Sunday, August 29, 2021

Does self-love make our body healthier?

Eating healthier foods often starts with the relationship towards ourselves. If we love ourselves and feel worthy of a healthy, vibrant life - it’s much easier to actually choose the meals we know are so good for us.

Do you also find that it’s much more difficult to follow through with your healthy habits when you feel disappointed in yourself, are angry or frustrated with your past decisions?

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(Broccoli-Cream Stuffed Tomatoes from my ebook Raw Vegan Abundance)

Once we work through our inner blockages and create a more loving attitude towards ourselves, taking good care of our body with our daily food choices becomes more fluent and natural for us.

Eating healthy foods is an act of self-love and respect towards ourselves. Let’s give our body all the delicious, vibrant fruits, greens and veggies it so deserves!

I wish you a colourful day!

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Originally posted here:

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