Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Tuscan Jasmine


Tuscan Jasmine

Exotic Beauty

Yes, that name already sounds exotic, doesn't it? Well trust me, Jasmine not only sounds beautiful, but it is also beautiful too! Very nice to see with its special flowers that all have the shape of a windmill. That is why he owes his nickname STERJASMIJN.

White, Yellow & Pink

This Jasmine comes in three different varieties. You have the Tuscan Jasmine with its white flowers, which we have in the garden. But I am seriously sure that I also want the other two variants. Because the same Jasmine plant is also available with yellow flowers and pink flowers. And that they are more than worth the prestige is clear.

Care of the Jasmine

Jasmine is an easy plant. You might not expect it, but it really is. You don't have to do much about it. Make sure you have a spot with full sun and shelter. Two handfuls of cow manure pellets fertilize him once a year and the Jasmine is satisfied. Yes, of course, also water as needed.

Green leaves all winter!

You don't have to worry about the temperature because the Jasmine is hardy. It can tolerate well up to -15 degrees Celsius. And it keeps its green leaves all winter long. But what you have to watch out for in winter is that he continues to see the sunlight. Last winter we had our Jasmine completely covered in snow, and that damaged the plant quite a bit. All the leaves had dried out and the branches were dead. Unfortunately.

We were already afraid that we could throw it away, but to our surprise, beautiful green stems shot up from the plant. The Jasmine wanted to live, made new branches, and even blossomed. The beautiful characteristic white star-shaped flowers are again a pleasure to look at and to smell!

Jasmine is a climber but does need help with this where you lead him around and up. Without help to climb, you can also use Jasmine as a ground cover.

The Jasmine can also be kept well in large pots on a terrace or balcony. If you have Jasmine in a pot, put it inside in the winter when there is more severe frost, or cover it with jute bags. Those are the most important points to keep your Jasmine beautiful and healthy.

Besides beauty, this Jasmine has much more to offer. LOL. Yes, I wouldn't be myself if I didn't also tell you what you can do with this Jasmine!

Are you comfortable? There we go!

  • Jasmine Essential Oil

Each jasmine flower contains a very small amount of essential oil. To squeeze just 1 drop of oil, you already need several hundred flowers. As you understand, this oil is very popular, and understandable. Because the Jasmine oil smells enchantingly good! But it also has healing powers. Because you need so many flowers for 1 drop, this makes Jasmine oil one of the world's most expensive and exclusive essential oil products.

There are dishes that you should use Jasmine oil for. These are often served in exclusive restaurants, but keep in mind that you can pay a nice price for this.

The jasmine oil smells to the perception of most people with a wonderful aroma.

It is used for depression and stress and some breathing difficulties. In addition, just smelling this oil can act as an aphrodisiac. It is used for all kinds of sexual problems such as frigidity.

  • Jasmine in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the leaves of jasmine were used as a pain reliever. These leaves contain salicylic acid, which is also in aspirin. Some jasmine leaf juice was applied to the spot. The folk medicine use is therefore not so crazy. The leaves were also used on runner ear and corns.

The root is used to fight ringworm, a contagious fungal skin disease.

The most edible flowers are used. The flowers have traditionally been used for their aphrodisiac effect and their breast milk-promoting effect.

And in addition to all these beautiful properties, the jasmine flower is an antibacterial drug, used to treat cramps and is a tonic for the whole body.

In short… all in all, not just a very nice plant to see. Not only a plant to intoxicate yourself with its enchanting scent, but also a plant that can help you keep your body healthy.

  • Symbolism

The Jasmines (especially the white flowering varieties) have acquired the symbolic meaning of purity, innocence, and virginity because of their wonderful scent and pure white color. They are also often used in bridal bouquets and in that they represent the meaning of Love and Joy!

All in all a beautiful plant, which we mainly bought because this Tuscan Jasmine is evergreen so that you also have something green to grow in winter. To look at in an otherwise mainly 'dead' garden.

The wonderful scent we discovered when the plant showed its beautiful flowers for the first time was a gift that we gratefully enjoyed. And the fact that this plant also has so many medical applications is mainly a fun fact for me. What I do know from experience, is that the flowers not only look beautiful in a salad but also taste good.

And well… that the plant is photogenic, which allowed me to take the photos for this blog, that completes the picture. I enjoy the fresh air AND the blooming Jasmine again.

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@hetty-rowan/tuscan-jasmine

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