Tuesday, August 24, 2021

My Experience with AstraZeneca: First Dose


Its been the source of a mountain of controversy and conversation in Australia: the Oxford University/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. Below I'm giving an account of how I fared after receiving my first dose. I'll be sure to update you all on my second dose.

Quick summary of me:
Healthy 27 year old white male

NB: this post is in no way medical advice. Seek professional medical advice on which vaccine is right for you

I received it in the afternoon. The nurse asked me some scary questions like "have you ever been diagnosed with x?" "Have you been Covid positive in the last six months?" to which I responded no (breathing a sigh of relief after each reply).

After the brief game of 20 questions she grabbed a cotton ball soaked in a numbing agent as I pulled up my sleeve.

The needle went in...and stayed there for a little while. My flu shot was much faster, this was a little unexpected, but, just as my anxiety was rising, it was over.

I part some curtains and head to the waiting room. Feeling fine. Nothing to report.

Once home I drink plenty water and prepare for a relaxing, hopefully uneventful evening.

As the sun goes down. I start feeling tired, and by night I have a fever. Just what the nurse said would happen.

I toss and turn in bed, my temperature quite high. I finally fall asleep and dream of ninja cats with guns. I still laugh about it. Amazing.

The next day I have a mild headache. The day after, I feel fine.

My experience of the AstraZeneca first dose is over. Rather uneventful really.

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/astrazeneca/@sepatorprod/my-experience-with-astrazeneca-first

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