebody that can make it possible to reach some media coverage or how to properly reach an entity that can make a difference please make a step forward and help us. Any donation can be done on this BTC wallet to help him: 32kZdPYaeT7agFCcVbfrW5MAbQ6PEzn4y3 Also on this steemit account: @kirvic-aguilera If you can make another contribution you can contact him directly (spanish) through [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ejr.rodriguez) or his phone in Venezuela +584123863568.
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/health/@kirvic-aguilera/a-surgical-teeth-procedure-takes-the-life-of-a-child-in-venezuela

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