Friday, August 6, 2021

How to Develop Mental Resilience to Enhance Your Business Skills


Mental resilience is a leadership skill that allows you to face the changes and difficulties not only in your life but even in your business.

We all face trauma, adversity and find ourselves struggling with stress. This is true both in personal life and in the workplace, whatever the professional level is.

Before being professionals, employees, collaborators, or even entrepreneurs, we are human beings and we are subject to failures, disappointments, fatigue, and insecurities.

All these emotions burden us internally and affect our actions and reactions.

Your decisions depend on your state of mind, and your life depends on them. If you have a business, it is your duty to be in the best conditions to be able to make your choices with clarity.

This is where the concept of mental resilience comes into play to thrive in everyday life and in modern, increasingly hectic workplaces.

What is resilience?

For materials, it is the breaking strength following a given impact test. In psychology, it is the ability of human beings to react in the face of trauma and difficulties.

Mental resilience means having the ability to recover from adversity, and this is a concept of great interest in the business world.

Knowing how to deal with tragedies, threats, but also changes and sources of stress is essential to be able to manage situations and responsibilities. Mental resilience is not just about raising a protective shield, it allows for profound personal growth .

There are many aspects of your life and business that you can control, manage and change. Developing mental resilience not only to overcome difficult circumstances, but also to grow and even improve your path.

Be careful, being resilient does not mean that you will never feel anxiety or pressure. But it is the ability to welcome those states, without being submerged by them, and then be able to recover the energy to progress.

It is a skill that can be developed with goodwill and experience , so even if you feel you don't have it now it doesn't mean you won't get there. If you follow my advice and put effort into it, you can also leverage mental resilience to boost your performance within your business.

The mental resilience to manage your business


Developing mental resilience is important because it allows you to be ready when you are faced with problems. Resilience is a kind of abstract muscle and if you train it day after day it will support you in your time of need.

Today, more than ever, entrepreneurs should be able to be resilient because they are faced with the great changes brought about by technology. In fact, mental resilience is also needed to welcome innovation as often the introduction of innovative processes requires a change of culture and mentality.

Are you wondering what this has to do with business?

Actually, your business is not separate from you. Your business is like a living organism and develops well if it is healthy. The well-being of your business depends on your decisions and on increasing profits.

To increase profits, you need to get more customers while reducing acquisition costs. This means you need to make your sales more and more effective.

Are you wondering how to do it and above all what does mental resilience have to do with it?

Simple, you have to know how to build relationships with consumers. How do you do? You have to get into the minds of your customers.

What is it about?

It is a course for entrepreneurs and salespeople who really want to understand their customers to gain business benefits.

But now let's get back to us and see together how to take advantage of mental resilience to have advantages in the sales phase.

Build connections

Building lasting relationships with your customers is critical to successfully closing sales.

Get mental resilience to help you do it.

If you are an empathetic and understanding person, it will be easier for your potential customers to connect with you and trust you. Focus on the needs of your interlocutor without letting your ego emerge.

Always focus on the customer who must be and feel the protagonist, even if you lead the sale.

Mental resilience helps you manage relationships with other people even if you have some personal problems. If you are resilient you will be able to manage it and keep it away from your work, without harming yourself on multiple fronts. That is, both on the private and professional side.

Keep in mind that your potential customers will never ask themselves the reason for your bad response or strange behavior. Customers aren't your friends, they just expect you to be there to meet their needs.

Resilience helps you reduce the pressure your emotions cause. By staying rational and calm, even in difficult times, you will continue to think clearly without being overwhelmed by negative feelings.

If you are in control of yourself, you will also be in control of your sales negotiations.

Promote well-being

Promoting well-being during the sales negotiation means putting the customer at ease and making him feel taken into consideration.

Practice agreeing with him, even if that doesn't mean being condescending.

The customer should feel that you are on his side.

Now you will think “ Okay Mika, but what if I have to tell him something opposite to what he said? I can not?".

Of course, you can, indeed you should. The relationship with the customer should be built on mutual trust.

But there are various ways of saying things. You need to use persuasive communication with your client to bring him towards him so that he listens to you.

Avoid any reason for confrontation

You need to make sure that you and the customer agree to move towards closing the sale together. This rule applies to all types of relationships: Practice agreeing by practicing with family, friends, or colleagues. In general, it is a great way to communicate with other people and to accommodate their objections.

Accept the objections

The objection handling is one of the fundamental keys to successfully close a sale.

It is not always easy to manage all the doubts of a customer because they are a source of stress. Customer objections require a continuous effort on your part to be able to shut them down and this could lead to losing patience.

But it doesn't have to happen with your customers, otherwise they'll leave.

Having a positive attitude is a useful way to deal with all the beams of your customers.

What does it mean?

It means having the mental resilience that allows you to welcome objections, doubts, judgments and everything that can come out of your potential client's mouth.

“A person who can make someone feel good can sell practically anything”. I believe that this statement it perfectly expresses the concepts of a positive attitude and favoring well-being.

People want to feel good and are constantly looking for relationships that satisfy their desire. Even if it is a business relationship and the purchase of a product or service is at stake.

How to develop mental resilience

Mental resilience is the ability to self-repair after damage . It helps you to resist and regenerate, but also to positively build and organize your life or business.

If, as they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Then you have to cut your teeth and be ready to face challenges, disappointments and changes.

Do you think you are unable to be resilient?

I believe, on the other hand, that you just need a little training.

Here are 3 ways to develop mental resilience or fortify it :

1. Have a goal

Your goals help you find motivation. Having a purpose and a goal to achieve allows you to clarify your why.

If you know the reason that pushes you to act, the actions you take will be a consequence.

I'll explain. If you are at point A and you want to get to point B you just have to calculate the route, divide it into smaller phases and then start your journey.

And to get to point B without getting stuck on the way, you need to have your "why" in mind.

Being focused on your goal means finding the strength to carry on despite everything.

2. Perseverance

Perseverance helps you develop mental resilience. The concept is to hold on and it holds true in both life and business.

Perseverance is needed to keep the motivation alive, to continue on your path until you reach the goal.

Accept that you cannot manage every change and not be destabilized by the events that happen around you. Trying to fight what is not in your power will only bring you great frustration.

Harness that energy to gather all your strength and continue along your path.

3. Take it one step at a time

Self-sabotage is the main cause of failure.

If you look at the road that you have to do all at once, it will make you afraid and you may come to think that you will never reach the finish line.

But every path is made up of steps , put one after the other and go.

Split the route to see clearly where you step, this will give you the clarity to move forward.

Mental resilience is built one step at a time and achieving a new result every day, every week, every month.


Mental resilience is now a fundamental character trait in our society.

The world we live in is hectic and subject to constant change. Disappointments and changes of plans are lurking around the corner, everything moves faster and stress is at our ribs.

How to manage everything?

You have to develop resilience and learn to remain solid and strong in the face of difficulties. This will be of great help to you in both life and work.

Originally posted here:

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