Monday, April 26, 2021

Would You Ignore Physical Fitness and Just Be Yourself?

Would You Ignore Physical Fitness and Just Be Yourself?

Physical fitness is one of the most important aspects of human health. The body can cope with even significant excess weight better if it is kept in shape. This can be achieved in a simple way in everyday life by using every possibility of movement. Moderate, regular exercise can prevent or alleviate numerous ailments.

A person doesn't have to stand on one leg to brush its teeth in the morning or do squats in the freezing cold at the open window. Extreme recommendations are of little use. Physical fitness should be achieved simply through everyday little things, such as walking upstairs and cycling, and optimized through moderate, targeted training.

This is not achieved by sitting on the couch for hours. This is where nutrition also comes into play. A vegetable and fruit-oriented diet with few but the right fats as well as the conscious consumption of meat and sausage are just as much a part of it as regular fish consumption. If a person pays attention to physical fitness, it will not only quit smoking very quickly, but also be careful with alcohol and sugar as well as unhealthy additives in food. It doesn'y have to forego anything, but will voluntarily pay more attention to what organism wants for its physical fitness. Stay away from fancy diets, but don't eat unless you feel like it.

Advantages of physically fit and fitness training

  • Fitness training has a proven positive effect for women and men of all ages, for healthy and sick people. It may not extend lives, but it will certainly give a higher quality of life in old age. Growing old healthily and being able to stay active into old age appears to be a desirable attitude towards life.

  • Fitness training will not be able to give one hundred percent protection against every kind of illness, but moderate fitness training has a proven preventive benefit or a rehabilitative effect against a variety of ailments and diseases, such as back ailments, obesity, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure , Stress, diabetes, etc.

  • Fitness training is probably the most unhesitating way to get a better figure through weight loss, but also to gain muscle. Its the building blocks for personal, holistic well-being and contribute balance and satisfaction in today's restless times.

  • The body approaches its comfortable weight. The ideal weight and the BMI information are repeatedly controversial in expert circles, and doctors also find advantages for not very slim people, for example with regard to heart disease. But obesity is known to lead to many other health restrictions. These include metabolic diseases like diabetes and joint problems. The muscle building achieved increases the calorie burn even in the resting phase. This means that if a person eat the same food it will automatically lose weight and still treat yourself to a piece of cake with a clear conscience.

  • Physical fitness promotes concentration and lifts mood. Depression is much less common in active people. The immune system is also highly active and makes the body more resistant to attacks from bacteria and viruses. An important advantage for all older people with good physical fitness, falls are avoided, because the sense of balance is trained and control over one's own body is significantly greater. The joints are lubricated, the muscles tightened and the dreaded osteoporosis warded off. Exercise also makes you drink more, which is important for the functioning of all organs, especially in old age. The blood circulation improves significantly and the skin looks younger.

  • A person doesn't need to get fit for the marathon in weeks to achieve physical fitness. More than half an hour a day or a maximum of four to five hours a week are not necessary, and may even be more harmful. That is certainly related to many factors. Have you been active before? Have you even practiced competitive sport at some point? Then you surely need a different program than someone who has never moved.

It is also debated whether personal physical fitness is not actually achieved in different ways for each person. One of them moves only a little and stays healthy, the other goes jogging or swimming every day and gets sick. But good advice is, go for a brisk walk for at least half an hour a day. The body will tell what additional cycling or team sports should incorporate for individual physical fitness.

Sports and exercise improves mental performance

Brain is made up of three pounds of intelligent nerve tissue. It helps us to have crystal clear thoughts and refined ideas. But sometimes it also lets us down. How thinking center works has not yet been clarified in every detail. But one thing is certain, the brain and sport are closely related. Proper exercise improves brain performance.

When looking for a suitable method to effectively preserve brain power for as long as possible, experts like to recommend brain jogging. But instead of doing sudoku, crossword puzzles and brain teasers, take brain jogging literally. So put on your running shoes and get started. More and more scientific studies show the close connection between the brain and sport.

Any individual certainly don't need more reasons to become or stay active immediately. Aerobic endurance training has proven to be particularly good for mental fitness. Anyone who goes jogging, swimming, cycling or doing inline skating is not only doing something for the heart, blood vessels and muscles, but is also pushing their intelligence. But very important, sport only makes mentally fit if go jogging regularly or otherwise exercise.

Through exercise we not only keep our muscles fit, strengthen bones or improve blood circulation, both short-term and long-term changes take place in the brain. The short-term effects, such as increased blood flow and nutrient supply as well as lowering stress hormone levels, are well known. The really profound effects, which even change the brain structure and only occur through regular exercise over a longer period of time, are far less known.

Exercise helps to lower stress level and eliminate negative thoughts. If a person is active in sport, the blood circulation increases and the messenger substances serotonin and dopamine, known as happiness hormones, are released. These help to reduce stress, reduce anxiety and increase well-being. Problems often seem easier to solve after exercise and can come up with new solutions.

Exercise and sporting activity and the associated increased cerebral blood flow, more nerve growth substances, so-called neurotropins, are produced. These support the formation of new neurons, which takes place continuously in the brain. It says that athletes have significantly more brain matter than non-athletes, especially in the so-called supplementary motor area. But scientists were also able to detect more brain mass in other brain regions that are not responsible for physical activity. The hippocampus, which plays an important role in processing emotions, is also more pronounced in athletes. This change is promoted by the better supply of growth substances, but also by other effects.

Regular exercise has a permanent effect on our hormonal balance because it slows down the breakdown of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is not only an endogenous mood enhancer, it is also used for important cognitive processes in the prefrontal cortex. When dopamine levels drop, attention, concentration, and other mental abilities decrease. In people who are not physically active, the dopamine level even decreases continuously over the course of life. Sporting activities increases dopamine level in the short term and slow down the process of continuous decrease in the long term.

What happens to the brain during exercise?

The brain is significantly better supplied with oxygen. When jogging slowly by up to 30 percent. The increased blood flow also ensures that important biochemical substances are better transported. It has been shown to work better well into old age. There is evidence that exercise can reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

The plasticity of the brain increases. The reason exercise releases so-called neurotrophins. The body needs these substances to form and connect new nerve cells in the thinking center. In the oldest structures of the brain, the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum and the hippocampus, there is increased metabolic activity. Which results to brain cells survive longer and new nerve cells are formed. This leads to a better ability to learn and prevents circulatory disorders.

Would we choose to ignore physical fitness?

The answer is clear. I believe none of us would do. If we wanted to have a happy and live lives to its fulnes, we all need to engage in physical activities and exercise.
Originally posted here:

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