Monday, April 26, 2021

How oats helped us get Breast milk

After the birth of our second son, my wife and I decided to give him only natural eating and stay away from all medicines, vaccines, or anything industrial or chemical to keep our son healthy, but we had a problem that breastmilk was not enough for our son, where I sometimes asked her to help him by a little bit of infant formula, but my wife was determined to continue feeding her baby by breastmilk only.


When consulting my mother, who has a long experience in this field, she advised us to use oats with milk and honey... We tried this and we thought the results would be small or ineffective, but we were surprised by the increase in milk so much that it was enough to feed the baby and keep the breast full of milk.

Simply: we were putting 4 spoons of oats with a cup of milk and to make a good taste we were adding natural honey
At first, my wife was eating this twice a day, when we found that there was a lot of milk in her breasts she eating once a day and the milk continued without any decrease. This means it's enough to eat oats once a day ...
Our son is now 13 months old, and he's in very good health, and I'm advising everyone.


So why do oats increase breastmilk:

  • Oats contain many essential micronutrients, including vitamin B6, vitamin E, zinc, iron, folic acid, copper, and magnesium that benefit the child's health through breast milk
  • Fiber found in oats can improve bowel movement, which may improve maternal digestive problems, and mothers' consumption of fiber-rich foods, such as oats, may change breastmilk composition and help baby's health

  • Oats contain beta-glucan and bioactive phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory effects and this enhances the mother's immune system and is beneficial to the baby's health.

And more importantly, oats don't have any side effects for nursing mothers.

important point:

  1. The mother should continue breastfeeding even if she has a little milk because stopping breastfeeding makes milk-producing glands stop producing milk and this makes it difficult to produce milk in a large amount again.
  2. We bought oats directly from the farms, and we didn't use canned oats.
  3. We used natural honey, too, and it doesn't contain any sugar.

I hope that this subject is useful.
Thank you for reading.

Some references :

IINatural Medicine CommunityII

Originally posted here:

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