Thursday, April 8, 2021

Rushing the brushing - A story for little ones
*“Tommy, did you brush your teeth?"* his mother, Colleen asked. *"It’s late!"* *“I have mommy.”* Tommy wasn’t telling the truth. He hates brushing his teeth. Who in their right minds wants to brush teeth at night?? Why?? Besides, the toothpaste burns his tongue and he hates the taste.
*What’s the big deal anyways about brushing teeth?? I can eat mints and no one will notice or complain about bad breath. Not to mention brushing teeth at night, that does not make sense at all!!!!* Mom Colleen knows exactly how her son feels about brushing his teeth and that is why she checks up on him. He will do anything to avoid the subject and having her in the bathroom with him while she's looks over his shoulder just isn't cool. Mommy Colleen tucked Tommy in, read him a bedtime story and switched off the light. *“Night my baby boy, sweet dreams.”* Tommy, who is almost in dreamland, whispers back, *“Night mommy. Love you.”**&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto
*“Open his mouth wider,”* the Tooth Fairy requested. *“We only need seven more tip-top shaped teeth, and then we can move into our new house.”* The tooth fairy was excited to move into their tooth-based house. They have been building the house for two years now. To get healthy teeth these days are so hard to find. The parents are giving the children too much sweets and donuts, almost all teeth are decayed and worth nothing to them. *Where are those days where we could pick and choose from super white incisors, to canines, molars and premolars? Now the only ones worth something are the incisors.* *“Did you loosen the teeth, Bob?”* the hairy tooth fairy asked. Tommy will have two loose teeth tomorrow. *“Yes Mrs Tooth Fairy, we can come back in two days to collect them.”* Bob replied. *“Come look at the rest of his teeth, I have never seen tooth decay in such a degree!”* Bob, the tooth fairy’s right hand, was shocked at the condition of Tommy’s teeth!
*“This boy is in serious trouble.”* The Tooth Fairy is cross. *“He isn’t brushing or looking after his teeth. Let’s remove all his teeth and leave him with nothing, this will teach him a lesson!”* Bob is surprised at Mrs Tooth Fairy’s anger. He can’t recall seeing her so upset. Poor little Tommy…but he will have to follow Mrs Tooth Fairy’s orders. He took out his tools and started loosening all Tommy’s teeth. It took him all night and he was very exhausted. Tommy woke up, got dressed and went downstairs to have his cereal but something was not right. He couldn’t chew! He ran upstairs to the bathroom, opened his mouth and couldn’t believe what was staring back at him…..GUMS! *“Where is my teeth??!!! Mom, mom, help!”* Tommy was hysteric and started crying.
Mom Colleen was as surprised as Tommy was. *“Baby, mommy tried to warn you but you didn’t want to listen. What were you thinking not brushing your teeth? You can lie to me but you can’t lie to the Tooth Fairy, she knows everything.”* Little Tommy was very upset. *“What have I done? Mommy please make this go away, all the kids are going to laugh at me! How will I eat, how do I smile or speak without everyone noticing it?!”* *“Tommy we are late, get up!”* Mom Colleen was impatient and in a hurry. *“I’m not calling you again, get up!”* Tommy jumped up and ran to the mirror. He opened his mouth as wide as he could – *it’s there!!* His teeth were back in his mouth! *“I was dreaming!!! I’m so glad to be awake!!!”* Although it was just a dream, the first thing Tommy did after he had his cereal, was brush his teeth! On their way to school Tommy told his mom all about his dream. Mom was laughing but she also warned Tommy never to upset the Tooth Fairy and that the dream was her way of warning him. *“Next time you might not be this lucky.”* Mom was smiling, she couldn’t be happier about this little dream!
# Top 10 oral health tips for primary school children (5-12 years) > Use fluoride toothpaste Brush teeth and along the gum line twice a day Drink plenty of tap water Children to not need fruit juice or sweet drinks Limit sugary foods Healthy meals and snacks are important for healthy teeth Children should have seen an oral health professional by the time they go to school Talk with your oral health professional about how often you should visit See an oral health professional if your child damages their teeth Wear a mouth-guard during contact sports or activities where there is a risk of injury to the face [Source]( **************

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