Monday, August 30, 2021

[ESP] Realizemos ejercicios con ligas, ayudemos a tonificar nuestras piernas. [ENG] Let's do exercises with garters, let's help tone our legs.

Buen dia mi gente hermosa #hive #fulldeporte que siempre esta activa y leyendo cada post que compartimos juntos y ponemos en practica, el resultado de los ejercicios que practicamos juntos es tonificar nuestro cuerpo, ayudar a fortalecer los musculos y mejorar nuestra postura que es importante para el transcurrir del dia, si no adoptamos una posicion erguida, siempre sufriremos dolencias, asi que comenzemos a cuidarnos, vamos.

Good morning my beautiful people #hive #fulldeporte who is always active and reading every post that we share together and put into practice, the result of the exercises we practice together is to tone our body, help strengthen our muscles and improve our posture, which is important For the day to go by, if we don't adopt an upright position, we will always suffer from ailments, so let's start taking care of ourselves, let's go.


Realizaremos 3 series de 10 repeticiones.

We will do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Nos acostamos en el piso, colocando una piernas flexionada y apoyada en la pared, y la otra extendida, la liga puesta donde empieza el muslo y comenzamos elevando el abdomen y seguido abrimos la pierna, mantenemos una buena respiracion y el abdomen rigido.






We lie down on the floor, placing one legs bent and leaning against the wall, and the other extended, the garter placed where the thigh begins and we begin by raising the abdomen and then we open the leg, we maintain a good breath and a rigid abdomen.






Colocamos brazos firmes en el piso, las piernas flexionadas, manteniendo la liga a la altura de las rodillas y comenzamos abrir y cerrar las piernas, la respiracion debe ser fluida para realizar un movimiento bueno.






We place firm arms on the floor, the legs bent, keeping the garter at the height of the knees and we begin to open and close the legs, the breath must be fluid to perform a good movement.






Mi gente #hive recordemos movernos una vez terminada la rutina, para liberar la tension del musculo que ha realizado el ejercicio, beamos tambien agua regularmente y comamamos saludable, te animare cada dia a realizar alguna actividad deportiva, cualquiera, pero mantenete en movimiento,eso da vitaldad al cuerpo.

My people #hive let's remember to move once the routine is over, to release the tension of the muscle that has performed the exercise, let's also drink water regularly and eat healthy, I will encourage you every day to do some sports activity, whatever, but keep moving, that gives vitality to the body.

Que sigas teniendo un bonito dia mi familia #fulldeporte, besos y abrazos, buena vibra familia #hive.

May you continue to have a nice day my family #fulldeporte, kisses and hugs, good vibes #hive family.

Originally posted here:

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