Thursday, April 1, 2021

Healthy Abundance on a Budget
*Yes, we live in a world where fast-food is often cheaper than fresh fruits and veggies. But only at first sight.* What if we don’t just see the blank numbers but choose a different perspective, e.g. a nutrient/cost ratio - you get so much more health power from fresh produce compared to processed goods which only have a fraction of the nutritional content. So if you see it that way, fruits and veggies are actually the much better investment.

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Especially long-term when we think about the pharmacy bills, piles of medication, hospital stays, absence from work etc. - which all might come up later on if we don’t take good care of our body. Save yourself some money, energy and pain and start now to honour your body’s needs. The sooner we begin to take better care of our health, the more we will be able to enjoy life to its fullest.
*And to make it easier for you to take those steps, here are my top 5 practices for more abundance on a budget:*  
🌿 LOCAL AND SEASONAL: Going for the local as well as seasonal produce often let’s you get more for your money.   🌿 GOING BIG: Buying staples in larger quantities allows you to get much better prices.   🌿 SECOND-RATE: Many vendors offer riper fruits or produce with small blemishes for a discount.   🌿 STORAGE: It is not all about prices for fruits and veggies but also to keep the abundance you have at home fresh.   🌿 PLANNING AHEAD: You see something for a great price? Buy it in abundance and freeze it for days when the prices are too high for your budget.
💫 If you love to get a lot of a small investment, this incredible offer is for you! Right now you have the amazing chance to get a whole bundle of 50+ raw vegan ebooks and courses for just $49. Vibrant recipes and powerful health insights from successful raw vegan experts. **[The Ultimate Raw Vegan Bundle]( )**

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*How do you manage to get more abundance for your budget in daily life?* **Have a wonderful day, everyone! Anais**
Originally posted here:

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