Thursday, August 26, 2021

Free will

There are times those who say they are Christians are saying things that do not make sense at all. Not to me, not to others, not to those who really believe God created something good, or those who say Mother Nature knows best. It doesn't matter if it's Good or Mother Nature who started the world. It's not important if humans are made after God's example or evolution did it after a big bang. What counts is we humans are here and we are with many.

What we all have heard is about Darwin's survival of the fittest. The best examples of those fittest are those people who manage to stay alive. Those fellows who work hard, build themselves a life one way or the other. By hard labour or huddling or lecturing others by teaching them skills or knowledge. Some people are autodidactic and can educate themselves. Some can make what they see and have golden hands others try and try and need months or years to learn the trick. People are different and the world is built by the fittest. The luxury we all have and so many take for granted, want to have for free is what others worked hard for.

Coach potatoes, lazy people, fortune seekers, abusers, thieves, manipulators and other crooks might sound like the smart guys to you but they are not the fittest and never invested their (what we call) blood, sweat and tears or if you like their heart and soul into the work they did. If you never invested, take luxury for granted you will not take care of what you have. We all know every possession means responsibility. It doesn't matter if it's a house, car, land, a factory, pet, bike or a hut in the middle of nowhere. If you do not take care of what you have it will get old, break, vanish and what you invested is lost. This is the case with most things we humans want so badly and own at a certain point. We get used to it, the excitement of having it is over, it's in our way and we throw it away because we no longer like it or it's broken.

The Internet makes it possible for many of us to read, find what looks heaven to us. Better food, clothes, shoes, books, friends, the life we've always dreamed of. Through the eyes of someone else, we face paradise with all its money, luxury homes, new vehicles, well-dressed people and long travels abroad. On the internet, everything is possible if you are in the right country and receive what all those people get. A high income, health care and a home built out of bricks instead of sand and wood. If you search the internet it all sounds so easy and it's worth taking the risk. In a world, with healthcare, you can be God and reign forever. There's no need to be one of the fittest to survive because there are doctors and the insurance pays for everything. The healthcare is good they say. Of course, that is what they always say because no country will say it sucks and admit you can drop dead if it comes to it. No one will tell you doctors are not available 24/7 and you cannot go to the ER in case of need. You are not allowed to. No one tells you you need to pay a monthly fee of at least 100 euros a month for healthcare and the first 850 euros a year are on your own account. No one tells you healthy food is expensive and you need to change your habits if it comes to when you eat, drink, the kind of food and you will have a lack of sun (vitamins D) and C without noticing it. You will turn into an aggressive person, will be greedy and I liked and loneliness will eat you.

You can blame the country, the government, the neighbours, the people who talked you into it and most likely you will. On your own land, you might be a master even a king but if it comes to the new life you don't fit in. You are different and will always be. What humanity hates most is differences, differences and strong personalities. People who don't buy every word said or written, people who can think and decide on their own, who can take responsibility for their deeds and needs. They do not need a master or person who tells them what is wrong or right, they do not behave as if they are slaves and manage with what God gave them.

A body, fine brains, the possibility to learn and question and... an immune system. This is all one needs to be one of those fittest. This is what many say is the difference between humans and animals (not in my opinion): humans can think, decide what to do, make a plan. Next to that we follow rules and learn while we do and from our mistakes. At least that is how it should be. If God used himself as an example he knows we will make mistakes, knows we can decide, knows he gave us free will! Free will is a special gift that shouldn't be wasted! Free will means freedom of choice and what freedom is you know once it is taken away from you. At least some will know what this means, those with a free spirit, mostly disliked because they are not one of those sheep in the cattle.

If you are not a sheep in the cattle that doesn't mean you are lost! For some kind of reason, many Christians seem to think you are if you don't agree with them, if you do not follow the same rules, live the same lifestyle. If you decide to do it your way they seem to think you are wrong, a lost sheep that needs to be rescued and they say they will pray for you. They say they pray for you so you will come to your sense. They say they hope God will make you see the light so you will do what is good for you, good according to their opinion. Good means to take part in an experiment thought out by a few humans. An experiment that can seriously harm but that is not what they say or care about. What counts is you do exactly the same as they do otherwise you are a dropout, a danger! You should give in to their fear and lack of faith.

"I pray for you so God makes you see the light and you get vaccinated", they say. Should I be angry, feel insulted? Of course not but it surprises me the faith in God isn't as strong as they claim it is. God is not their saviour, he doesn't know what is best for them and he doesn't have a plan otherwise they wouldn't care which turn their or my life takes.

If you are sure God has a plan, a plan for you there is no reason to fear or doubt. With a plan, it will all end exactly the way it should be.

That special gift of free will is a big waste for those who don't care about their body, who don't see it as the temple of a healthy soul. How come these Christians do not care about their health, are not willing to take responsibility for their own deeds? What makes them believe a person without medical knowledge, someone behind a desk knows more about health, the natural immune system than a doctor with years of experience in the field or someone who lives with diseases for his entire life and is still among us?

This question... It reminds me of monks. Monks hiding in monasteries living a protected life far away from reality. They aren't the survivors Darwin mentioned and for sure not the ones using the gift of free will. They banned out nearly everything that could bring them into temptation which makes life easier (and boring) as long as you stick to the schedule made by someone else.


As long as my brains still function I will use them. I will question and search for answers and the reasons behind rules, laws, restrictions, healthcare, lockdowns and experiments which were approved for emergency reasons for >18 and older. Television, radio and newspapers I abandoned 15 and over 20 years ago. I never belonged to the cable. I gave up on medication for a reason and am not willing to let myself be poisoned without a good reason which isn't a heart attack, thrombosis, monthly bleeding and so much more. I agree with some of us, some countries can do way better if it comes to taking care of mother nature or what God made but medication, gen therapy, a bioweapon is not made by God! These are a thing people do just like backstabbing, hit and runs, raping and fighting wars no one will ever win. You can blame God, say you fight in his name, preach and punish in his name but this isn't true. You make yourself more important than you are. You are just one out of a billion people and the more known and greedy you are the more you need to watch your steps and know your enemies.

Praying for someone to see the light you haven't seen yourself sounds like hypocrisy to me. Threatening someone in name of God is low. God never told you to do this. If the God you believe in can't take care of himself, find his own lost sheep you better ask yourself why you believe in such a loser. If you believe at all ask yourself if you have faith in God or those scientists you know nothing about and do not even investigate. I can tell you if money is involved you can count on the fact this is not about saving lives or saving the planet. If it comes to this plan-demic (indeed it is planned and the WHO lied know your history!) a lot of money is involved. More than you will ever see or can imagine.

If God has a plan it has nothing to do with this fake pandemic. A pandemic planned by a hand few people in October 2018, the same people who join/pay the WHO and Big Pharma and everyone they need to spread fake and fear for their own sake.

Indeed it's your right to believe what you like to believe. It's your right to remain blind and deaf and to fear being an outlaw but it's my right to use my free will and do what is best for me. It's my life and whatever will be the outcome of my decisions I am the one who has to live with it. You will not come to my aid, support me if I give in. You will simply say, if you answer at all, this is God's will even if God has nothing to do with it.

#kittywu #freewrite #religion #god #life #voronavaccine

Originally posted here:

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