Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Lazy Life, Medicine Expense and Solution


Pleasure life is not good for our good health. If we spend leisure time then we will be in trouble in our upcoming days because doctors going to get more money from us. If we look around us we can easily find such kind of many more examples. Those who are doing some lazy work in sitting in the desk and don't go to gym or any other sports exercise face trouble when they cross the age 40.

If you just look at the village farmers or village labour, you will see they have very good health because they work hard everyday. If we cannot burn the excess fat from our body then it will store in our body. That is very common concept and for this reason they are healthy. The don't need medicine for longer period of time as they are burning the excess fat from their body. That's why the problems like fatty liver diabetics pressure are not very common in their society but these diseases are very common in the rich people society where people are very much lazy.

In previous times people used to to be fit all the time because they had a lot of work outside the home but nowadays it is not very common. Now people are very much lazy and half and like to enjoy the relax Life by staying at home. Hardworking activities is not accepted by many of our colleague friends and neighbours what I have experienced from last 20 years in my life.

Finally I want to give you an example and I hope from this example you will easily understand what I am just trying to mention in today. Let's say you have a car and obviously you have to feed the car with fuel. When you will drive then you will use fuel. But when you will not use the car then obviously you will not give fuel to the car. This is very simple things what we do in our life. Similar things happens to our body as well. When we need fuel then we need to take food and when it is not required then we should not take food. Our food menu should be suggested by our activity level that is how much we are burning. For our movement and daily activities how much we need that's the key. If we take more then it will obviously stored in our body and that will be very much problematic in our life because we are going to struggle in the upcoming days obviously.

So I am controlling today by mentioning 2 things. One is to increase the activity level or or you can decrease the food intake. Obviously you can do both to repent your previous lazy lifestyle. Thank you very much for stopping by.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Aerobics, Daily Activity, Home Improvement, House Chores, Play with kids/grand kids, Shopping, Table Tennis, Walking, Yard Work

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-193552/@engrsayful/actifit-engrsayful-20210901t021404211z

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