Thursday, April 29, 2021

What Is Feminine Energy and How Is Feminine Energy Raised?


What is Feminine Energy?

In this energy, the state of being forgiving and tolerant is dominant. It is a reflection of your intuition and emotions. Feminine energy is more passive than masculine energy. Therefore, it can adapt easily. It represents the creative side of man and is the source of art, aesthetics and passions. The feminine energy, the wisest and deepest side of man, follows and observes. When our feminine energy is revealed, so does love. However, when we suppress this energy, it can create chaos in our selves.

So how to raise feminine energy?

Because of the things that life brings, people have become so busy that we rarely take the time to listen to and understand what is going on within us. Over time, this caused a split in our inner world and a gradual disappearance of our deep selves. That's why we need to regularly tune in and listen to our inner world. For this, we can unleash the feminine energy by exploring the depths of our inner world. Because of the things that life brings, people have become so busy that we rarely take the time to listen to and understand what is going on within us. Over time, this caused a split in our inner world and a gradual disappearance of our deep selves. That's why we need to regularly tune in and listen to our inner world. For this, we can unleash the feminine energy by exploring the depths of our inner world. I usually practice feminine energy through meditation. I will also tell you how I did the feminine energy meditation.



Many of us have an imbalance of feminine and masculine energy. In fact, this energy imbalance is higher for women who try to carry out more than one responsibility at the same time. A balance of feminine and masculine energy is necessary for us to live a good life. When the feminine and masculine energy is balanced, the person becomes peaceful, healthy, harmonious and happy in his inner world. Those who manage to balance the masculine and feminine energy radiate a feminine energy and gain a natural charm with their compassionate, tolerant, loving qualities.

We can face the feminine energy by meditating and affirming. Feminine energy meditation aims to increase the joy and pride of being a woman. It achieves this by first teaching the woman to love her body and inner world. Negative emotions in our inner world overshadow our feminine nature and over time our feminine energy disappears. But as you begin to love yourself from the inside out, you begin to glow with the power of acceptance. You can join meditation groups on this topic on Instagram. (I sometimes do) You can also meditate on your own when you are in conflict with your inner world.


Meditation on Activating the Feminine Energy

The stone that activates the feminine energy most beautifully is the moonstone. I think there is a strong connection between the moon and the women. There is a great similarity between the women's menstrual cycle and the cycles of the Moon. Just as the Moon has four states, there are four phases of the menstrual period in women. The energy of the moon reaches its highest level on the full moon. We see the same thing in the woman during the ovulation period. There are similarities between them. So do not neglect to use moonstone.

If you move with the moon during the new moon and full moon periods, it will make a great contribution to your energy.

Lie down so you feel comfortable. If you have an eye patch, wear it on your eyes. (your eyes need to be dark) Make sure your body is comfortable.

  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

  • Put your hands on your groin.

  • Now open your mouth as far as you can and take a deep breath. As you breathe deeply, feel the breath fill your groin with your hands. Your breath spread all over your body.

  • Your body becomes more relaxed as you breathe.

  • Now imagine going on a vacation you've long dreamed of. Everything is fine, nothing to worry about. You go on vacation, and you find yourself lying on the beach. There are only loved ones around. You feel infinitely safe.

  • Thoughts come and go in your mind, let those thoughts flow.

  • He said loudly, "I intend for healing and I am infinitely protected. I trust that infinite energy and infinite source. I surrender for healing. No negative energy can enter my field."

  • Imagine a blue circle around you. You know and intend that you are protected forever. "Dear angels, I know that you will protect me during this work, thank God. So I can let myself go."

  • Focus between the two eyebrows. There's a door there (you don't have to see it, just feel it) That door opens inwards. When you open up, you find yourself in a very old forest. This is not like a forest you've seen before. There are shades of green that you have never seen before. It is as if this forest has existed for centuries and no people have entered here.

  • You start walking in this forest. You see an old temple ahead. It has huge stones surrounded by ivy. You see light inside and you enter through that door.

  • You are entering the temple. Nine women are waiting for you there. Each one is more beautiful than the other, each one is wiser than the other. Nine women are waiting together. There is a platform in the middle of this area. You are expected to reach for that platform.

  • You reach on that platform. Nine women are lined up around them in the form of right.

  • One of the women is on the platform with you. She puts her hands on your groin she. When you put your hands on your groin, you feel the flow of energy. You take a deep breath.

  • This woman shows you an event that you feel sorry for. This is the event where you forget the feminine energy. Feel what happened there. Why did you stop being a woman? Why did you turn off your receiving energy? Everything is possible.

  • Focus on your third eye. A new door opens and you travel on your own. It's like you're coming down to your womb with your own blood. When you land in that area, look what color your groin is. Feel that area.

  • See that area has been painted a pink color. The whole area is pink in color. All your groin is pink in color.

  • Now another wise woman comes and puts her hands on her stomach. Imagine running water from your hands and that water washing the whole area. The water spirals and cleans all of its organs.

  • Other women give you energies from your feet, head, knees, neck. Others also support those whose hands are on their bodies. All nine women give you energy.

  • Feel your body. An energy will be created in one part of his body. Hot or cold. focus on your body. There is a different feeling in one part of your body. All the women are energizing there. Just feel.

  • Nine women are the start of all women. Adam was the first daughters of Eve. Feel them. These are our sages, our ancestors. Accept your love.

  • Now focus on your hands.

  • Virgin Mary in one hand and Fatma Ana in the other. One is holding your right hand and the other is holding your left hand. Feel them. Feel their vibes. Let it flow.

  • Allow healing. We all have a deep pain in our hearts. Let the hands of these women heal you. Focus on your hands. You will feel tingling in your hands. Put your hands on your groin. Let the water energy flow to your groin.

  • Open your mouth and take deep breaths.

  • See the other women around you who are healing. All are healing.

  • Breathe deeply, let this energy flow.

  • You are open to vibration and you accept it.

  • Take a deep breath..,

  • Thank all the women.

  • He said loudly, "I accept myself as I am. I accept my feelings as they are. I am not bad or inadequate. I am just as magnificent as I was created. I accept myself as I am."

  • Breathe deeply and count down from three and return to your body.

Stay with healing.


Originally posted here:

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