Wednesday, April 28, 2021

More walks - less thoughts and a day to rest

Past two days have been foggy, cloudy, raining whole day and I'm having the days for myself, cleaning, making myself some healthy meals, planning for upcoming days.. finally some spare time to write and stop for a bit to check myself.


Like Ice Cube said : " ..check yourself before you wreck yourself "


I threw away junk food, all the sugar, sweets, chips... tortillas and all the dips going with it since January.



Yesterday I had a mixed carrot salad with beans and corn, for breakfast I ate eggs with carrot & garlic, for dinner I cooked lots of vegetables like broccoli, garlic, carrots and made myself some Cevapi (Grilled Serbian Sausages).

Trying to watch what I eat and give in my body.

Walked around the misty woods, went threw the wet grass, foggy fields.. and clearing up my head. Having two resting days to reflect on myself, see where I came, what routines are new and how many bad ones I "threw in the bin".

Past two weeks have been busy, pushed threw limitations in my head, tried to silence the mind and what time I found in the day, I spent them hiking or taking long walks.

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Been listening to music, to Jordan Peterson & Steve Harvey's motivational talks while making my apartment a little bit nicer than it was or cooking nice meals. Past months I've been trying to change a lot of things, make life a little better and easier to live in.

Decided to take you with me on some walks and a quick hike on a hill Resevna after work, photos of where I cleared my mind and rested my eye's in the beauty of our mother Nature.


@galenkp gave me best answer I got this month - motivation to continue and going on longer walks, higher hill & to push myself :

" It's an important aspect and one supports the other. Hiking, being in the outdoors and away from societal influences means a great deal to me and I do so a great deal. Get it done, even on those days you don't feel like it...Ten minutes later you'll be feeling into it. "


I'm really open to any answer & motivation, always seeking for answers.. Thank You again for being so awesome and kind even when you don't have too !

As a Buddha once said :

" When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. ... A teacher can light the way and ease the way "


Viwe from the tower on top of hill Resevna

Going on a little road trip today to our capital city Ljubljana to get some more answers and where I already received a lot of help. Will probably stop in the center as well to go for a walk.

Now it's time to drink the coffee, take a nice cold shower and go out in the nature, even when if today is also a cloudy, foggy day and rains a little bit. Don't let little rain stop us!


I also want to Thank everyone else for stopping by, taking time and all the motivation. It helps a lot to write and give it all out, Thank You!

Wishing everyone a great and active day, no matter what the weather outside!

Stay awesome.. Healthy, Strong & Healthy!

Originally posted here:

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