Hola mi linda comunidad de hive espero se encuentren muy bien hoy vengo a compartir con ustedes 4 bebidas muy ricas, aportan beneficios para la salud, muy fácil de hacer con pocos ingredientes y económicas.
Hello my beautiful hive community, I hope you are very well, today I come to share with you 4 very rich, healthy and very easy drinks with few ingredients.

Banana meringue Ingredients
- Cambur
- Milk
- Sugar
- Water

Preparation Add all the ingredients to the blender and blend until well processed.

Benefits of bananas - Keeps the digestive system in good condition, purifies it and maintains the intestinal flora in good condition. - Due to its high fibrous content, it helps people who suffer from constipation as it stimulates daily bowel movements. - It is a great source of potassium, of all fruits and vegetables, banana is the one with the highest potassium content. Controls blood pressure levels in the body.Fuente Jugo de durazno
Peach juice
- peaches
- Sugar
- Water

Preparation - Cut the peaches in half, removing the seed from the middle. - Place the peach chunks in a pot and boil until the fruit feels soft for about 15 minutes - Add the peach pulp in a blender. Add the water and sugar. Blend the ingredients until they are liquid.Sin hervir
Without boiling


Peach benefits - Among its properties, vitamins A, B1, B2, E, K and C stand out, as well as minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, lutein, calcium, magnesium, thiamine, bioflavonoids, niacin or selenium, antioxidants that help stimulate the immune system and to prevent certain diseases. - Peach is also rich in beta-carotene, a pigment that intensifies tanning, protects the skin and increases the level of hydration of the dermis; and provides a diverse amount of acids: pantothenic, malic and citric, which make the nervous and digestive systems work well, activate the body's energy and regenerate the skin and nails. - Among the medicinal benefits attributed to it are: reduction of bad cholesterol levels, control of blood sugar, prevention of certain types of cancer and risk of development of chronic, cardiovascular and degenerative diseases, as well as deterioration of the system bone (osteoporosis), among others.Fuente Jugo de limón y pepino Ingredientes
Lemon and cucumber juice Ingredients
- Lemon
- Cucumber
- Water
- Sugar

Preparation - Remove the lemon peel and the white that is bitter. - Cut the cucumbers into pieces. You can peel them if you prefer. - Put the cucumber in the blender, lemons, sugar and add the water. Blend all the ingredients and if you prefer you can strain it or drink it like that.Beneficios del jugo de limón y pepino - Por sí solo, el limón es capaz de reducir la resistencia a la insulina, la grasa, el índice de masa corporal, el peso, la proporción entre la cadera y la cintura, aseguró un estudio publicado por Nutrition Research. - La combinación de limón con agua te mantiene hidratado, descompone las grasas y promueve la pérdida de peso, dice también un artículo publicado por Frontiers in Nutrition. Además, este cítrico disminuye la retención de líquidos, la cual causa hinchazón y aumento de peso. - Adicionalmente, otra razón para considerar tomar jugo de limón con pepino, es que ésta lleva agua, la cual favorece la función de las mitocondrias para generar energía, y puede ocasionar una pérdida de peso a largo plazo. La hidratación es esencial para acelerar el metabolismo.
Benefits of lemon and cucumber juice - By itself, lemon is able to reduce insulin resistance, fat, body mass index, weight, the ratio between the hip and the waist, said a study published by Nutrition Research. - The combination of lemon with water keeps you hydrated, breaks down fats and promotes weight loss, also says an article published by Frontiers in Nutrition. In addition, this citrus reduces fluid retention, which causes bloating and weight gain. - Additionally, another reason to consider taking lemon juice with cucumber is that it contains water, which favors the function of mitochondria to generate energy, and can cause long-term weight loss. Hydration is essential to speed up metabolism.Fuente Chocolate Caliente

Hot Chocolate Ingredients - Cocoa powder - Milk - Water - Sugar - Cornstarch

Preparation - In a saucepan over medium heat put half the milk and the chocolate to cook, stirring occasionally. - In a bowl, put the rest of the milk and add the cornstarch and stir until it has completely dissolved. Reservation. Once the chocolate has dissolved, reduce the heat to medium-low and add the milk and cornstarch mixture, and continue cooking, stirring constantly, for about 7-8 minutes until the chocolate is the desired thickness. - Add the vanilla and salt and stir. - Serve hotBeneficios del chocolate - Mantiene sano el corazón - Es bueno para el cerebro - Estimulante natural - Ayuda a la salud de la piel - Un alimento con nutrientes esenciales - Ayuda contra la fatiga
Chocolate benefits - Keeps the heart healthy - It's good for the brain - Natural stimulant - Helps skin health - A food with essential nutrients - Helps against fatigueTodas estas bebidas aportan nutrientes y vitaminas esenciales para la salud, pueden consumirlas en su dia a dia o simplemente comerce las frutas. Espero les guste y gracias por todo.
All these drinks provide essential nutrients and vitamins for health, you can consume them in your day to day or simply eat the fruits. I hope you like it and thanks for everything.Fuente

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-148441/@yalilys/espeng4-bebidas-y-sus-beneficios-para-la-persona-or-4-drinks-and-their-benefits-for-the-person--by-yalilys
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