Friday, April 23, 2021

Gotta have faith, they said.
👉In science and God we trust?? If you are putting your trust in science and in God with regard to the va×× you might be under a satanic mind spell.


Many people that put their faith in science, are unknowingly putting their health at risk for the science. Many people have become cult followers of science and will accept getting sick or dying as a reasonable tradeoff because science is so important as it could save lives. As long as their pain and suffering is done in the name of science they are ok with this risk even if the science has no evidence of helping anyone but instead the evidence actually shows it's only doing harm. Let's look at the claim that there are trillions of mutating viruses flying around causing diseases and death, if this was true then we would have evolved with the viruses and our innate immune system would have no problem protecting us. I say this because if there were trillions of deadly contagious viruses flying around and we didn't have natural immunity then there would be no humans alive today. So rather you believe in evolution or God we must have very resilient bodies that can cope with natural genetic mutation so why do some believe that they need to be injected with a drug for ultimate protection? In reality there are no nano sized invisible wild viruses flying around infecting people with diseases, what we have is antigens that our bodies create antibodies for. Antigens are all around us and the "truth" is our bodies create exosomes that people are calling viruses.. The reason viruses seem to mutate is because exosomes are full of genetic material that can transfer and also express rna enzymes which under a microscope could look like a killer virus when the science actually tells us these are healing us. Now when we talk about the covid-19 mRNA va×× it is jam packed full of nano sized particles that are programmed to use exosome pathways and inject modified messenger ribonucleic acid into your cells to override your natural God given DNA codes and force healthy cells to differentiate into antibody cells creating a pathogenic viral protein that will spread to other healthy cells and force those healthy cells to be poisoned also. So I have to ask, why if people are so afraid of ribonucleic acid viruses would they allow themselves to be injected with something that is programmed to take over their cells and make poisonous harmful pathogenic proteins identical to the theory of wild viruses??


And for those that have been ordered to take spliced recombinant genetically modified chimpanzees and aborted human fetus cell lines that were cloned and grown inside human embryonic fluid be any better? How on earth could this be God's will for them like many claim? All this spliced genetic toxic material and poison adjuvants will make them sick and it will force their body to react in a way that leaves them prime for getting sick in the future and developing autoimmune diseases like coeliac disease, heart disease, dementia and other cell toxicity problems that lead to symptoms that resemble genetic disorders. How could anyone believe in God and also crave and demand to be injected with these genetically altered harmful drugs like a crack fiend begging for a fix to feel relief? In reality their breath and their God created human body is not naturally poisonous to others, especially the ones that love them. However if they inject themselves with man made genetically modified organisms and other toxic drugs, well they will likely shed this GMO junk out of them (if they are lucky). When this shedding happens they could share this toxic material to others around them, which could lead other peoples health to deteriorate, especially if they lack proper hygiene and nutritional absorptions abilities. Others around them may have their own toxic internal disorders that have not been understood or corrected due to covering up the issue with drugs instead of dealing with the root cause of their ills so anyone who gets a va×× is taking part in some very terroristic and selfish behavior but they claim it's God's will and for the science? This I believe is typical drug addict behavior when people simply don't care about the people they could be hurting around them and claiming their actions aren't endangering anyone when it's the complete opposite. 👉So why do people get viral infections? Because people only get ill if the signal to detox is activated and being ill is also natural healing. It's like when you feel stress or pain when you exercise. We know that pain is your body healing from the stress of exercise. This can be addicting for some who understand this and for others it's dreadful and so they avoid putting their body through the pain. Just like the hairs in our nose sends signals to our brain to activate certain receptors and activate antibodies for protection against antigens that might be headed our way this is called strengthening the immune system pain is on the way. There are trillions of particles and nanoparticles floating in the air, we breathe them in with the oxygen, which is constantly activating our so called immune system it can go by other names such as reactive oxygen species or polymorphic gene expressions etc, etc. The most misunderstood part of the immune system is that it creates exosomes to heal people. The more nourished and healthy you are as in you have the amino acids and essential nutrients inside you, the easier and better you will heal from oxidative stress caused by the free radicals or antigens you absorb or breathe in. 👉So why do I catch colds off others? We get signals from people who are going through a detox, just like when you see someone yawning your body checks your oxygen levels in your brain and if its low or not high enough you will yawn also to get more oxygen to the brain. This happens when your body decides to go through a detox or not. Sickness is not caused by being exposed to genetic material only. It's a combination.. However when we are injected with a needle this sends signals all through the body so it's very likely to have an immune system response very quickly after injection. The pro va×× people will say this is great and means it's working but was it really necessary? Sometimes other people's genetic material could be healthy for us, not harmful. So when people sneeze or cough this could help activate healthy exosomes that heal us from toxins and this is why getting colds is good for us sadly people are looking at science all wrong it seems. Many people read scientific literature and come to conclusions that contradict the author's conclusion which is fine as it's supposed to be questioned but we need to understand that sometimes things are just misunderstood to a point that the real sense is lost in translation. ✌🥰
Originally posted here:

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