Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The benefits of mango @ahp93



I am called the king of fruits. Not only is it sweet in taste or good for the skin, but it also contains many nutrients that keep the body healthy.
  1. Mango lowers the levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood. Fights diabetes. Helps to kill cancer cells.

  2. Mangoes contain a high amount of protein that protects the body from germs.

  3. Helps to increase male sexual energy and keeps the body fit.

  4. Ame contains vitamin A, which keeps eyesight good. Also removes dryness around the eyes.

  5. If you want to lose weight, you can eat raw mango. It is much better than ripe mango. Because ripe mangoes have high sugar content.

  6. It increases bile acid secretion and cleanses intestinal bacteria.

  7. Mango helps in making new blood in the body.

  8. Mango is a good source of iron. Mango works as good medicine for anemia patients.

  9. Mango is more beneficial in filling iron deficiency in pregnant women and menopausal women.

  10. Raw mango can be eaten to relieve constipation. Eating raw mango with honey helps in relieving stomach aches.

  11. Mango is very effective in filling the iron and sodium deficiency.

  12. Raw mango is good for gums. Prevents tooth decay and bleeding. It enhances immunity.

  13. Mango keeps the quality of male sperm good.

Thank's and Regards
Amran Hossain Patwary

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-174578/@ahp93/the-benefits-of-mango-ahp93

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