Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Celebrating The Best of Lotus Indonesia #3: Banana Leaves, Cataract Flower, Turmeric Beverage, and More



Selamat menjalani bulan Ramadhan untuk masyarakat Muslim khususnya para pengguna #LotusIndonesia. Semoga keberkahan memenuhi hari-hari kalian ya para sahabat Komunitas @NaturalMedicine. --- Kali ini bersama @anggreklestari, Kami @lotusindonesia mengajak Anda untuk membaca beberapa postingan yang dibagikan di komunitas @naturalmedicine dan menggunakan hastag #LotusIndonesia. --- Jangan lupa untuk berkunjung ke postingan mereka dan memberikan mereka dukungan, meski hanya dengan berkomentar. --- Stay tuned!
Ramadhan Karem for the Muslim community, especially the #LotusIndonesia user. May blessings fill your days, friends of @NaturalMedicine Community. --- This time with @anggreklestari, we @lotusindonesia invite you to read some of the posts shared in the @naturalmedicine community and use the hashtag #LotusIndonesia. --- Don't forget to visit their posts and give them support, even if just by commenting. --- Stay tuned!


[Banana Leaves for Traditional Food Wrapping](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@ericha/green-challenge--banana-leaves-for-traditional-food-wrapping-cooking-pepes-fish)


Daun pisang masih menjadi primadona sebagai pembungkus makanan di Indonesia, dan dengan mudah dapat ditemukan di sekitar kebun. Selain berbahan alami, sampah daun pisang tidak menjadi ancaman bagi lingkungan. Lihat juga cara @ericha mepersiapkan makanan dengan menggunakan daun pisang untuk pembungkusnya. Yuk baca postingannya: [Green Challenge : Banana Leaves for Traditional Food Wrapping](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@ericha/green-challenge--banana-leaves-for-traditional-food-wrapping-cooking-pepes-fish)
Banana leaves are still the best stuff for food wrappers in Indonesia, and can easily be found around gardens. Apart from natural ingredients, banana leaf waste is not a threat to the environment. Then, let's check out the way @ericha prepares food by using banana leaves for wrapping. --- Check out her post: [Green Challenge : Banana Leaves for Traditional Food Wrapping](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@ericha/green-challenge--banana-leaves-for-traditional-food-wrapping-cooking-pepes-fish)


[Cataract flower plant for natural medicine](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@latifah1/cataract-flower-plant-for-natural-medicine)


@latifah1 membagikan kepada kita tentang *bunga katarak.* --- Di Indonesia, ada jenis bunga yang populer sebagai bunga 'katarak' karena berfungsi sebagai obat tradisional untuk penyembuhan mata katarak, tanpa operasi. --- Yuk baca postingannya: [Cataract flower plant for natural medicine](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@latifah1/cataract-flower-plant-for-natural-medicine)
@latifah1 shared with us about *cataract flowers*. --- In Indonesia, there is a type of flower that is popular as a 'cataract' flower because it functions as a traditional medicine for healing cataract eyes, without surgery. --- Check out the post: [Cataract flower plant for natural medicine](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@latifah1/cataract-flower-plant-for-natural-medicine)


[Turmeric-Ginger Traditional Beverage](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@viviehardika/turmeric-ginger-traditional-beverage)


@viviehardika membagikan resep minumal herbal yang bukan hanya sehat tetapi juga nikmat. Itu tidak terasa seperti minumal herbal. Terbuat dari kunyit dan jahe. --- Yuk baca postingannya: [Turmeric-Ginger Traditional Beverage](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@viviehardika/turmeric-ginger-traditional-beverage)
@viviehardika shares a recipe for an herbal drink that is not only healthy but also delicious. It didn't taste like an herbal drink. Made from turmeric and ginger. --- Check out her post: [Turmeric-Ginger Traditional Beverage](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@viviehardika/turmeric-ginger-traditional-beverage)


[Iftar Menu With Plant Based: Melted Pumpkin Bowl | Healty and Tasty](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@aswita/iftar-menu-with-plant-based)


@aswita membagikan resep makanan untuk Iftar yang mudah dibuat dengan bahan dasar labu dan santan yang nikmat! --- Yuk baca postingannya: [Iftar Menu With Plant Based: Melted Pumpkin Bowl | Healty and Tasty](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@aswita/iftar-menu-with-plant-based)
@aswita shares a food recipe for Iftar that is easy to make with delicious pumpkin and coconut milk as the base ingredients! --- Check out her post: [Iftar Menu With Plant Based: Melted Pumpkin Bowl | Healty and Tasty](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@aswita/iftar-menu-with-plant-based)


[Jatropha Curcas L, Plants whose stems, leaves, sap, and fruit have many benefits.](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@moex-photografy/jatropha-curcas-l-plants-whose-stems-leaves-sap-and-fruit-have-many-benefits)


Kalian di Indonesia sedang mencari pengobatan rumahan untuk mengobati demam? @moex-photografy membagikan sebuah tanaman yang memiliki banyak manfaat termasuk untuk menyembuhkan demam. --- Yuk baca postingannya: [Jatropha Curcas L, Plants whose stems, leaves, sap, and fruit have many benefits.](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@moex-photografy/jatropha-curcas-l-plants-whose-stems-leaves-sap-and-fruit-have-many-benefits)
Are you in Indonesia looking for home remedies to treat a cold? @moex-photografy shared a plant that has many benefits, including curing a cold. --- Check out his post: [Jatropha Curcas L, Plants whose stems, leaves, sap, and fruit have many benefits.](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@moex-photografy/jatropha-curcas-l-plants-whose-stems-leaves-sap-and-fruit-have-many-benefits)


Every curation, @lotusindonesia will set a 5 percent beneficiary to ONE person featured here. This week it goes to @latifah1. Thanks for your hard work and good content!


Jangan lupa masih ada waktu untuk mengikuti tantangan terbaru dari @lotusindonesia yang diperpanjang: [Tantangan #2: GREEN CHALLENGE!](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@lotusindonesia/tantangan-green-challenge-diperpanjang-siapkan-entry-kalian)


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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@lotusindonesia/celebrating-the-best-of-lotus-indonesia-3-banana-leaves-cataract-flower-turmeric-beverage-and-more

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