Sunday, August 29, 2021

Are we addicted to milk?

Giving up cheese had been the biggest struggle on my journey to vegan foods. And this is not just because I loved the taste or had such fond memories of those cheesy meals, there is more to it.

Dairy products actually contain opiate-like compounds which act similarly as other addictive substances in our brain. This is one of the reasons why you might find milk powder in a lot of processed foods although it doesn’t seem to be necessary for taste or texture in this certain product. It actually makes you eat more of it and keeps you coming back to that food again and again. Which in turn helps the companies to sell more of it.

But nature intended well. This is actually a fantastic characteristic of cow’s milk to make the young calves drink sufficient amounts in order to grow big and strong in a very short time. For us humans on the other hand, it often leads to unwanted weight gain and health issues instead.

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Back in those days, I didn’t know about the true additive factor of dairy products but it would have helped me to understand what is going on in my body and break free from those cravings. Once we stay strong for a certain time without consuming dairy products, the cravings naturally disappear. For me, this took only a few weeks and I haven’t looked back ever since.

What inspired me personally at that time was the ethical part of the whole story and my strong belief that I didn’t want to take part in the suffering of animals with my meal choices any longer. Did you realise that cows only give milk after having a calve, the calve is then taken away and fed with substitutes so that we can have the milk for our own consumption? There is so much more to dairy and the whole uncomfortable truth behind this industry.

At the end, I can only tell you that ditching milk, cheese and other dairy products was one of the best decisions I ever made and I hope such information will inspire you to rethink your own daily meal choices - for you, for the animals and the whole planet.

If you could use some inspiration for delicious dairy-free recipes, check out my recipe ebook Raw Vegan Abundance including lots of powerful tips for a healthy plant-based lifestyle.

I wish you a lovely day!

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