Monday, August 30, 2021

What natural medicine am I having for dinner tonight?

Hi there all, I hope that where ever you are you're well, safe, happy and thriving away!

So I really wanted to join in last weeks edition of the #naturalMedicine #plantbased #contest, but as I was still munching on my delicious Silverbeet/Kale Roulade, I had no need to waste money that I don't have by cooking more food, as I still have zero income due to our 5-6-7 weeks in lockdown (no idea now...days rolling into each other...πŸ™ƒ...) and which has just been extended indefinitely....

Anyway, So I've got to be really frugal, but I had a great idea to create a #recipe based on chosen #ingredient of #BlackBeans AND now I do need to cook more for dinner, So, I did a quick search on the internet and could not find anyone that has yet created my new and unique #vegan
ChocolateScorpi Special Black Bean Terrine!!!

So I may have just invented a whole new recipe here...πŸ˜ƒ...but if not....doesn't matter cause mine is really good anyway! πŸ˜„

So I started off with a tin of black beans, 2 tins of 4 bean mix- which is a combo of Red Kidney Beans, Butter Beans, Chick Peas and Baby Lima Beans and we all know just how good beans are for us don't we...and if not check out this link here will which give the lowdown on the beanup...

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Then I chopped up these guys and if you think that that sounds nasty, check out the big happy grins on these 2 as they were happy for me to have their lions share of Vitamin C and other goodies along with their delicious cousins- the terrific, tasty Tomato....

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So I gently chopped them up and fried everything on low and slow- except for the Zuccnni (it had another job) and added Smoky Paprika, Garlic Salt, Garlic Powder, Lemon Pepper to the mix

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then let it cool and blended it into a paste.

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While the first creamy mix was cooling, I threw the the second portion of the diced tomato, Capsicum and Purple Onion- which also packs a nutritional puch for our health into a fry pan with the chopped Zuccini- which by the way, is also jam packed as Zucchini is rich in several vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial plant compounds.

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Then mixed them together with some vegan gelatine to give it a lit bit of help, put that into a container and stuck in in the fridge to set.

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while that was setting, I made some fresh #Guacamole with Avocados, a dash of lime juice, lemon pepper and garlic salt to compliment my #vegan Black Bean Terrine

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And this is what I have ended up with- A truly delicious and highly nutritious smoky Mexican flavoured Black Bean Terrine relaxing comfortably on a bed of fresh raw veggies and salad..

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Now some might say that my Terrine should actually be called a pate....but I don't care what they say, Black bean does NOT rhyme with pate, but it rhymes with Terrine....😁...🀣..)

And really, how can anyone resist the delicious grins on these 2 eh!

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Now if you too want to share you cooking creativity and get our juices salivating, then check out this weeks edition for the list of rules and ingredients that @justinparke has selected here!

I know what I'm going to make tomorrow for it....😁😁😁😁

Well, thank you all for reading and putting up with my rambling tonight and if you did make it this far, you are absolute champions!

And Bon apitite!

Ooooh ooo oooo...and as an FYI, guess who's going to be #hosting the 59th edition of #live #hivechat on #twitter at 14:00gmt Tuesday August 31st so awesomely created by our own @jeanlucsr with a great amount of help by the amazing @traciyork too!

So 14.00 GMT, means:
09.00 AM CST
10.00 AM EST
10.00 AM in Caracas, Venezuela
11.00 AM in Paramaribo, Suriname
14.00 PM in London, UK
15.00 PM in Lagos, Nigeria
16.00 PM in Johannesburg, South Africa
19.30 PM in Mumbai, India
22.00 PM in Manila, Philippines
And Midnight here in Australia, so yes, that's right me- your own ChocolateScorpi AKA ChociScorpiPro
I'm so excited ! And sooo nervous...😬....🀣

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Anyway, I hope to see you there for some #live and lively, fun, frivolity, #entertainment and #education about all things #hive so come and join in too and see you soon! πŸ˜ƒ

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And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past decade or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here And here, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😊

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The Ladies of Hive- your own crypto world girl gang full of fun and suprises, so click on the link to find out more about this brilliant community of caring, companionship and creative contests, such as this one....

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@hiveaustralia, formerly @teamaustralia check us out now!
(cause we're all such damn cool cats...😁..)

Originally posted here:

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