Thursday, April 1, 2021

Day 1073 | April

I started a challenge of taking 100 days off to mainly focus on my health and overall personal development and used this account as a personal blog to keep track of all my activity. I enjoyed it and continued afterward trying to build better habits and find a good balance between health, fitness, work and my personal life....

A new month always comes with renewed motivation to make the best of it. This was the case in the first 3 months on 2021 which usually didn't last that long before reverting back to some bad habits. I am going at it again now in March aiming to eat healthy, work out, sleep enough, drink enough water, take supplements. The weather is a lot better and more stable these days which hopefully should make it more easy. The start is usually not an issue so I expect a good couple of days at least to start the month and I will do what I can to maintain this hopefully just creating a habit out of it and finally losing some weight again.

Day|Bed Time|Awake|Out Bed|Day Score -|-|-|-|- 01 Apr|-|-|-|-
Day|Weight|Water|Supplements|Expense -|-|-|-|- 01 Apr|- kg|- L|-|-€
Originally posted here:

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