Monday, April 5, 2021



A warm greeting to you all. I trust you’re doing great. So today I want to share something simple and absolutely amazing with y’all. This is a natural blood boaster. I used fresh pumpkin leaves to make this healthy liquid. First, you wash/rinse the leaves thoroughly to avoid any iota of sand. Next shred the leaf carefully and neatly then squeeze the liquid very well.


Get a clean plate and place a sieve over the bowl plate and pour the juice into the bowl. The sieve will help separate the leaf from the liquid then your natural blood tonic is ready.



For extra vitamins, you could add evaporated liquid milk and then drink it.


**HOW I DISCOVERED THE BLOOD BOOSTER** Some years ago, my health was so down and the complaint kept coming that I wasn't looking healthy and that I rather looked pale and my eyes are beginning to grow dull. I kept emaciating on daily basis and my parent grew worried about the state of my health. I was gradually going from bad to worst and we were not financially botany to find the hospital bills so that wasn't even an option to be considered. We sought so hard for help but it wasn't forth coming. The little we had was used to conduct a test that showed that my blood levels was low and needed an immediate attention. On getting tho the house on that faithful day, we recalled my grandmother's natural blood booster and we decided to go that lane. At first I thought it was a whole joke but after few days of trying this for several days, I felt live again, i had the hope to live for another day. I’m @udygold Your food-blogger.
Originally posted here:

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