Monday, April 13, 2020

A Ray of Light in This Dark, Dark Night
Hey Hivers! To many of you who may feel in this new normal, feelings of fear or hopelessness.. ## YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Honestly, let us call it what it is, shit is FVCKED! I have been trying to inform and prepare myself best I can, but no one knows anything about anything lol. Hard to Guage an appropriate response when people in authority pretend to not know what is going on. Not to be cocky, I could do better than them full of drugs. I could guarantee it and if given the opportunity I would prove it in a heartbeat. Any one of us with similar motivations would put them to shame. But my motives are moral. I would have been the working man's safety net. I would have given necessary consideration only to those with wealth and ceos and whatnot. They already getting bailed out by not having to pay taxes. Robbing the economy of a healthy middle class. Robbing people of the dream of home ownership. They have changed the spirit of the American dream in recent years. I can only speak for my motives and I can say that mine differ from theirs. Mine would be to faithfully execute the post for which I was elected with solely the taxpayers' interest in mind. Money isn't something that should be considered when wanting to do that job. But I digress thats a whole different article. Before coronavirus and this new normal, I was a mud engineer on a drilling rig. Now I am seeing my world change before my very eyes. I am laid off. Looking for answers and being lied to and led astray. Just like maybe you are. Just know we are all in this together. Wherever you are in the world, you know what I'm speaking of. Our worlds look more similar now than they maybe ever have. I know its crazy and new and rough.. but Don't lose hope. Let's take this time to get to know each other better. Let us argue to understand. Let us look inward and get to know ourselves. Now we have the time to be doing all the things the rat race took from you. I feel like there is a silver lining. Don't stop trying. Reach out and call someone. They're probably at home. (Lol) I'll bet my savings more than one person discovers their purpose through all this. Why not you? We are all forced to watch the failure that is political theater. But I feel like when we're ready to we will see if we have each other we don't need them. I felt it guys so maybe someone who needed it could see it. The world needs some good vibes. Its time we give peace and understanding a real shot. We don't have to fail ourselves. Make sure you all take the time to love yourself and each other harder than ever through this trying time. Love you all. Peace.
Originally posted here:

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