Thursday, August 26, 2021

BBC Presenter Died From Astra Zeneca COVID Shot - Autopsy Shows Brain Haemorrhage. Pay Attention.

A UK Coroner has found that an award winning BBC radio presenter died as a result of the experimental AstraZeneca COVID19 shot she received. She developed a brain haemorrhage due to blood clotting and died several days after being injected.

The inquest heard that Shaw, 44, had been admitted to hospital after doctors investigating her complaints of headaches found she had suffered a brain haemorrhage.

Karen Dilks, the senior coroner for Newcastle, gave a narrative conclusion. “Lisa died due to complications of an AstraZeneca Covid vaccine,” she said.

Shaw, who was referred to by her married name, Lisa Eve, during the hearing, started complaining of headaches a few days after her vaccination. She eventually visited a hospital A&E department in Durham, where she was diagnosed with a blood clot.

She was transferred to the Royal Victoria Infirmary where she received a number of treatments, including cutting away part of her skull to relieve the pressure on her brain, but despite those efforts she died on 21 May.

Her husband, Gareth Eve, attended the inquest with other members of the family.

Tuomo Polvikoski, a pathologist, told the coroner Shaw was fit and healthy before receiving the vaccine. Asked about the underlying cause of the fatal clotting on her brain, he said the clinical evidence “strongly supports the idea that it was, indeed, vaccine induced”.

“Based on available clinical information, it seems to be the most likely explanation,” he said.

Shaw’s death came weeks after the UK’s vaccine advisory panel restricted use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine to the over-40s, after rare reports of recipients developing unusual blood clots with low platelets. A number of other countries imposed similar restrictions or suspended use of the vaccine entirely.

Source: The Guardian


All death is a tragedy to me and there is nothing good to say about such a story as this. I strongly wish for all of us to rapidly understand the fine points involved with achieving self empowerment, personal health and correct response to pathogenic disease risks.

In the case of the COVID19 shots, I have been posting solidly for many days to show just how much of the science is being denied by those advocating for these experimental shots, just how many top tier experts are being censored by silicon valley as they try to warn the public about the risks posed by the shots and just how much the level of vaccine injury is being downplayed and covered up. A combination of poor adverse reaction monitoring globally, poor reporting and worse journalism is leading many people to become injured without fully understanding the risks or the benefits involved.

Please take some time to review the many posts I have made recently covering many aspects of this situation. A selected few are below:

Does Data From The US Vaccine Injury Database (VAERS ) Show More Chance Of Death From Shots Than From COVID19?

British Medical Journal: "COVID19 Shots Should Not Be Approved". Safety Testing Inadequate. Science Being Denied


Data Shows Little Correlation Between Vaccination Rates & Reduction in Deaths Due to COVID19.

Woman Seriously Injured By COVID Shot: "Don't Let Yourself Be Bullied. If You Don't Want The Shot, Say NO!"

Prof. & Ex WHO Adviser: Gov COVID Policies Based On Lies & Fraud Science. Criminal Corruption & Blackmail Are Rife!

Conflict Of Interest?! Bill Gates Funds UK Medical Regulator Plus Funds Or Owns Shares In ALL Major COVID Vaccine Makers.

Ex Pfizer Science Chief: COVID19 Shots Are Killing Many People & Deaths Are Being Covered Up

"40% of Autopsied Covid19 Deaths Within 2 Weeks of Vaccination Were Caused BY Vaccine" - Top German Pathologist

WHO/UN Dr. & Medical Researcher: COVID19 Is a Planned Power Grab & Tool Of Global Control

"COVID19 Shots Are A Crime Against Humanity" - US Expert in Virology & Immunology.

COVID19 Shots May Have Killed 40,000+ Within 72 Hours: Class Action Lawyer For 1st Responders In USA

Deeper Dive: Are Vaccines Causing Dangerous Variants of COVID19 & Increasing Mortality? (Follow Up)

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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