Friday, August 6, 2021

The Miracle of Areca Nut

Hi HIVERS, how are you..?

Indonesia is a country that is rich in spices and various plants that can be used as natural herbal remedies, either by consuming them, or as external medicine.
For the Indonesian people themselves, herbal medicine is not only a legacy of their ancestors that is used for generations, but these natural ingredients have been proven to be able to cure various diseases.
One of them is young betel nut/ areca.

Image source

Areca nut belongs to the palm group which has the scientific name Areca catechu and is included in the type of monocotyledonous plant. In Indonesia itself, areca nut is widely used as a mixture of betel leaves by ancient parents who are believed to strengthen teeth and overcome bad breath. In addition, in some areas, areca nut is also processed into a fresh drink which is believed to increase the body's energy and treat various diseases, such as diabetes, stroke and others.

Image source

In this post, I want to share my experience about the miracle of young areca nut as a natural medicinal ingredient, namely Treating pressure sores/decubitus.

What is decubitus...?

Decubitus ulcers or pressure ulcers are sores due to prolonged pressure on the skin due to lying down constantly. Sores most often occur on areas of skin that are compressed when lying down, such as the heels, elbows, hips, and tailbone. Decubitus ulcers are also known as bed sores. Decubitus ulcers are at risk for people who suffer from a disease that causes limited body movement.
The patient will lie in bed or sit in a wheelchair for a long time, so that there are parts of the body that are constantly under pressure and sores appear.

Treatment of wounds due to a disease using young areca nut is not only limited to pressure sores, but can also be used on wounds caused by diabetes where a patient with diabetes is susceptible to a wound on the skin that can cause rotting of the injured skin tissue (process wound healing will take a long time).


Areca nut plants in my yard

5 years ago, I had an uncle who had diabetes, and was very sensitive to wounds. One time, his calf was exposed to the heat of a motorcycle exhaust and resulted in blisters on his calf skin. Due to the diabetes he suffered, his burns did not heal, and even got worse, so it had an impact on his diabetes. He finally could only sit and lie down. Burns that have not healed, then new wounds appear, namely decubitus around the back, arms and waist. On the advice of a relative who lives far away in the village, we were asked to look for young betel nut/ areca nut to treat our uncle's wounds.
After getting the young betel nut, and we also followed the directions from our relatives regarding how to use the young betel nut/areca for wound medicine, thank God my uncle's wound gradually improved and dried up, then the wound that had started to dry up already looked pink, and new skin tissue grew.

How to use it...?

  • Prepare some young betel nut (depending on needs)
  • Take the flesh of the fruit, then wash it clean
  • Prepare a clean and sterile mashing tool.
  • Mash the young betel nut until smooth
  • Take the areca nut that has been smooth, then apply it on the body/wounded skin, then cover it with a sterile plaster/gauze.
  • check, if the areca nut has dried, replace it with a new one.
    Do it repeatedly for several days, until the wound dries and new skin tissue begins to appear.

Well hivers, that's my post for this time, hopefully it's useful.
Stay healthy

Best regard


Originally posted here:

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