Friday, April 30, 2021

The Secret To Living A More Fulfilling Life

Most people think that creativity is something that only a lucky few are born with. This could not be farther from the truth.

What Creativity Really Is:

Something we are all born with. Creativity is inside of us, IT IS US. It is a powerful tool for manifesting abundance as well as our dreams and desires. It looks different for everyone. For some, it may look like a painting but for others, it can look like making food, cleaning the house, decorating a space, designing a website, writing a book, and many other things.

We all have been created. Our moms and dads created us, God created us, call it what you wish. We are here due to a creative force. That is the same force that lives inside of us and that we are made of. In essence, we are creativity itself. Once we understand this concept, we no longer need to feel threatened by it.

I used to believe that only painters were creative. I tried to paint and was upset when it didn't look good. Painting after painting I accepted that I wasn't a good painter and believed that I would never lead a creative life. All of this self-doubt just because I count paint anything nice.

Years later I realized that being creative isn't about making something that looks good for other people, it's about making something or doing something that I enjoy and that makes me feel alive. Let's stop measuring creativity with the niceness of our work or the amount of money it makes.

If our creative endeavors bring us financial abundance then great, if not then that's ok too.

How To Harness Your Creativity

Take Action Now

Do something, anything!

Although it is so tempting to sit around and dream about being creative, acting on your impulses is so much more rewarding. My number one suggestion is to be aware of the cues that your body is trying to tell you. If you wish to dance, do it and do it now. Do not ignore your creative desires, they will only continue to bug you until you pay attention to them.

Inspiration and creativity are always available to you, like oxygen. It is a myth that one needs to be inspired to create. One must just simply start creating and the inspiration will flood in. Once the door to creativity is open the possibilities are endless.

A great way to start is by thinking about the things you want to do. All those things you wish to do but haven't found the time or feel embarrassed to start. I'm talking about the things you've always wanted to do. Once you take that class or learn how to play that instrument you'll be so glad you did.

From a young age, I've always loved making jewelry. As a little girl, I wouldn't leave the house without my bag of beads and bracelet making materials. As an adult, I always felt called to take a jewelry-making course but kept delaying this dream of mine. Finally, the time came when I could no longer push it away so I moved to Florence Italy, and enrolled in a jewelry program.

Not only did I learn how to make fine silver jewelry, I also met the love of my life❤️

Start With The Things You're Good At

It can be stressful to pick a place to start so why not start with the things you're already good at. There will be plenty of time and inspiration to learn new skills once the ball gets rolling.

We all have something we're good at. That thing that comes easy to us, that we just know so well. Ask yourself what that is. What are you great at? It might be something that you do without even noticing. Or it could be something you are aware of and think it's completely normal and everyone does it too. You may think it comes naturally to other people and when it doesn't you may think it strange that someone else can't do it as easily as you can. This could be something you feel uncomfortable accepting and that's ok.

There's just one thing I've been doing since before making jewelry and that's writing. I've always done it and haven't given much thought to it. I have dozens of diaries laying around and notebooks upon notebooks of handwritten letters. 28 years went on and I just discovered that writing is how I express my creativity. It felt silly to think about it because it's so normal to me but there it is, right in front of my face!

Now that I've come to terms with the fact that I love writing, I have begun to use it as a tool to express myself. It's been very rewarding and I feel great joy.

Creativity Can Make You Happy

We could all use more happiness in our lives.

Many people in the world today are plagued with anxiety and depression. Using the abundant creative energies that are around us at all times, could make life a bit easier. It could make it feel like swimming with the current instead of against it.

It's up to us to decide what we want to do with our lives. We can choose a fulfilling life of creativity and welcome the fantastic opportunities it can offer us. Or we can forever wonder and long for something more satisfying.

Tips To Kickstart Your Creativity

  • 🚶Go for a walk, sometimes we need to move around to let things flow.
  • 🌳Spend time in nature. A walk in a park, forest, or beach can be incredibly relaxing and inspiring.
  • 😔Feel your feelings. Even the unpleasant ones like fear, worry, anger and frustration. Work through them in a healthy way and then continue onwards.
  • 🎨Let go of the false belief that your work should be beautiful and pleasing to others. Focus on just doing what feels right and let your creativity take on its own life form.
  • 🚀Create, even if you don't know why or don't know where it's going. The why's arent important.
  • ✨Allow your magic to come out. Get out of the way of yourself.
Bonus***The Magic List

Make a list of the things you like to do. All the things, the longer the better. My list has around 100 things on it. Place that list somewhere you can see it on a daily basis. Every week, choose at least one thing and do it. Have a date with yourself, take one hour to enjoy an activity or a hobby.

This easy little exercise can make a big difference.

We are all born with abundant creativity. Although it may look different for every person, it's up to each of us to discover and exercise our creative power. The way to become more creative is by following your gut and exploring your interests.

We are at our happiest when we're creating. There is no end to the things we can conjure...



PS~ If you wish to check out my creative projects, you can find them here.

Originally posted here:

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